define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "models/project/ProjectModel", "models/Search", "models/Stats", "text!templates/alert.html", "text!templates/project/project.html", "views/project/ProjectHeaderView", "views/project/ProjectDataView", "views/project/ProjectSectionView", "views/project/ProjectMembersView", "views/StatsView", "views/project/ProjectLogosView" ], function($, _, Backbone, Project, SearchModel, StatsModel, AlertTemplate, ProjectTemplate, ProjectHeaderView, ProjectDataView, ProjectSectionView, ProjectMembersView, StatsView, ProjectLogosView) { "use_strict"; /* The ProjectView is a generic view to render * projects, it will hold project sections */ var ProjectView = Backbone.View.extend({ /* The Project Element*/ el: "#Content", type: "Project", //@type {string} - the section in this ProjectView that is currently active/being viewed activeSection: "", //@type {string} - The seriesId of the project document projectId: "", //@type {string} - The unique short name of the project projectName: "", subviews: new Array(), // Could be a literal object {} */ // @type {Project} - A Project Model is associated with this view and gets created during render() model: null, /* Renders the compiled template into HTML */ template: _.template(ProjectTemplate), //A template to display a notification message alertTemplate: _.template(AlertTemplate), events: { "click #metrics-link" : "renderMetricsView" }, initialize: function(options) { // Set the current ProjectView properties this.projectId = options.projectId ? options.projectId : undefined; this.projectName = options.projectName ? options.projectName : undefined; this.activeSection = options.activeSection ? options.activeSection : undefined; }, /* * Renders the ProjectView * * @return {ProjectView} Returns itself for easy function stacking in the app */ render: function() { $("body").addClass("ProjectView"); // Create a new Project model this.model = new Project({ id: this.projectId }); // When the model has been synced, render the results this.stopListening(); this.listenTo(this.model, "sync", this.renderProject); //If the project isn't found, display a 404 message this.listenToOnce(this.model, "notFound", this.showNotFound); //Fetch the model this.model.fetch(); return this; }, renderProject: function() { // Insert the overall project template this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); //Render the header view this.headerView = new ProjectHeaderView({ model: this.model }); this.headerView.render(); this.subviews.push(this.headerView); // Cache this model for later use MetacatUI.projects = MetacatUI.projects || {}; MetacatUI.projects[this.model.get("id")] = this.model.clone(); //Render the content sections _.each(this.model.get("sections"), function(section){ this.addSection(section); }, this); // Render the Data section if(!this.model.get("hideData")) { this.sectionDataView = new ProjectDataView({ model: this.model, id: "data" }); this.subviews.push(this.sectionDataView); this.$("#project-sections").append(this.sectionDataView.el); //Render the section view and add it to the page this.sectionDataView.render(); this.addSectionLink( this.sectionDataView, "Data" ); } //Render the metrics section //Create a navigation link this.$("#project-section-tabs").append( $(document.createElement("li")) .append( $(document.createElement("a")) .text("Metrics") .attr("id", "metrics-link") .attr("href", "#metrics" ) .attr("data-toggle", "tab"))); this.$("#project-sections").append( $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("id", "metrics") .addClass("tab-pane") ); // Render the members section if (!this.model.get("hideMembers")) { this.sectionMembersView = new ProjectMembersView({ model: this.model, id: "members" }); this.subviews.push(this.sectionMembersView); this.$("#project-sections").append(this.sectionMembersView.el); //Render the section view and add it to the page this.sectionMembersView.render(); this.addSectionLink( this.sectionMembersView, "Members" ); } //After all the sections are rendered, mark the first one as active this.$("#project-sections").children().first().addClass("active"); this.$("#project-section-tabs").children().first().addClass("active"); //Space out the tabs evenly var widthEach = 100/this.$("#project-section-tabs").children().length; this.$("#project-section-tabs").children().css("width", widthEach + "%"); //Render the logos at the bottom of the project page var ackLogos = this.model.get("acknowledgmentsLogos") || []; this.logosView = new ProjectLogosView(); this.logosView.logos = ackLogos; this.subviews.push(this.logosView); this.logosView.render(); this.$(".project-view").append(this.logosView.el); var view = this; //When each tab is clicked and shown this.$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function(e) { var sectionView = $("view"); if( typeof sectionView !== "undefined"){ sectionView.postRender(); } //Get the href of the clicked link var linkTarget = $("href"); linkTarget = linkTarget.substring(1); //Set this view's active section name to the link href view.activeSection = linkTarget; //Get the new pathname using the active section if( !MetacatUI.root.length || MetacatUI.root == "/" ){ var newPathName = window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.indexOf(view.projectName)) + view.projectName + "/" + view.activeSection; } else{ var newPathName = window.location.pathname.substring( window.location.pathname.indexOf(MetacatUI.root) + MetacatUI.root.length ); newPathName = newPathName.substring(0, newPathName.indexOf(view.projectName)) + view.projectName + "/" + view.activeSection; } //Update the window location MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate( newPathName, { trigger: false } ); }); //Switch to the active section tab if( this.activeSection ){ this.$('#project-section-tabs a[href="#' + this.activeSection + '"]').tab("show"); if( this.activeSection == "metrics" ){ this.renderMetricsView(); } } else{ this.$(".project-section-view").first().data("view").postRender(); } //Scroll to an inner-page link if there is one specified if( window.location.hash && this.$(window.location.hash).length ){ MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(this.$(window.location.hash)); } }, /* * Creates a ProjectSectionView to display the content in the given project * section. Also creates a navigation link to the section. * * @param {ProjectSectionModel} sectionModel - The section to render in this view */ addSection: function(sectionModel){ //Create a new ProjectSectionView var sectionView = new ProjectSectionView({ model: sectionModel }); //Render the section sectionView.render(); //Add the section view to this project view this.$("#project-sections").append(sectionView.el); this.addSectionLink(sectionView, sectionModel.get("label")); }, /* * Add a link to a section of this project page */ addSectionLink: function(sectionView, label){ //Create a navigation link this.$("#project-section-tabs").append( $(document.createElement("li")) .append( $(document.createElement("a")) .text(label) .attr("href", "#" + sectionView.$el.attr("id") ) .attr("data-toggle", "tab") .data("view", sectionView))); }, /* * Render the metrics section */ renderMetricsView: function() { if( this.model.get("hideMetrics") ) { return; } //If this subview is already rendered, exit if( this.sectionMetricsView ){ return; } //If the search results haven't been fetched yet, wait. We need the // facet counts for the metrics view. if( !this.model.get("searchResults").length ){ this.listenToOnce( this.model.get("searchResults"), "sync", this.renderMetricsView ); return; } //Get all the facet counts from the search results collection var facetCounts = this.model.get("allSearchResults").facetCounts, //Get the id facet counts idFacets = facetCounts? : [], //Get the documents facet counts documentsFacets = facetCounts? facetCounts.documents : [], //Start an array to hold all the ids allIDs = []; //If there are resource map facet counts, get all the ids if( idFacets && idFacets.length ){ //Merge the id and documents arrays var allFacets = idFacets.concat(documentsFacets); //Get all the ids, which should be every other element in the // facets array for( var i=0; i < allFacets.length; i+=2 ){ allIDs.push( allFacets[i] ); } //Create a search model that filters by all the data object Ids var statsSearchModel = new SearchModel({ idOnly: allIDs, formatType: [], exclude: [] }); //Create a StatsModel var statsModel = new StatsModel({ query: statsSearchModel.getQuery(), searchModel: statsSearchModel, supportDownloads: false }); } // add a stats view this.sectionMetricsView = new StatsView({ title: "Statistics and Figures", description: "A summary of all datasets from " + this.model.get("label"), el: "#metrics", model: statsModel }); this.sectionMetricsView.render(); this.subviews.push(this.sectionMetricsView); }, /* * If the given project doesn't exist, display a Not Found message. */ showNotFound: function(){ var notFoundMessage = "The project \"" + (this.projectName || this.projectId) + "\" doesn't exist.", notification = this.alertTemplate({ classes: "alert-error", msg: notFoundMessage, includeEmail: true }); this.$el.html(notification); }, /* * This function is called when the app navigates away from this view. * Any clean-up or housekeeping happens at this time. */ onClose: function() { //Remove each subview from the DOM and remove listeners _.invoke(this.subviews, "remove"); this.subviews = new Array(); delete this.sectionMetricsView; $("body").removeClass("ProjectView"); } }); return ProjectView; });