/*global define */ define(['jquery', 'jqueryui', 'annotator', 'bioportal', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'models/AnnotationModel', 'text!templates/annotation.html', 'text!templates/annotationPopover.html' ], function($, $ui, Annotator, Bioportal, _, Backbone, AnnotationModel, AnnotationTemplate, AnnotationPopoverTemplate) { 'use strict'; var AnnotatorView = Backbone.View.extend({ subviews: {}, el: '#metadata-container', template: null, annotationTemplate: _.template(AnnotationTemplate), annotationPopoverTemplate: _.template(AnnotationPopoverTemplate), rendered: false, annotations: [], // Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones. events: { "click .add-tag" : "launchEditor", "click .annotation-flag" : "flagAnnotation", "click .annotation-delete" : "deleteAnnotation" }, initialize: function () { }, // Render the main annotator view render: function () { this.$el.data("annotator-view", this); this.setUpTree(); this.setUpAnnotator(); return this; }, onClose: function () { if(this.disabled) return; $("#bioportal-tree").remove(); // destroy the annotator if ($("body").data('annotator')) { $("body").annotator('destroy'); } this.annotations = []; }, setUpTree : function() { this.$el.append('
'); var tree = $("#bioportal-tree").NCBOTree({ apikey: MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey"), ontology: "ECSO" }); // set up the listener to jump to search results tree.on("afterSelect", this.drillDownAnnotation); tree.on("afterExpand", this.afterExpand); tree.on("afterJumpToClass", this.afterExpand); }, afterExpand : function() { // ensure tooltips are activated $(".tooltip-this").tooltip(); }, moveTree: function(event) { // take it away from it's original home var treeDiv = $("#bioportal-tree").detach(); // find the new home var group = $(event.target).closest(".btn-group"); var container = $(group).find(".tree-container"); // put it where we need it $(container).append(treeDiv); // root at the branch for this concept var classId = $(container).attr("data-concept-uri"); var tree = $(treeDiv).data("NCBOTree"); var options = tree.options(); $.extend(options, {startingRoot: classId}); tree.jumpToClass(classId); }, setUpAnnotator: function() { var bioportalSearchUrl = MetacatUI.appModel.get('bioportalSearchUrl'); if (!bioportalSearchUrl) { // do not use annotator console.log("bioportalSearchUrl is not configured, annotation is disabled"); this.disabled = true; return; } // get the pid var pid = MetacatUI.appModel.get('pid'); // which URI are we annotating? var uri = null; //uri = window.location.href; uri = MetacatUI.appModel.get("resolveServiceUrl") + pid; // TODO: use a more stable URI? //uri = "https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v2/resolve/" + pid; // destroy and recreate if (this.$el.data('annotator')) { this.$el.annotator('destroy'); //$(div).destroy(); } // use authentication plugin if configured var authOptions = false; if (MetacatUI.appUserModel.get('token')) { //if (MetacatUI.appModel.get('tokenUrl')) { // check if we are using our own token generator var tokenUrl = MetacatUI.appModel.get('tokenUrl'); authOptions = { tokenUrl: tokenUrl, } } // set up the annotator this.$el.annotator(); this.$el.annotator().annotator('setupPlugins', {}, { Tags: false, Auth: authOptions, Store: { prefix: MetacatUI.appModel.get('annotatorUrl'), annotationData: { 'uri': uri, 'pid': pid }, loadFromSearch: { 'limit': 20, 'uri': uri } } }); // NOTE: using the extended hover auto-complete defined in lookup model // set up tags with bioportal suggestions as default this.$el.annotator().annotator('addPlugin', 'Tags'); // Initialize the autocomplete widget extension to provide description tooltips. $.widget( "app.semHoverAutocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, { // Set the content attribute as the "item.desc" value. // This becomes the tooltip content. _renderItem: function( ul, item ) { // if we have a label, use it for the title var title = item.value; if (item.label) { title = item.label; } // if we have a description, use it for the content var content = '
'; if (item.desc) { content += '' + item.label + ''; if (item.synonyms) { content += '

Synonyms: '; _.each(item.synonyms, function(synonym) { content += synonym + "
"; }); content += '

'; } if (item.desc != item.value) { content += '

Definition: ' + item.desc + '

'; content += '

Concept URI: ' + item.value + '

'; } } content += "
" //Set up the popover var element = this._super( ul, item ); element.popover({ placement: "right", trigger: "manual", container: 'body', title: title, html: true, content: content }) .on("mouseenter", function () { var _this = this; $(this).popover("show"); $(".popover").on("mouseleave", function () { $(_this).popover('hide'); }); }) .on("mouseleave", function () { var _this = this; setTimeout(function () { if (!$(".popover:hover").length) { $(_this).popover("hide"); } }, 300); }); return element; } }); this.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input.semHoverAutocomplete({ source: MetacatUI.appLookupModel.bioportalSearch, position: { my: "left top", at: "left bottom", collision: "fit" } }); //Change the placeholder text $(this.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input).attr("style", "display: none;"); $(this.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input).attr("placeholder", "Search for tag terms..."); $(this.$el.data("annotator").plugins.Tags.field).prepend("

Add an annotation to this attribute

" + "

Help others find and understand this dataset better by adding semantic annotations

") .addClass("annotator-field"); $(this.$el).find(".annotator-controls").before("
"); $(this.$el).find(".annotator-controls").before("
"); // set up rejection field this.$el.data('annotator').editor.addField({ type: 'checkbox', label: 'Flag this annotation?', load: function(field, annotation) { $(field).find('input').removeAttr("checked"); if (annotation.reject) { $(field).find('input').prop("checked", "checked"); } return $(field).find('input').is(":checked"); }, submit: function(field, annotation) { var input = $(field).find('input'); var val = input.is(":checked"); return annotation.reject = val; } }); var view = this; this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationEditorShown', function() { // reroot tree at starting class var tree = $("#bioportal-tree-annotator").data("NCBOTree"); if (tree) { var options = tree.options(); $.extend(options, {startingRoot: "http://ecoinformatics.org/oboe/oboe.1.2/oboe-core.owl#MeasurementType"}); tree.init(); } // clear any values that are lingering var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); $(view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input).val(""); $("#bioportal-tree-label").html(""); }); // subscribe to annotation events, to get the exact resource being annotated this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'beforeAnnotationCreated', function(annotation, arg0, arg1) { var annotator = view.$el.data('annotator'); var selectedElement = annotator.selectedRanges[0].commonAncestor; // find the first parent with a "resource" attribute var resourceElem = $(selectedElement).closest('.annotation-target'); if (resourceElem) { // add the resource identifier to the annotation $.extend(annotation, {resource: $(resourceElem).attr('resource')}); // change the autocomplete depending on type of element being annotated var type = $(resourceElem).attr('type'); if (type == "orcid_sm" || type == "party") { view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input.semHoverAutocomplete({ source: MetacatUI.appLookupModel.orcidSearch, //focus: focus }); $.extend(annotation, {"oa:Motivation": "prov:wasAttributedTo"}); $.extend(annotation, {"field": "orcid_sm"}); } else { view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input.semHoverAutocomplete({ source: MetacatUI.appLookupModel.bioportalSearch, //focus: focus }); $.extend(annotation, {"oa:Motivation": "oa:tagging"}); $.extend(annotation, {"field": "sem_annotation"}); } // set up the tree var tree = $("#bioportal-tree-annotator").NCBOTree({ apikey: MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey"), ontology: "ECSO", startingRoot: "http://ecoinformatics.org/oboe/oboe.1.2/oboe-core.owl#MeasurementType" }); tree.on("afterSelect", view.selectConcept); tree.on("afterJumpToClass", view.jumpToClass); tree.on("afterExpand", view.afterExpand); // for the tool tips //alert('Augmented annotation with additional properties, annotation: ' + annotation); } }); // showing the viewer show the concepts with labels, definitions and audit info this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationViewerShown', function(viewer, annotations) { $(viewer.element).find(".annotator-tag").each(function(index, element) { var conceptUri = $(element).html(); var renderAnnotation = function(concepts) { var concept = _.findWhere(concepts, {value: conceptUri}); var annotation = _.find(annotations, function(annotation) { return _.contains(annotation.tags, conceptUri); }); var created = new Date(annotation.created); var updated = new Date(annotation.updated); var user = annotation.user; // TODO: make more readable var containerId = "viewer-" + annotation.id; if ($(viewer.element).find("div[data-id='" + containerId + "']").length > 0) { return; } if(created.valueOf() == updated.valueOf()) updated = null; var annotationPopover = view.annotationPopoverTemplate({ containerId: containerId, concept: concept, created: created, updated: updated, user: user, annotation: annotation }); $(element).after(annotationPopover); }; MetacatUI.appLookupModel.bioportalGetConcepts(conceptUri, renderAnnotation); }); }); // clean up the comment section if none are provided this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationViewerTextField', function(field, annotation) { var content = $(field).html(); if (content == "No Comment") { $(field).html(""); } }); this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationStored', this.annotationStored); this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationUpdated', this.annotationUpdated); this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationDeleted', this.handleDelete); this.$el.annotator('subscribe', 'annotationsLoaded', this.preRenderAnnotations); }, selectConcept : function(event, classId, prefLabel, selectedNode) { // set in the editor var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); $(view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Tags.input).val(classId); // make it pretty $("#bioportal-tree-label").html("" + prefLabel + ""); // prevent default action return false; }, jumpToClass : function(event, classId) { var reroot = true; // for easier changing of our minds :) if (reroot) { // reroot tree at new class var tree = $("#bioportal-tree-annotator").data("NCBOTree"); var options = tree.options(); $.extend(options, {startingRoot: classId}); tree.init(); // ensure tooltips are activated $(".tooltip-this").tooltip(); } else { // scroll to selected part var node = $("#bioportal-tree-annotator").find("a[data-id='" + encodeURIComponent(classId) + "']"); var position = $(node).position().top - 200; $("#bioportal-tree-annotator").scrollTop(position) } }, preRenderAnnotations : function(annotations) { var uris = []; //look up the concept details in a batch _.each(annotations, function(annotation) { if (annotation.tags[0]) { // look up concepts where we can var conceptUri = annotation.tags[0]; uris.push(conceptUri); } }); // now look them up and render when finished var annotatorEl = (typeof this.$el != "undefined")? this.$el : this, view = $(annotatorEl).data("annotator-view"); MetacatUI.appLookupModel.bioportalGetConceptsBatch( uris, function() {view.renderAnnotations(annotations);}); }, renderAnnotations : function(annotations) { // keep from duplicating if (this.rendered) { return; } this.rendered = true; // sort the annotations by xpath annotations = _.sortBy(annotations, function(ann) { return ann.resource; }); // only want to show the manual annotations annotations = _.filter(annotations, function(ann){ return (ann.field == "sem_annotation"); }); //Now extract the rejeced annotations var rejectedAnnotations = _.filter(annotations, function(ann){ return ann.reject; }); annotations = _.filter(annotations, function(ann){ return !ann.reject; }); // we want to display rejected last annotations = annotations.concat(rejectedAnnotations); annotations.reverse(); var view = this; //Create a new model for each annotation _.each(annotations, function(annotation){ var annModel = new AnnotationModel().set(annotation); if(Array.isArray(view.annotations)) view.annotations.push(annModel); else view.annotations = [annModel]; }); // clear them out! $(".hover-proxy").remove(); $(".annotation-container").remove(); // make a spot for them $(".annotation-target").after("
"); // add a button to select text and launch the new editor, only when logged in var addBtn = $(document.createElement("a")) .text("Add annotation") .addClass("btn btn-info add-tag") .prepend($(document.createElement("i")) .addClass("icon-on-left icon-plus")); if (!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) { addBtn.addClass("disabled"); } $('.annotation-container').append(addBtn);//.on("click", ".add-tag", launchEditor); // summarize annotation count in citation block $(".citation-container > .controls-well").prepend("" + annotations.length + " annotations"); // define hover action to mimic hovering the highlighted region var hoverAnnotation = function(event) { // figure out the annotation being selected var annotationId = $(event.target).attr("data-id"); // trigger as if a hover on highlighted region var highlight = $("[data-annotation-id='" + annotationId + "']"); // scroll the location in page var highlightLocation = highlight.offset(); // trigger the hover highlight.trigger({ type: event.type, //"mouseover", pageY: highlightLocation.top + 0, pageX: highlightLocation.left + highlight.width() + 0, }); }; var annotatorEl = (typeof this.$el != "undefined")? this.$el : this, view = $(annotatorEl).data("annotator-view"); //look up the concept details for each annotation _.each(this.annotations, function(annotation) { if (annotation.get("tags")[0]) { // look up concepts where we can var conceptUri = annotation.get("tags")[0]; // give time for the highlights to render setTimeout(function() { // look it up and provide the callback if (annotation.get("oa:Motivation") == "prov:wasAttributedTo") { annotation.orcidGetConcepts(conceptUri); } else { annotation.bioportalGetConcepts(conceptUri); } }, 500); annotation.on("change:concept", view.renderAnnotation, view); } else { // for comments, just render it in the document var highlight = $("[data-annotation-id='" + annotation.id + "']"); var section = $(highlight).closest(".tab-pane").children(".annotation-container"); section.append(view.annotationTemplate({ annotation: annotation, concept: null, appUserModel: MetacatUI.appUserModel })); } }); }, renderAnnotation: function(annotationModel) { var canEdit = _.contains(annotationModel.get("permissions").admin, MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username")) || _.contains(annotationModel.get("permissions").update, MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username")) || _.contains(annotationModel.get("permissions").delete, MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username")); // render it in the document var highlight = $("[data-annotation-id='" + annotationModel.get("id") + "']"); var section = $(highlight).closest(".tab-pane").children(".annotation-container"); var tab = $(highlight).closest(".tab-pane"); var tabControl = $("a[href='#" + $(tab).attr("id") + "'"); var icons = $(tabControl).find(".icon-tag"); if ($(icons).size() == 0) { tabControl.prepend("") } if (!section.html()) { //console.log("Highlights not completed yet - cannot render annotation: " + annotationModel.get("id")); console.log("Highlights not completed yet - cannot render annotation"); return; } //Render the annotation tag itself var annotationTag = $.parseHTML(this.annotationTemplate({ annotation: annotationModel.toJSON(), concept: annotationModel.get("concept"), canEdit: canEdit }).trim()); section.prepend(annotationTag); // this is what we really want to attach to var target = $(annotationTag).find(".hover-proxy"); //Attach the annotation object for later $(target).data("annotation", annotationModel); var view = this; //Create the popover for this element $(target).on("mouseover", { view: this }, this.showDetails); // subscribe to event var viewRef = this; $(annotationTag).find(".annotation-dropdown").on("click", viewRef.moveTree); $(annotationTag).find(".dropdown-menu").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // bind after rendering target = $(annotationTag).find(".annotation-flag[data-id='" + annotationModel.get("id") + "']"); $(target).bind("click", this.flagAnnotation); var deleteBtn = $(annotationTag).find(".annotation-delete"); $(deleteBtn).tooltip({ trigger: "hover", title: "Delete" }); $(annotationTag).find(".tooltip-this").tooltip(); target = $(annotationTag).find(".annotation-delete[data-id='" + annotationModel.get("id") + "']"); $(target).bind("click", this.deleteAnnotation); }, drillDownAnnotation : function(event, classId, prefLabel, selectedNode) { // Get the concept info var uri = classId; var label = prefLabel; var description = ""; // Clear the search and map model to start a fresh search MetacatUI.appSearchModel.clear(); MetacatUI.appSearchModel.set(MetacatUI.appSearchModel.defaults); MetacatUI.mapModel.clear(); MetacatUI.mapModel.set(MetacatUI.mapModel.defaults); // construct the filter var filter = { value: uri, filterLabel: label, label: label, description: description }; // set the search model MetacatUI.appSearchModel.set("annotation", [filter]); // navigate to search results MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate('data', {trigger: true}); }, flagAnnotation : function(e) { var annotationId = $(e.target).attr("data-id"); var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); var annotations = view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Store.annotations; var annotation = _.findWhere(annotations, {id: annotationId}); //Reject it! annotation.reject = !annotation.reject; //Update it view.$el.data('annotator').updateAnnotation(annotation); }, deleteAnnotation : function(e) { var annotationId = $(e.target).attr("data-id"); var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); var annotations = view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Store.annotations; var annotation = _.findWhere(annotations, {id: annotationId}); // make sure to stash the tree since the popover will never be shown again var treeDiv = $("#bioportal-tree").detach(); view.$el.append(treeDiv); view.$el.data('annotator').deleteAnnotation(annotation); }, showDetails: function(e){ //Don't show the details for the flag button if(!$(e.target).is(".annotation.tag")) return; //Don't execute this code again if we already set up a popover else if(typeof $(e.target).data("popover") != "undefined") return; var annotation = $(e.target).data("annotation"); var created = new Date(annotation.get("created")); var updated = new Date(annotation.get("updated")); var containerId = "viewer-" + annotation.get("id"); if(created.valueOf() == updated.valueOf()) updated = null; var annotationPopover = e.data.view.annotationPopoverTemplate({ containerId: containerId, created: created, updated: updated, annotation: annotation.toJSON() }); $(e.target).popover({ trigger: "manual", html: true, title: annotation.get("concept").label, content: annotationPopover, container: 'body', placement: "top" }).on("mouseenter", function () { var _this = this; $(this).popover("show"); $(".popover").on("mouseleave", function () { $(_this).popover('hide'); }); }).on("mouseleave", function () { var _this = this; setTimeout(function () { if (!$(".popover:hover").length) { $(_this).popover("hide"); } }, 300); }); $(e.target).popover("show"); }, launchEditor: function(event) { var target = event.target; // select the text to annotate var block = $(target).closest('.tab-pane').children(".annotation-target"); var next = $(block).children(); while ($(next).length) { block = next; next = $(next).children(); } this.selectText(block); // set up the annotator range this.$el.data('annotator').checkForEndSelection(event); // simiulate click on adder button $(".annotator-adder > button").trigger("click"); }, handleDelete: function(annotation) { // only handle this if it is a saved annotation if (annotation.id) { var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); view.reindexPid(annotation, true); } }, annotationStored : function(annotation) { var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); // add the data id to this $(annotation.highlights).attr('data-annotation-id', annotation.id); // refresh annotation view.reindexPid(annotation, false); }, annotationUpdated : function(annotation) { var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); view.reindexPid(annotation, false); }, // reindex when an annotation is updated reindexPid : function(annotation, isDelete) { var view = $('#metadata-container').data("annotator-view"); // re load the annotations var annotations = view.$el.data('annotator').plugins.Store.annotations; if (isDelete) { annotations = _.reject(annotations, function(a) { return annotation.id == a.id; }); } view.rendered = false; view.renderAnnotations(annotations); }, selectText: function(element) { var doc = document; var text = $(element).get(0); var range; var selection; if (doc.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(text); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(text); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } }); return AnnotatorView; });