q)q}q(U nametypesq}qX
event loggingqNsUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq ]q
q)q}q(U rawsourceqU UparentqhUsourceqXg /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Metacat_stable/workspace/METACAT_2_7_2/docs/user/metacat/source/event-logging.rstqUtagnameqUsectionqU
attributesq}q(Udupnamesq]Uclassesq]Ubackrefsq ]Uidsq!]q"haUnamesq#]q$hauUlineq%KUdocumentq&hh]q'(cdocutils.nodes
Event Loggingq+hhhhhUtitleq,h}q-(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]q.cdocutils.nodes
Event Loggingq0…q1}q2(hh+hh)ubaubcdocutils.nodes
q3)q4}q5(hX… Metacat keeps an internal log of events (such as insertions, updates, deletes,
and reads) that can be accessed with the getlog action. Using the getlog action,
event reports can be output from Metacat in XML format, and/or customized to
include only certain events: events from a particular IP address, user, event
type, or that occurred after a specified start date or before an end date.q6hhhhhU paragraphq7h}q8(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]q9h/X… Metacat keeps an internal log of events (such as insertions, updates, deletes,
and reads) that can be accessed with the getlog action. Using the getlog action,
event reports can be output from Metacat in XML format, and/or customized to
include only certain events: events from a particular IP address, user, event
type, or that occurred after a specified start date or before an end date.q:…q;}q<(hh6hh4ubaubh3)q=}q>(hXs The following URL is used to return the basic log- an XML-formatted log of all
events since the log was initiated::hhhhhh7h}q?(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K
h&hh]q@h/Xr The following URL is used to return the basic log- an XML-formatted log of all
events since the log was initiated:qA…qB}qC(hXr The following URL is used to return the basic log- an XML-formatted log of all
events since the log was initiated:hh=ubaubcdocutils.nodes
qD)qE}qF(hX6 http://some.metacat.host/context/metacat?action=getloghhhhhU
literal_blockqGh}qH(U xml:spaceqIUpreserveqJh!]h ]h]h]h#]uh%K
h&hh]qKh/X6 http://some.metacat.host/context/metacat?action=getlogqL…qM}qN(hU hhEubaubh3)qO}qP(hX» Note that you must be logged in to Metacat using the HTTP interface or you
will get an error message. For more information about logging in, please see
Logging In with the HTTP Interface.qQhhhhhh7h}qR(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]qSh/X» Note that you must be logged in to Metacat using the HTTP interface or you
will get an error message. For more information about logging in, please see
Logging In with the HTTP Interface.qT…qU}qV(hhQhhOubaubhD)qW}qX(hX
2004-09-08 19:08:18.16
09-14 19:50:40.61
hhhhhhGh}qY(hIhJh!]h ]h]h]h#]uh%Kh&hh]qZh/X
2004-09-08 19:08:18.16
09-14 19:50:40.61
q[…q\}q](hU hhWubaubh3)q^}q_(hX« The basic log can be quite extensive. To subset the report, restrict the
matching events using parameters. Query parameters can be combined to further
restrict the report.q`hhhhhh7h}qa(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K h&hh]qbh/X« The basic log can be quite extensive. To subset the report, restrict the
matching events using parameters. Query parameters can be combined to further
restrict the report.qc…qd}qe(hh`hh^ubaubcdocutils.nodes
qf)qg}qh(hU hhhhhUtableqih}qj(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Nh&hh]qkcdocutils.nodes
ql)qm}qn(hU h}qo(h!]h ]h]h]h#]UcolsKuhhgh]qp(cdocutils.nodes
qq)qr}qs(hU h}qt(h!]h ]h]h]h#]UcolwidthKuhhmh]hUcolspecquubhq)qv}qw(hU h}qx(h!]h ]h]h]h#]UcolwidthK5uhhmh]hhuubcdocutils.nodes
qy)qz}q{(hU h}q|(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhmh]q}cdocutils.nodes
q~)q}q€(hU h}q(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhzh]q‚(cdocutils.nodes
qƒ)q„}q…(hU h}q†(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhh]q‡h3)qˆ}q‰(hX ParameterqŠhh„hhhh7h}q‹(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K%h]qŒh/X Parameterq…qŽ}q(hhŠhhˆubaubahUentryqubhƒ)q‘}q’(hU h}q“(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhh]q”h3)q•}q–(hX Description and Valuesq—hh‘hhhh7h}q˜(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K%h]q™h/X Description and Valuesqš…q›}qœ(hh—hh•ubaubahhubehUrowqubahUtheadqžubcdocutils.nodes
qŸ)q }q¡(hU h}q¢(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhmh]q£(h~)q¤}q¥(hU h}q¦(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]q§(hƒ)q¨}q©(hU h}qª(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh¤h]q«h3)q¬}q(hX ipAddressq®hh¨hhhh7h}q¯(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K'h]q°h/X ipAddressq±…q²}q³(hh®hh¬ubaubahhubhƒ)q´}qµ(hU h}q¶(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh¤h]q·h3)q¸}q¹(hX3 Restrict the report to this IP Address (repeatable)qºhh´hhhh7h}q»(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K'h]q¼h/X3 Restrict the report to this IP Address (repeatable)q½…q¾}q¿(hhºhh¸ubaubahhubehhubh~)qÀ}qÁ(hU h}qÂ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]qÃ(hƒ)qÄ}qÅ(hU h}qÆ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhÀh]qÇh3)qÈ}qÉ(hX principalqÊhhÄhhhh7h}qË(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K)h]qÌh/X principalqÍ…qÎ}qÏ(hhÊhhÈubaubahhubhƒ)qÐ}qÑ(hU h}qÒ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhÀh]qÓh3)qÔ}qÕ(hX- Restrict the report to this user (repeatable)qÖhhÐhhhh7h}q×(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K)h]qØh/X- Restrict the report to this user (repeatable)qÙ…qÚ}qÛ(hhÖhhÔubaubahhubehhubh~)qÜ}qÝ(hU h}qÞ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]qß(hƒ)qà}qá(hU h}qâ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhÜh]qãh3)qä}qå(hX docidqæhhàhhhh7h}qç(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K+h]qèh/X docidqé…qê}që(hhæhhäubaubahhubhƒ)qì}qí(hU h}qî(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhÜh]qïh3)qð}qñ(hX. Restrict the report to this docid (repeatable)qòhhìhhhh7h}qó(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K+h]qôh/X. Restrict the report to this docid (repeatable)qõ…qö}q÷(hhòhhðubaubahhubehhubh~)qø}qù(hU h}qú(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]qû(hƒ)qü}qý(hU h}qþ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhøh]qÿh3)r }r (hX eventr hhühhhh7h}r (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K-h]r h/X eventr …r }r (hj hj ubaubahhubhƒ)r }r (hU h}r
(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhøh]r h3)r }r
(hXX Restrict the report to this event type (repeatable)
Values: insert, update, delete, readr hj hhhh7h}r (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K-h]r h/XX Restrict the report to this event type (repeatable)
Values: insert, update, delete, readr …r }r (hj hj ubaubahhubehhubh~)r }r (hU h}r (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]r (hƒ)r }r (hU h}r (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhj h]r h3)r }r (hX startr hj hhhh7h}r (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K0h]r h/X startr! …r" }r# (hj hj ubaubahhubhƒ)r$ }r% (hU h}r& (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhj h]r' h3)r( }r) (hXH Restrict the report to events after this date
Value: YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ssr* hj$ hhhh7h}r+ (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K0h]r, h/XH Restrict the report to events after this date
Value: YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ssr- …r. }r/ (hj* hj( ubaubahhubehhubh~)r0 }r1 (hU h}r2 (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh h]r3 (hƒ)r4 }r5 (hU h}r6 (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhj0 h]r7 h3)r8 }r9 (hX endr: hj4 hhhh7h}r; (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K3h]r< h/X endr= …r> }r? (hj: hj8 ubaubahhubhƒ)r@ }rA (hU h}rB (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhj0 h]rC h3)rD }rE (hXJ Restrict the report to events before this date.
Value: YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ssrF hj@ hhhh7h}rG (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K3h]rH h/XJ Restrict the report to events before this date.
Value: YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm:ssrI …rJ }rK (hjF hjD ubaubahhubehhubehUtbodyrL ubehUtgrouprM ubaubh3)rN }rO (hX0 To view only the 'read' events, use a URL like::rP hhhhhh7h}rQ (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K7h&hh]rR h/X/ To view only the 'read' events, use a URL like:rS …rT }rU (hX/ To view only the 'read' events, use a URL like:hjN ubaubhD)rV }rW (hXA http://some.metacat.host/context/metacat?action=getlog&event=readhhhhhhGh}rX (hIhJh!]h ]h]h]h#]uh%K9h&hh]rY h/XA http://some.metacat.host/context/metacat?action=getlog&event=readrZ …r[ }r\ (hU hjV ubaubh3)r] }r^ (hXE To view only the events for a particular IP address, use a URL like::r_ hhhhhh7h}r` (h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K