/* global define */ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'rdflib', "uuid", "md5", 'models/QualityCheckModel' ], function ($, _, Backbone, rdf, uuid, md5, QualityCheck) { /* A DataPackage represents a hierarchical collection of packages, metadata, and data objects, modeling an OAI-ORE RDF graph. TODO: incorporate Backbone.UniqueModel */ var QualityReport = Backbone.Collection.extend({ //The name of this type of collection type: "QualityReport", runStatus: null, errorDescription: null, timestamp: null, initialize: function (models, options) { if (typeof options == "undefined") var options = {}; //Set the id or create a new one this.id = options.pid || "urn:uuid:" + uuid.v4(); //this.on("add", this.handleAdd); //this.on("successSaving", this.updateRelationships); return this; }, /* * The QualityReport collection stores a metadata quality * report that is generated from the MetaDIG quality engine. */ model: QualityCheck, parse: function(response, options) { // runStatus can be one of "success", "failure", "queued" this.runStatus = response.runStatus; this.errorDescription = response.errorDescription; this.timestamp = response.timestamp; return response.result; }, fetch: function(options) { var collectionRef = this; var fetchOptions = {}; if((typeof options != "undefined")) { fetchOptions = _.extend(options, { url: options.url, cache: false, contentType: false, //"multipart/form-data", processData: false, type: 'GET', //headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': 'http://localhost:8081' }, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (collection, jqXhr, options) { //collectionRef.run = data; collectionRef.trigger("fetchComplete"); }, error: function (collection, jqXhr, options) { console.debug("error fetching quality report."); collectionRef.fetchResponse = jqXhr; collectionRef.trigger("fetchError"); } }); //fetchOptions = _.extend(fetchOptions, MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings()); return Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(collectionRef, fetchOptions); } }, groupResults: function (results) { var groupedResults = _.groupBy(results, function (result) { var color; var check = result.get("check"); var status = result.get("status"); // simple cases // always blue for info and skip if (check.level == 'INFO') { color = 'BLUE'; return color; } if (status == 'SKIP') { color = 'BLUE'; return color; } // always green for success if (status == 'SUCCESS') { color = 'GREEN'; return color; } // handle failures and warnings if (status == 'FAILURE') { color = 'RED'; if (check.level == 'OPTIONAL') { color = 'ORANGE'; } } if (status == 'ERROR') { color = 'ORANGE'; if (check.level == 'REQUIRED') { color = 'RED'; } } return color; }); // make sure we have everything, even if empty if (!groupedResults.BLUE) { groupedResults.BLUE = []; } if (!groupedResults.GREEN) { groupedResults.GREEN = []; } if (!groupedResults.ORANGE) { groupedResults.ORANGE = []; } if (!groupedResults.RED) { groupedResults.RED = []; } //if (groupedResults.BLUE) { // total = total - groupedResults.BLUE.length; //} return groupedResults; }, groupByType: function (results) { var groupedResults = _.groupBy(results, function (result) { var check = result.get("check"); var status = result.get("status"); if (status == "ERROR" || status == "SKIP") { // orange or blue return "removeMe"; } if (status == "FAILURE" && check.level == "OPTIONAL") { // orange return "removeMe"; } var type = "" // Convert check type to lower case, so that the checks will be // grouped correctly, even if one check type has an incorrect capitalization. if(check.type != null) { // Normalize check type by converting entire string to lowercase type = check.type.toLowerCase() // Now convert to title case type = type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1); } return type || "uncategorized"; }); // get rid of the ones that should not be counted in our totals delete groupedResults["removeMe"]; return groupedResults; } }); return QualityReport; });