true Age class 4.2 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Wet weight This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 2.4 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.5 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 3.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.4 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 3.3 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Total recruit abundance This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.5 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Annual escapement count This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. term replaced by true Commercial harvest count This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish stock code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true AWC water body code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Cutthroat trout This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish sex determination method This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fishing gear type This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Coho salmon This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Distance between scale circuli This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Chinook salmon This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 4.1 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 8.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. 0.1 Alignment ontology for The Salmon Ontology (SALMON) This ontology contains a set of classes (and their alignments) for deprecated terms from The Salmon Ontology (SALMON). While patterns for deprecating terms in ontologies commonly involve retaining the deprecated term(s) in the main ontology, we've opted to move the deprecated terms into an alignment ontology. Our main justification for this choice is (1) that all publicly-accessible instances of deprecated terms were created before the first published release of SALMON and (2) we have sufficient authorship access to update these instances to use published terms. 2022-07-18 true Age class 2.3 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 2.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.3 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Rainbow trout This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish length determination method This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Subsistence fishery harvest count This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.4 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 6.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Sockeye salmon This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Mid-orbit to fork of tail length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Saltwater age This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true ADF&G species code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Dolly Varden trout This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Post-orbit to fork of tail length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish sample code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 3.2 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 3.1 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 5.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 7.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 2.2 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.2 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Recruits per spawner This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Chum salmon This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.3 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age error code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Gum card number This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Pink salmon This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Freshwater age This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Mid-orbit to posterior insertion of anal fin length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Brood year This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fork length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Salmon abundance This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 4.3 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.6 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 2.5 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 4.x recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.6 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Girth of fish This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 3.4 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Sport fishery harvest count This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 1.1 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Post orbit to hypural plate length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Daily escapement count This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Steelhead trout This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish biomass This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.2 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Total age This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 0.1 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish age (European notation) This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Mid-orbit to hypural plate length This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish length measurement type This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Fish sex measurement type This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true ADF&G gear code This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible. true Age class 2.1 recruits This term is deprecated in favor of Existing uses should be updated where possible.