gov.ornl.daac.file:///ornldaac_122 eng; USA utf8 dataset ORNL DAAC User Services Office +1(865)241-3952 +1(865)574-4665 pointOfContact 2010-03-03 ISO 19115-2 2009-02-15 Taxonomy System Taxonsys Documentation of taxonomic sources, procedures, and treatments. optional 1 MD_Identification New Metadata section as a class to MD_Identification The set of data elements contained within this class element represents an attempt to provide better documentation of taxonomic sources, procedures, and treatments. National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) SURFACE METEOROLOGY DATA: NCDC (FIFE) MD_ORNLDAAC_122_03032010095920 NCDC STAFF SCIENCE originator The NOAA Regional Surface Data - 1989 (NCDC) Data Set contains hourly surface meteorological data for the FIFE area. Though the measurements presented in this data set were not taken precisely at the FIFE study area, it is hypothesized that they present a representative horizontal cross-section of meteorological variables and sky conditions in and around the site. It is also realized that many of the variables presented in this data set are somewhat subjective and dependent on the skill (and biases) of the observer, such as estimates of cloud amount and height. This data may be used as input data and/or verification data for numerical simulation models. completed ORNL DAAC User Services Office +1(865)574-4665 pointOfContact unknown AIR TEMPERATURE DRY BULB THERMOMETER METEOROLOGICAL STATION ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE ATMOSPHERE WET BULB THERMOMETER CLOUD AMOUNT/FREQUENCY HUMAN OBSERVER CLOUDS CLOUD CEILING CLOUD TYPES DEW POINT TEMPERATURE ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR SEA LEVEL PRESSURE ANEROID BAROMETER ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE SURFACE AIR TEMPERATURE SURFACE WINDS ANEMOMETER ATMOSPHERIC WINDS VIRTUAL TEMPERATURE theme Parameter_Description KONZA PRAIRIE USA place Place Keywords eng; USA -97.87 -95.48 37.62 40.85 1988-10-01 1989-10-31 false ORNL DAAC User Services Office The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) +1(865)241-3952 +1(865)574-4665 distributor ORNL DAAC User Services Office +1(865)241-3952 +1(865)574-4665 custodian