function(_, $, Backbone, DataONEObject, ObjectFormats, Dropzone, Template, corejs){
* @class ImageUploaderView
* @classdesc A view that allows a person to upload an image to the repository
* @classcategory Views
var ImageUploaderView = Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends ImageUploaderView.prototype */{
* The type of View this is
* @type {string}
type: "ImageUploader",
* The HTML tag name to use for this view's element
* @type {string}
tagName: "div",
* The HTML classes to use for this view's element
* @type {string}
className: "image-uploader",
* The DataONEObject or PortalImage that is being edited
* @type {DataONEObject|PortalImage}
model: undefined,
* The URL for the image. If a DataONEObject model is provided to the view
* instead, the url is automatically set to the output of DataONEObject.url()
* @type {string}
url: undefined,
* Text to instruct the user how to upload an image
* @type {string[]}
uploadInstructions: ["Drag & drop an image or click here to upload"],
* The maximum display height of the image preview. This is only used for the
* css height propery, and doesn't influence the size of the saved image. If
* set to false, no css height property is set.
* @type {number}
height: false,
* The display width of the image preview. This is only used for the
* css width propery, and doesn't influence the size of the saved image. If
* set to false, no css width property is set.
* @type {number}
width: false,
* The minimum required height of the image file. If set, the uploader will
* reject images that are shorter than this. If null, any image height is
* accepted.
* @type {number}
minHeight: null,
* The minimum required height of the image file. If set, the uploader will
* reject images that are shorter than this. If null, any image height is
* accepted.
* @type {number}
minWidth: null,
* The maximum height for uploaded files. If a file is taller than this, it
* will be resized without warning before being uploaded. If set to null,
* the image won't be resized based on height (but might be depending on
* maxWidth).
* @type {number}
maxHeight: null,
* The maximum width for uploaded files. If a file is wider than this, it
* will be resized without warning before being uploaded. If set to null,
* the image won't be resized based on width (but might be depending on
* maxHeight).
* @type {number}
maxWidth: null,
* The HTML tag name to insert the uploaded image into. Options are "img",
* in which case the image is inserted as an HTML
, or "div", in which
* case the image is inserted as the background of a div.
* @type {string}
imageTagName: "div",
* References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates
template: _.template(Template),
* The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call.
* @type {Object}
events: {
"mouseover .icon-remove.remove" : "previewImageRemove",
"mouseout .icon-remove.remove" : "previewImageRemove"
* Creates a new ImageUploaderView
* @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view
* @property {DataONEObject} options.model - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.model
* @property {string[]} options.uploadInstructions - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.uploadInstructions
* @property {string} options.url - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.url
* @property {string} options.imageTagName - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.imageTagName
* @property {number} options.height - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.height
* @property {number} options.width - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.width
* @property {number} options.minWidth - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.minWidth
* @property {number} options.minHeight - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.minHeight
* @property {number} options.maxWidth - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.maxWidth
* @property {number} options.maxHeight - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.maxHeight
initialize: function(options){
try {
if( typeof options == "object" ){
this.model = options.model;
this.uploadInstructions = options.uploadInstructions;
this.url = options.url;
this.imageTagName = options.imageTagName;
this.height = options.height;
this.width = options.width;
this.minHeight = options.minHeight;
this.minWidth = options.minWidth;
this.maxHeight = options.maxHeight;
this.maxWidth = options.maxWidth;
if( !this.model ){
this.model = new DataONEObject({
synced: true
if (!this.url && this.model) {
this.url = this.model.url();
// Ensure the object formats are cached for uploader's use
if ( typeof MetacatUI.objectFormats === "undefined" ) {
MetacatUI.objectFormats = new ObjectFormats();
// Bug fix: Overwrite a dropzone function that causes a bug in Edge 16 &
// 17 browser. If we update our dropzone with a fallback, this function
// should return the fallback element.
Dropzone.prototype.getExistingFallback = function(){
return false
// Identify which zones should be drag & drop manually
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
} catch (e) {
console.log("ImageUploaderView failed to initialize. Error message: " + e);
* Renders this view
render: function(){
// Reference to the view
var view = this,
// The overall template which holds two sub-templates
fullTemplate = view.template({
height: this.height,
width: this.width,
uploadInstructions: this.uploadInstructions,
imageTagName: this.imageTagName
// The outer template
dropzoneTemplate = $(fullTemplate).find(".dropzone")[0].outerHTML,
// The inner template inserted when an image is added
previewTemplate = $(fullTemplate)
// Insert the main template for this view
console.log(view.model.get("imageURL"), view.model.url())
// Add upload & drag and drop functionality to the dropzone div.
// For config details, see:
var $dropZone = view.$(".dropzone").dropzone({
url: view.model.get("imageURL") || view.model.url(),
acceptedFiles: "image/*",
addRemoveLinks: false,
maxFiles: 1,
parallelUploads: 1,
uploadMultiple: false,
resizeHeight: view.maxHeight,
resizeWidth: view.maxWidth,
thumbnailHeight: view.maxHeight < view.height ? view.maxHeight : null,
thumbnailWidth: view.maxWidth < view.width ? view.maxWidth : null,
dictInvalidFileType: "This file type is not allowed. Please select an image file",
autoProcessQueue: true,
previewTemplate: previewTemplate,
withCredentials: true,
paramName: "object",
hiddenInputContainer: this.el,
headers: {
"Cache-Control": null,
"X-Requested-With": null,
"Authorization": MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings().headers.Authorization
// Override dropzone's function for showing images in the upload zone
// so that we have the option to display them as a background images.
// Check for minimum dimensions at this stage because dropzone has
// calculated the file's height here.
thumbnail: function(file, dataURL){
try {
// Don't bother size check for SVG images since they're vector
var dimCheck = file.type === "image/svg+xml" ? true : view.checkMinDimensions(file.width, file.height);
if(dimCheck != true){
// Send reason for rejection rejectDimensions function
} else {
view.showImage(file, dataURL);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error generating thumbnail image, error message: " + e);
// Dropzone will check filetype = options.acceptedFiles. Add functions
// for when the image is too small.
accept: function accept(file, done) {
try {
file.rejectDimensions = function(message) { done(message) };
file.acceptDimensions = function(){ done() };
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error during dropzone's accept function. Error code: " + e);
// After the file is accepted (correct filetype and min size requirements),
// resize the image if it's too large in height or width, then
// provide image data to a dataOne object model and calulate checksum.
transformFile: function(file, done){
try {
// Only resize images if dimensions are too large.
// Once the image is resized (or not), save the data to the model and get a checksum.
var resizeWidth = (file.width > this.options.resizeWidth) ? this.options.resizeWidth : null;
var resizeHeight = (file.height > this.options.resizeHeight) ? this.options.resizeHeight : null;
if (resizeHeight || resizeWidth) {
return this.resizeImage(file, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, this.options.resizeMethod, function(blob){
view.prepareD1Model(blob,, file.type, done);
} else {
return view.prepareD1Model(file,, file.type, done);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error during dropzone's transformFile function. Error code: " + e);
// Add some required formData right before the image is uploaded
sending: function(file, xhr, formData) {
try {
//Create the system metadata XML & send as blob
var sysMetaXML = view.model.serializeSysMeta();
var xmlBlob = new Blob([sysMetaXML], {type : 'application/xml'});
formData.append("sysmeta", xmlBlob, "sysmeta.xml");
formData.append("pid", view.model.get("id"));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error during dropzone's sending function. Error code: " + e);
// If there are any errors during the entire process...
error: function error(file, message, xhr) {
try {
// Give a readable error if it's a server error
message = "There was an error uploading your file. Please try again later."
// Make sure image isn't showing (src for
and style for background images)
src: "",
style: ""
// Show error using dropzone's default behaviour
this.defaultOptions.error(file, message);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Problem handling error, message: " + e);
init: function() {
try {
this.on("addedfile", function(file){
// Make sure only the most recently added image is shown in the upload zone
// Required for parent views to use listenTo() on dropzone events
// Hide the remove buttons and text when an image is removed
this.on("removedfile", function(file){
// Required for parent views to use listenTo() on dropzone events
this.on("success", function(){
view.trigger("successSaving", view.model);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Issue initializing dropzone, error message: " + e);
// Save the dropzone element for other functions to access later
view.imageDropzone = $dropZone[0].dropzone;
// Fetch the image if a URL was provided and show thumbnail
console.error("ImageUploaderView could not be rendered, error message: ", error);
* prepareD1Model - Called once an image file is resized or once it's
* determined the the image does not need to be resized. This function adds
* data about the image added by the user to a new DataOne model, then
* calculates the checksum. When the checksum is finished being calculated,
* calls the callback function (i.e. dropzone's done()).
* @param {Blob|File} object Either the Blob or File to be saved to the server
* @param {string} filename the name of the file
* @param {string} filetype the filetype
* @param {function} callback a function to call once the checksum is calculated.
prepareD1Model: function(object, filename, filetype, callback){
var modelAttributes = {
synced: true,
type: "image",
fileName: filename,
mediaType: filetype,
size: object.size,
uploadFile: object
// Each file upload must be a new DataONE object
this.model = new DataONEObject(modelAttributes);
this.model.set("obsoletes", null);
// Start checksum, and call the callback function when it's complete
this.model.stopListening(this.model, "checksumCalculated");
this.model.listenToOnce(this.model, "checksumCalculated", function(){
} catch (exception) {
console.log("there was a problem calculating the checksum, exception: " + exception);
* limitFileInput - Ensures only the most recently added image is shown in
* the upload zone, as we limit each zone to 1 image but dropzone is
* designed to accept multiple files. Called whenever a file is added to a
* dropzone element.
limitFileInput: function(){
if (this.imageDropzone.files[1]!=null){
* checkMinDimensions - called from dropzone's thumbnail function before the
* image is displayed. Checks that the image meets at least the minimum
* height and width requirements provided to view.minHeight and
* view.minWidth.
* @param {number} width the image's height.
* @param {number} height the image's width.
* @return {string|boolean} returns true if the image is at least as wide as and as tall as the given height and width. Otherwise returns an error message to display to the user.
checkMinDimensions: function(width, height){
if(width < this.minWidth && height < this.minHeight){
return("This image is too small. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minWidth +"px wide and " + this.minHeight + "px tall.");
} else if (width < this.minWidth) {
return("This image is too narrow. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minWidth +"px wide.")
} else if (height < this.minHeight){
return("This image is too short. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minHeight +"px tall.")
} else {
// minimum height and width are met. If too large, then image will be resized.
return true
} catch(error){
console.log("Error checking the min dimensions of added file. Error message:" + error);
// Better to show an image that's too small in this case.
return true
* showImage - General function for displaying an image file in the upload zone, whether
* just added or already uploaded. This is the function that we use to override
* dropzone's thumbnail() function. It displays the image as the background of
* a div if this view's imageTagName attribute is set to "div", or as an image
* element if imageTagName is set to "img".
* @param {object} file Information about the image file
* @param {string} dataURL A URL for the image to be displayed
showImage: function(file, dataURL){
// Don't show files that are the wrong size or type
if(!this.url && !file.accepted){
var previewEl = $(file.previewElement).find(".image-container")[0];
if(this.imageTagName == "img"){
previewEl.src = dataURL;
} else if (this.imageTagName == "div"){
$(previewEl).css("background-image", "url(" + dataURL + ")");
} catch(error) {
* Display an image in the upload zone that's already saved. This gets called
* when an image url is provided to this view.
showSavedImage: function(){
//If there is no URL or the model hasn't been saved yet, then don't show the image
if( !this.url || this.model.isNew() ){
// A mock image file to identify the image provided to this view
var imageFile = {
url: this.url
// Add it to filelist so excess images can be removed if needed
this.imageDropzone.files[0] = imageFile;
// Call the default addedfile event handler
this.imageDropzone.emit("addedfile", imageFile);
// Show the thumbnail of the file
this.imageDropzone.emit("thumbnail", imageFile, imageFile.url);
// Make sure that there is no progress bar, etc...
this.imageDropzone.emit("complete", imageFile);
console.log("image could not be displayed, error message: " + error);
// When the preview image fails to render, show some explanatory text
* showError - Indicates to the user that the image uploader may not work
* due to browser issues.
* @param {jQuery} dropzoneEl - The dropzone element to show the error for.
showError: function(dropzoneEl){
dropzoneEl.find(".dz-error-message span").text("Error previewing image");
placement: "bottom",
trigger: "hover",
title: "Image previews cannot be shown. Your browser may be out-of-date."
* previewImageRemove - When the user hovers over the remove button,
* indicates to the user that the button will remove the image by 1) changing
* the upload instruction text to a message about removing the image,
* and 2) adding a warning class to the message div.
previewImageRemove: function(e){
try {
} else {
} catch (error) {
return ImageUploaderView;