.. _UC18:

Use Case 18 - MN Retrieve Aggregated Logs

.. index:: Use Case 18, UC18, aggregated logs, log retrieval, MN logs

  View document revision history_.

  Member nodes can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object
  id/userid} for all of 'their' objects.

  A Member Node should be able to request use information for any objects for
  which that Member Node is the origin (or defacto origin in the case where
  the original MN was decommissioned).

  - Coordinating Node

  - Member Node

  - Aggregate logs are accumulated by CNs

  - MN Administrator requests aggregate logs

  - Timed event

Post Conditions
  - Aggregate log information is available to the Member Node

   @startuml images/18_seq.png
   participant "CRUD API" as m_crud << Member Node >>
   participant "Query API" as c_query << Coordinating Node >>
   c_query -> m_crud: getLogRecords (nodeID, fromDate, toDate)
   note right
   Assume Member Node has authority for
   accessing Coordinating Node log records.
   end note
   c_query <-- m_crud: records or fail
   note right
   Can the Query API handle queries
   on log records or should this be
   handled by another API?
   (e.g. "Report API"?)
   end note

.. image::  images/18_seq.png

*Figure 1.* Interactions for use case 18.


This operation should really be a function for the administrative functions of
the Investigator Toolkit. It is reasonable to expect that (especially for the
first iteration of the infrastructure) MN administrators will want to peruse
and evaluate the log data. In later stages, this information could be
associated with content, so use statistics appear with search results.

.. _history: https://redmine.dataone.org/projects/d1/repository/changes/documents/Projects/cicore/architecture/api-documentation/source/design/UseCases/18_uc.txt