/*global define */ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'], function($, _, Backbone) { 'use strict'; // Application Model // ------------------ var AppModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ // This model contains all of the attributes for the Application defaults: { headerType: 'default', title: MetacatUI.themeTitle || "Metacat Data Catalog", emailContact: "knb-help@nceas.ucsb.edu", googleAnalyticsKey: null, nodeId: null, searchMode: MetacatUI.mapKey ? 'map' : 'list', searchHistory: [], sortOrder: 'dateUploaded+desc', page: 0, previousPid: null, lastPid: null, anchorId: null, userProfiles: true, profileUsername: null, maxDownloadSize: 3000000000, // Flag which, when true shows Whole Tale features in the UI showWholeTaleFeatures: false, taleEnvironments: ["RStudio", "Jupyter Notebook"], dashboardUrl: 'https://girder.wholetale.org/api/v1/integration/dataone', /* * emlEditorRequiredFields is a hash map of all the required fields in the EML Editor. * Any field set to true will prevent the user from saving the Editor until a value has been given */ emlEditorRequiredFields: { abstract: true, alternateIdentifier: false, funding: false, generalTaxonomicCoverage: false, geoCoverage: true, intellectualRights: true, keywordSets: false, methods: false, samplingDescription: false, studyExtentDescription: false, taxonCoverage: false, temporalCoverage: true, title: true }, editableFormats: ["eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.1"], //These error messages are displayed when the Editor encounters an error saving editorSaveErrorMsg: "Not all of your changes could be submitted.", editorSaveErrorMsgWithDraft: "Not all of your changes could be submitted. ", defaultAccessPolicy: [{ subject: "CN=knb-data-admins,DC=dataone,DC=org", read: true, write: true, changePermission: true }, { subject: "public", read: true }], allowAccessPolicyChanges: true, baseUrl: window.location.origin || (window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host), // the most likely item to change is the Metacat deployment context context: '/metacat', d1Service: '/d1/mn/v2', d1CNBaseUrl: "https://cn.dataone.org/", d1CNService: "cn/v2", d1LogServiceUrl: null, nodeServiceUrl: null, viewServiceUrl: null, packageServiceUrl: null, publishServiceUrl: null, authServiceUrl: null, queryServiceUrl: null, //If set to false, some parts of the app will send POST HTTP requests to the // Solr search index via the `/query/solr` DataONE API. // Set this configuration to true if using Metacat 2.10.2 or earlier disableQueryPOSTs: false, defaultSearchFilters: ["all", "attribute", "documents", "creator", "dataYear", "pubYear", "id", "taxon", "spatial"], metaServiceUrl: null, //ldapwebServiceUrl: null, metacatBaseUrl: null, metacatServiceUrl: null, objectServiceUrl: null, formatsServiceUrl: null, formatsUrl: "/formats", //grantsUrl: null, //bioportalSearchUrl: null, //orcidSearchUrl: null, //orcidBioUrl: null, signInUrl: null, signOutUrl: null, signInUrlOrcid: null, signInUrlLdap: null, tokenUrl: null, //annotatorUrl: null, accountsUrl: null, pendingMapsUrl: null, accountsMapsUrl: null, groupsUrl: null, portalUrl: null, mdqBaseUrl: "https://docker-ucsb-4.dataone.org:30443/quality", // suidIds and suiteLables must be specified as a list, even if only one suite is available. suiteIds: ["knb.suite.1"], suiteLabels: ["KNB Metadata Completeness Suite v1.0"], // Metrics endpoint url metricsUrl: 'https://logproc-stage-ucsb-1.test.dataone.org/metrics', // Metrics flags for the Dataset Landing Page // Enable these flags to enable metrics display displayDatasetMetrics: true, // Controlling individual functionality // Only works if the parent flags displayDatasetMetrics is enabled displayDatasetMetricsTooltip: true, displayDatasetCitationMetric: true, displayDatasetDownloadMetric: true, displayDatasetViewMetric: true, displayDatasetEditButton: true, displayDatasetQualityMetric: false, displayDatasetAnalyzeButton: false, displayMetricModals: true, displayDatasetControls: true, /* Hide metrics display for SolrResult models that match the given properties. * Properties can be functions, which are given the SolrResult model value as a parameter. * Example: * { * formatId: "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.1", * isPublic: true, * dateUploaded: function(date){ * return new Date(date) < new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00'); * } * } * This example would hide metrics for any objects that are: * EML 2.1.1 OR public OR were uploaded before 12/17/1995. */ hideMetricsWhen: null, isJSONLDEnabled: true, // A lookup map of project names to project seriesIds projectsMap: { "SASAP": "urn:uuid:db68e045-fe37-4190-aa2f-d79fd854df6d", "markdownTest": "urn:uuid:21580913-c23a-4677-af71-45cf0415a57e", "example": "urn:uuid:db68e045-fe37-4190-aa2f-d79fd854d1234" }, // If true, then archived content is available in the search index. // Set to false if this MetacatUI is using a Metacat version before 2.10.0 archivedContentIsIndexed: true }, defaultView: "data", initialize: function() { //If no base URL is specified, then user the DataONE CN base URL if(!this.get("baseUrl")){ this.set("baseUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl")); this.set("d1Service", this.get("d1CNService")); } // these are pretty standard, but can be customized if needed this.set('metacatBaseUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context')); this.set('viewServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/views/metacatui/'); this.set('publishServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/publish/'); this.set('authServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/isAuthorized/'); this.set('queryServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/query/solr/?'); this.set('metaServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/meta/'); this.set('objectServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/object/'); //this.set('ldapwebServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + '/cgi-bin/ldapweb.cgi'); this.set('metacatServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + '/metacat'); //The package service this.set('packageServiceUrl', this.get('baseUrl') + this.get('context') + this.get('d1Service') + '/packages/application%2Fbagit-097/'); // Metadata quality report services this.set('mdqSuitesServiceUrl', this.get("mdqBaseUrl") + "/suites/"); this.set('mdqRunsServiceUrl', this.get('mdqBaseUrl') + "/runs/"); this.set('mdqSuiteIds', this.get("suiteIds")); this.set('mdqSuiteLabels', this.get("suiteLabels")); if(typeof this.get("grantsUrl") !== "undefined") this.set("grantsUrl", "https://api.nsf.gov/services/v1/awards.json"); //ORCID search if(typeof this.get("orcidBaseUrl") != "undefined") this.set('orcidSearchUrl', this.get('orcidBaseUrl') + '/search/orcid-bio?q='); // Object format list if ( typeof this.get("formatsUrl") != "undefined" ) { this.set("formatsServiceUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl") + this.get("d1CNService") + this.get("formatsUrl")); } //DataONE CN API if(this.get("d1CNBaseUrl")){ //Account services if(typeof this.get("accountsUrl") != "undefined"){ this.set("accountsUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl") + this.get("d1CNService") + "/accounts/"); if(typeof this.get("pendingMapsUrl") != "undefined") this.set("pendingMapsUrl", this.get("accountsUrl") + "pendingmap/"); if(typeof this.get("accountsMapsUrl") != "undefined") this.set("accountsMapsUrl", this.get("accountsUrl") + "map/"); if(typeof this.get("groupsUrl") != "undefined") this.set("groupsUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl") + this.get("d1CNService") + "/groups/"); } this.set("nodeServiceUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl") + this.get("d1CNService") + "/node/"); this.set('resolveServiceUrl', this.get('d1CNBaseUrl') + this.get('d1CNService') + '/resolve/'); //Token URLs this.set("portalUrl", this.get("d1CNBaseUrl") + "portal/"); this.set("tokenUrl", this.get("portalUrl") + "token"); //The sign-in and out URLs - allow these to be turned off by removing them in the defaults above (hence the check for undefined) if(typeof this.get("signInUrl") !== "undefined") this.set("signInUrl", this.get('portalUrl') + "startRequest?target="); if(typeof this.get("signInUrlOrcid") !== "undefined") this.set("signInUrlOrcid", this.get('portalUrl') + "oauth?action=start&target="); if(typeof this.get("signInUrlLdap") !== "undefined") this.set("signInUrlLdap", this.get('portalUrl') + "ldap?target="); if(this.get('orcidBaseUrl')) this.set('orcidSearchUrl', this.get('orcidBaseUrl') + '/v1.1/search/orcid-bio?q='); if((typeof this.get("signInUrl") !== "undefined") || (typeof this.get("signInUrlOrcid") !== "undefined")) this.set("signOutUrl", this.get('portalUrl') + "logout"); if(typeof this.get("d1LogServiceUrl") != "undefined") this.set('d1LogServiceUrl', this.get('d1CNBaseUrl') + this.get('d1CNService') + '/query/logsolr/?'); } this.on("change:pid", this.changePid); }, changePid: function(model, name){ this.set("previousPid", model.previous("pid")); } }); return AppModel; });