# # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. # # Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU # General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development # and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain # a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html # or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each # file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. # Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception # as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that # accompanied this code. 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However, if you add GPL Version 2 code # and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies # only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright # holder. # # # This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and # permission notice: # # Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ######################################################################### # Conventions: # - For error messages from particular tags, the resource should # - (a) have a name beginning with TAGNAME_ # - (b) contain the name of the tag within the message # - Generic tag messages -- i.e., those used in more than one tag -- # should begin with TAG_ # - Errors for TagLibraryValidators should begin with TLV_ ######################################################################### ######################################################################### # Generic tag error messages ######################################################################### TAG_NULL_ATTRIBUTE=\ The "{0}" attribute illegally evaluated to "null" or "" in <{1}> ######################################################################### # Specific tag error messages ######################################################################### # CORE CHOOSE_EXCLUSIVITY=\ Only one (or is it two?) <choose> subtag may evaluate its body EXPR_BAD_VALUE=\ In <expr>, attribute value="{0}" didn't evaluate successfully, \ but there was no "default" attribute and no non-whitespace content \ for the tag. FOREACH_STEP_NO_RESULTSET=\ Step cannot be > 1 when iterating over a ResultSet with <forEach> FOREACH_BAD_ITEMS=\ Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <forEach> FORTOKENS_BAD_ITEMS=\ "items" in <forTokens> must be an instance of java.lang.String or \ an instance of javax.el.ValueExpression that evaluates to a \ java.lang.String; IMPORT_BAD_RELATIVE=\ In URL tags, when the "context" attribute is specified, \ values of both "context" and "url" must start with "/". IMPORT_REL_WITHOUT_HTTP=\ Relative <import> from non-HTTP request not allowed IMPORT_REL_WITHOUT_DISPATCHER=\ Unable to get RequestDispatcher for Context: "{0}" and URL: "{1}". \ Verify values and/or enable cross context access. IMPORT_IO=\ I/O error in <import> occurred reading "{0}" IMPORT_ILLEGAL_STREAM=\ Unexpected internal error during <import>: \ Target servlet called getWriter(), then getOutputStream() IMPORT_ILLEGAL_WRITER=\ Unexpected internal error during <import>: \ Target servlet called getOutputStream(), then getWriter() #IMPORT_ILLEGAL_GETSTRING=\ # Unexpected internal error during <import>: \ # Target servlet called neither getOutputStream() nor getWriter() PARAM_OUTSIDE_PARENT=\ <param> outside <import> or <urlEncode> PARAM_ENCODE_BOOLEAN=\ In <param>, "encode" must be "true" or "false". Got "{0}" instead. SET_BAD_SCOPE=\ Invalid "scope" attribute for <set>: "{0}" SET_BAD_SCOPE_DEFERRED=\ The "scope" attribute for <set> must be "page" when "value" attribute \ is a deferred expression; SET_INVALID_PROPERTY=\ Invalid property in <set>: "{0}" SET_INVALID_TARGET=\ Attempt to set the property of an invalid object in <set>. SET_NO_VALUE=\ Need either non-whitespace body or "value" attribute in <set> URLENCODE_NO_VALUE=\ Need either non-whitespace body or "value" attribute in <urlEncode> WHEN_OUTSIDE_CHOOSE=\ Illegal use of <when>-style tag without <choose> as its \ direct parent # I18N LOCALE_NO_LANGUAGE=\ Missing language component in 'value' attribute in <setLocale> LOCALE_EMPTY_COUNTRY=\ Empty country component in 'value' attribute in <setLocale> PARAM_OUTSIDE_MESSAGE=\ <param> outside <message> MESSAGE_NO_KEY=\ <message> needs 'key' attribute or non-whitespace body FORMAT_NUMBER_INVALID_TYPE=\ In <formatNumber>, invalid 'type' attribute: "{0}" FORMAT_NUMBER_NO_VALUE=\ <formatNumber> needs 'value' attribute or non-whitespace body FORMAT_NUMBER_PARSE_ERROR=\ In <formatNumber>, 'value' attribute can not be parsed into java.lang.Number: "{0}" FORMAT_NUMBER_CURRENCY_ERROR=\ In <formatNumber>, unable to set currency PARSE_NUMBER_INVALID_TYPE=\ In <parseNumber>, invalid 'type' attribute: "{0}" PARSE_NUMBER_NO_VALUE=\ <parseNumber> needs 'value' attribute or non-whitespace body PARSE_NUMBER_NO_PARSE_LOCALE=\ In <parseNumber>, a parse locale can not be established PARSE_NUMBER_PARSE_ERROR=\ In <parseNumber>, 'value' attribute can not be parsed: "{0}" FORMAT_DATE_INVALID_TYPE=\ In <formatDate>, invalid 'type' attribute: "{0}" FORMAT_DATE_BAD_TIMEZONE=\ In <formatDate>, 'timeZone' must be an instance of java.lang.String or java.util.TimeZone FORMAT_DATE_INVALID_DATE_STYLE=\ In <formatDate>, invalid 'dateStyle' attribute: "{0}" FORMAT_DATE_INVALID_TIME_STYLE=\ In <formatDate>, invalid 'timeStyle' attribute: "{0}" PARSE_DATE_INVALID_TYPE=\ In <parseDate>, invalid 'type' attribute: "{0}" PARSE_DATE_BAD_TIMEZONE=\ In <parseDate>, 'timeZone' must be an instance of java.lang.String or java.util.TimeZone PARSE_DATE_INVALID_DATE_STYLE=\ In <parseDate>, invalid 'dateStyle' attribute: "{0}" PARSE_DATE_INVALID_TIME_STYLE=\ In <parseDate>, invalid 'timeStyle' attribute: "{0}" PARSE_DATE_NO_VALUE=\ <parseDate> needs 'value' attribute or non-whitespace body PARSE_DATE_PARSE_ERROR=\ In <parseDate>, 'value' attribute can not be parsed: "{0}" PARSE_DATE_NO_PARSE_LOCALE=\ In <parseDate>, a parse locale can not be established # SQL DRIVER_INVALID_CLASS=\ In <driver>, invalid driver class name: "{0}" DATASOURCE_INVALID=\ Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "{0}" JDBC_PARAM_COUNT=\ Invalid number of JDBC parameters specified. PARAM_BAD_VALUE=\ Invalid or out of bounds value specified in parameter. TRANSACTION_NO_SUPPORT=\ In <transaction>, datasource does not support transactions TRANSACTION_COMMIT_ERROR=\ In <transaction>, error committing transaction: "{0}" TRANSACTION_INVALID_ISOLATION=\ In <transaction>, invalid transaction isolation NOT_SUPPORTED=\ Not supported ERROR_GET_CONNECTION=\ Error getting connection: "{0}" ERROR_NESTED_DATASOURCE=\ It is illegal to specify a DataSource when nested within a <transaction> SQL_PARAM_OUTSIDE_PARENT=\ <param> or <dateParam> must be subtag of SQLExecutionTag actions like <query> or <update> SQL_NO_STATEMENT=\ No SQL statement specified SQL_PROCESS_ERROR=\ Error processing SQL: "{0}" SQL_DATASOURCE_INVALID_TYPE=\ 'dataSource' is neither a String nor a javax.sql.DataSource SQL_DATASOURCE_NULL=\ 'dataSource' is null SQL_MAXROWS_PARSE_ERROR=\ Error parsing 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.maxRows' configuration setting: "{0}" SQL_MAXROWS_INVALID=\ 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.maxRows' configuration setting neither an Integer nor a String SQL_DATE_PARAM_INVALID_TYPE=\ In <dateParam>, invalid 'type' attribute: "{0}" # XML FOREACH_NOT_NODESET=\ <forEach> can't iterate over XPath expressions that don't return a node-set PARAM_NO_VALUE=\ <param> needs 'value' attribute or non-whitespace body PARAM_OUTSIDE_TRANSFORM=\ <param> outside <transform> PARSE_INVALID_SOURCE=\ Unrecognized object supplied as 'xml' attribute to <parse> PARSE_NO_SAXTRANSFORMER=\ Filter supplied to <parse>, but default TransformerFactory \ does not support SAX. TRANSFORM_NO_TRANSFORMER=\ <transform> was not passed an XSLT stylesheet TRANSFORM_SOURCE_INVALID_LIST=\ <transform> encountered an invalid java.util.List while processing 'xml' attribute. This error is typically caused if you pass a node-set with more than one node to <transform>'s 'xml' attribute. TRANSFORM_SOURCE_UNRECOGNIZED=\ <transform> encountered an unknown type while processing 'xml' attribute TRANSFORM_XSLT_UNRECOGNIZED=\ <transform> encountered an unknown type while processing 'xslt' attribute UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_ENTITY=\ Could not resolve entity reference: "{0}" ######################################################################### # JSTL core TLV messages ######################################################################### # Parameters TLV_PARAMETER_ERROR=\ Invalid value for "{0}" validator parameter in TLD # Generic errors TLV_ILLEGAL_BODY=\ Encountered illegal body of tag "{0}" tag, given its attributes. TLV_MISSING_BODY=\ A body is necessary inside the "{0}" tag, given its attributes. TLV_ILLEGAL_CHILD_TAG=\ Illegal child tag in "{0}:{1}" tag: "{2}" tag TLV_ILLEGAL_TEXT_BODY=\ Illegal text inside "{0}:{1}" tag: "{2}...". TLV_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE=\ Invalid "{0}" attribute in "{1}" tag: "{2}" TLV_ILLEGAL_ORPHAN=\ Invalid use of "{0}" tag outside legitimate parent tag TLV_PARENT_WITHOUT_SUBTAG=\ Illegal "{0}" without child "{1}" tag # Errors customized to particular tags (sort of) :-) TLV_ILLEGAL_ORDER=\ Illegal "{0}" after "{1}:{2}" tag in "{1}:{3}" tag. TLV_ILLEGAL_PARAM=\ Illegal "{0}:{1}" tag within "{0}:{2} {3}='...'" tag TLV_DANGLING_SCOPE=\ Illegal 'scope' attribute without 'var' in "{0}" tag. TLV_EMPTY_VAR=\ Empty 'var' attribute in "{0}" tag. SET_NO_SETTER_METHOD=No setter method in <set> for property "{0}" IMPORT_ABS_ERROR=Problem accessing the absolute URL "{0}". {1} XPATH_ERROR_EVALUATING_EXPR=Error evaluating XPath expression "{0}": {1} XPATH_ILLEGAL_ARG_EVALUATING_EXPR=Illegal argument evaluating XPath expression "{0}": {1} XPATH_ERROR_XOBJECT=Error accessing data in XObject: {0}