%param.ent; ]> FO Parameter Reference $Id: param.xweb,v 1.2 2002-09-13 22:40:28 cjones Exp $ Walsh Norman 1999 2000 2001 Norman Walsh Introduction This is technical reference documentation for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets; it documents (some of) the parameters, templates, and other elements of the stylesheets. This reference describes each of the HTML Stylesheet parameters. These are the easily customizable parts of the stylesheet. If you want to specify an alternate value for one or more of these parameters, you can do so in a driver stylesheet. For example, if you want to change the html.stylesheet to reference.css, you might create a driver stylesheet like this: reference.css ]]> Naturally, you have to change the href attribute on <xsl:import> to point to docbook.xsl on your system. (Or chunk.xsl, if you're using chunking.) This is not intended to be user documentation. It is provided for developers writing customization layers for the stylesheets, and for anyone who's interested in how it works. Although I am trying to be thorough, this documentation is known to be incomplete. Don't forget to read the source, too :-) Admonitions &admon.graphics; &admon.graphics.extension; &admon.graphics.path; &admonition.title.properties; &admonition.properties; Callouts &callout.defaultcolumn; &callout.graphics; &callout.graphics.extension; &callout.graphics.number.limit; &callout.graphics.path; &callout.unicode; &callout.unicode.font; &callout.unicode.number.limit; &callout.unicode.start.character; &callouts.extension; ToC/LoT/Index Generation &autotoc.label.separator; &process.empty.source.toc; &process.source.toc; &generate.toc; &generate.index; &toc.section.depth; &toc.indent.width; &toc.margin.properties; Processor Extensions &arbortext.extensions; &fop.extensions; &passivetex.extensions; &tex.math.in.alt; &tex.math.delims; &xep.extensions; Stylesheet Extensions &linenumbering.everyNth; &linenumbering.extension; &linenumbering.separator; &linenumbering.width; &tablecolumns.extension; &textinsert.extension; &use.extensions; Automatic labelling &appendix.autolabel; &chapter.autolabel; &part.autolabel; &preface.autolabel; §ion.autolabel; §ion.label.includes.component.label; &label.from.part; XSLT Processing &rootid; Meta/*Info &make.single.year.ranges; &make.year.ranges; &author.othername.in.middle; Reference Pages &funcsynopsis.decoration; &funcsynopsis.style; &function.parens; &refentry.generate.name; &refentry.generate.title; &refentry.xref.manvolnum; Tables &default.table.width; &nominal.table.width; &table.border.thickness; &table.cell.padding; &table.border.style; &table.border.color; &table.entry.padding; QAndASet &qandadiv.autolabel; &qanda.inherit.numeration; Bibliography &biblioentry.item.separator; &bibliography.collection; Glossary &glossterm.auto.link; &firstterm.only.link; &glossary.collection; Miscellaneous &graphic.default.extension; &formal.procedures; &formal.title.placement; &runinhead.default.title.end.punct; &runinhead.title.end.punct; &show.comments; &punct.honorific; &segmentedlist.as.table; &variablelist.as.blocks; &blockquote.properties; &ulink.show; &ulink.footnotes; &ulink.hyphenate; Pagination and General Styles
Understanding XSL FO Margins In order for the parameters in this section to make sense, it is useful to consider .
Figure showing page margins This figure shows the physical page with the various FO page regions identified.
First, let's consider the regions on the page. The white region is the physical page. Its dimensions are determined by the page.height and page.width parameters. The yellow region is the region-body. The size and placement of the region body is constrained by the dimensions labelled in the figure. The pink region at the top of the page is the region-before. The darker area inside the region-before is the header text. In XSL, the default display alignment for the region-before is before, but the DocBook stylesheets explicitly make it after. That's why the darker area is at the bottom. The pink region at the bottom of the page is the region-after. The darker area is the footer text. In XSL, the default display alignment for the region-after is before (really!), but the DocBook stylesheets explicitly make it after. That's why the darker area is at the bottom. The dimensions in the figure are: The page-master margin-top. The region-before extent. The region-body margin-top. The region-after extent. The page-master margin-bottom. The region-body margin-bottom. The sum of the page-master margin-left and the region-body margin-left. In DocBook, the region-body margin-left is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master region-left. The sum of the page-master margin-right and the region-body margin-right. In DocBook, the region-body margin-right is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master region-left.
&page.height; &page.height.portrait; &page.margin.bottom; &page.margin.inner; &page.margin.outer; &page.margin.top; &page.orientation; &page.width; &page.width.portrait; &paper.type; &double.sided; &body.margin.bottom; &body.margin.top; &alignment; &hyphenate; &line-height; &column.count; &column.count.of.index; ®ion.after.extent; ®ion.before.extent; &default.units; &normal.para.spacing; &body.font.master; &body.font.size; &footnote.font.size; &title.margin.left; &draft.watermark.image;
Font Families &body.font.family; &dingbat.font.family; &monospace.font.family; &sans.font.family; &title.font.family; Lists &list.block.spacing; &list.item.spacing; Cross References &insert.xref.page.number; &xref.properties; Property Sets &component.title.properties; &formal.object.properties; &formal.title.properties; &informal.object.properties; &monospace.verbatim.properties; &verbatim.properties; Profiling Following parameters can be used for attribute value based profiling of your document. For more info about profiling look at http://docbook.sourceforge.net/projects/xsl/doc/tools/profiling.html. &profile.arch; &profile.condition; &profile.conformance; &profile.lang; &profile.os; &profile.revision; &profile.revisionflag; &profile.role; &profile.security; &profile.userlevel; &profile.vendor; &profile.attribute; &profile.value; &profile.separator; The Stylesheet The param.xsl stylesheet is just a wrapper around all these parameters.