/*global Backbone */ 'use strict'; define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'], function ($, _, Backbone) { /** * @class UIRouter * @classdesc MetacatUI Router * @classcategory Router * @extends Backbone.Router * @constructor */ var UIRouter = Backbone.Router.extend( /** @lends UIRouter.prototype */{ routes: { '' : 'renderIndex', // the default route 'about(/:anchorId)(/)' : 'renderAbout', // about page 'help(/:page)(/:anchorId)(/)' : 'renderHelp', 'tools(/:anchorId)(/)' : 'renderTools', // tools page 'data/my-data(/page/:page)(/)' : 'renderMyData', // data search page 'data(/mode=:mode)(/query=:query)(/page/:page)(/)' : 'renderData', // data search page 'data/my-data(/)' : 'renderMyData', 'profile(/*username)(/s=:section)(/s=:subsection)(/)' : 'renderProfile', 'my-profile(/s=:section)(/s=:subsection)(/)' : 'renderMyProfile', 'logout(/)' : 'logout', // logout the user 'signout(/)' : 'logout', // logout the user 'signin(/)' : 'renderSignIn', // signin the user "signinsuccess(/)" : "renderSignInSuccess", "signinldaperror(/)" : "renderLdapSignInError", "signinLdap(/)" : "renderLdapSignIn", "signinSuccessLdap(/)" : "renderLdapSignInSuccess", "signin-help" : "renderSignInHelp", //The Sign In troubleshotting page 'share(/*pid)(/)' : 'renderEditor', // registry page 'submit(/*pid)(/)' : 'renderEditor', // registry page 'quality(/s=:suiteId)(/:pid)(/)' : 'renderMdqRun', // MDQ page 'api(/:anchorId)(/)' : 'renderAPI', // API page "edit/:portalTermPlural(/:portalIdentifier)(/:portalSection)(/)" : "renderPortalEditor", 'drafts' : 'renderDrafts' }, helpPages: { "search" : "searchTips", defaultPage : "searchTips" }, initialize: function(){ // Add routes to portal dynamically using the appModel portal term var portalTermPlural = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural"); this.route( portalTermPlural + "(/:portalId)(/:portalSection)(/)", ["portalId", "portalSection"], this.renderPortal ); this.listenTo(Backbone.history, "routeNotFound", this.navigateToDefault); // This route handler replaces the route handler we had in the // routes table before which was "view/*pid". The * only finds URL // parts until the ? but DataONE PIDs can have ? in them so we need // to make this route more inclusive. this.route(/^view\/(.*)$/, "renderMetadata"); this.on("route", this.trackPathName); // Clear stale JSONLD and meta tags this.on("route", this.clearJSONLD); this.on("route", this.clearHighwirePressMetaTags); }, //Keep track of navigation movements routeHistory: new Array(), pathHistory: new Array(), // Will return the last route, which is actually the second to last item in the route history, // since the last item is the route being currently viewed lastRoute: function(){ if((typeof this.routeHistory === "undefined") || (this.routeHistory.length <= 1)) return false; else return this.routeHistory[this.routeHistory.length-2]; }, trackPathName: function(e){ if(_.last(this.pathHistory) != window.location.pathname) this.pathHistory.push(window.location.pathname); }, //If the user or app cancelled the last route, call this function to revert // the window location pathname back to the correct value undoLastRoute: function(){ this.routeHistory.pop(); // Remove the last route and pathname from the history if(_.last(this.pathHistory) == window.location.pathname) this.pathHistory.pop(); //Change the pathname in the window location back this.navigate(_.last(this.pathHistory), {replace: true}); }, renderIndex: function (param) { this.routeHistory.push("index"); if(!MetacatUI.appView.indexView){ require(["views/IndexView"], function(IndexView){ MetacatUI.appView.indexView = new IndexView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.indexView); }); } else MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.indexView); }, renderText: function(options){ if(!MetacatUI.appView.textView){ require(['views/TextView'], function(TextView){ MetacatUI.appView.textView = new TextView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.textView, options); }); } else MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.textView, options); }, renderHelp: function(page, anchorId){ this.routeHistory.push("help"); MetacatUI.appModel.set('anchorId', anchorId); if(page) var pageName = this.helpPages[page]; else var pageName = this.helpPages["defaultPage"]; //default var options = { pageName: pageName, anchorId: anchorId } this.renderText(options); }, renderSignInHelp: function(){ this.routeHistory.push("signin-help"); this.renderText({ pageName: "signInHelp" }); }, renderAbout: function (anchorId) { this.routeHistory.push("about"); MetacatUI.appModel.set('anchorId', anchorId); var options = { pageName: "about", anchorId: anchorId } this.renderText(options); }, renderAPI: function (anchorId) { this.routeHistory.push("api"); MetacatUI.appModel.set('anchorId', anchorId); var options = { pageName: "api", anchorId: anchorId } this.renderText(options); }, renderProjects: function() { require(["views/projects/ProjectView"], function(ProjectView) { MetacatUI.appView.projectView = new ProjectView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.projectView) }); }, /* * Renders the editor view given a root package identifier, * or a metadata identifier. If the latter, the corresponding * package identifier will be queried and then rendered. */ renderEditor: function (pid) { //If there is no EML211EditorView yet, create one if( ! MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView ){ var router = this; //Load the EML211EditorView file require(['views/metadata/EML211EditorView'], function(EML211EditorView) { //Add the submit route to the router history router.routeHistory.push("submit"); //Create a new EML211EditorView MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView = new EML211EditorView({pid: pid}); //Set the pid from the pid given in the URL MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView.pid = pid; //Render the EML211EditorView MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView); }); } else { //Set the pid from the pid given in the URL MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView.pid = pid; //Add the submit route to the router history this.routeHistory.push("submit"); //Render the Editor View MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.eml211EditorView); } }, /** * Renders the Drafts view which is a simple view backed by LocalForage that * lists drafts created in the Editor so users can recover any failed * submissions. */ renderDrafts: function() { require(['views/DraftsView'], function(DraftsView){ MetacatUI.appView.draftsView = new DraftsView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.draftsView); }); }, renderMdqRun: function (suiteId, pid) { this.routeHistory.push("quality"); if (!MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView) { require(["views/MdqRunView"], function(MdqRunView) { MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView = new MdqRunView(); MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView.suiteId = suiteId; MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView.pid = pid; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView); }); } else { MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView.suiteId = suiteId; MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView.pid = pid; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.mdqRunView); } }, renderTools: function (anchorId) { this.routeHistory.push("tools"); MetacatUI.appModel.set('anchorId', anchorId); var options = { pageName: "tools", anchorId: anchorId } this.renderText(options); }, renderMyData: function(page){ //Only display this is the user is logged in if(!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")) this.navigate("data", { trigger: true }); else if(!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")){ var router = this; this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:checked", function(){ if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) router.renderMyData(page); else this.navigate("data", { trigger: true }); }); return; } this.routeHistory.push("data"); ///Check for a page URL parameter if(typeof page === "undefined") MetacatUI.appModel.set("page", 0); else MetacatUI.appModel.set('page', page); if(!MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView){ require(['views/DataCatalogView'], function(DataCatalogView){ MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView = new DataCatalogView(); MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView.searchModel = MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("searchModel").clone(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView); }); } else{ MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView.searchModel = MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("searchModel").clone(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView); } }, renderData: function (mode, query, page) { this.routeHistory.push("data"); ///Check for a page URL parameter if((typeof page === "undefined") || !page) MetacatUI.appModel.set("page", 0); else if(page == 0) MetacatUI.appModel.set('page', 0); else MetacatUI.appModel.set('page', page-1); //Check if we are using the new CatalogSearchView if(!MetacatUI.appModel.get("useDeprecatedDataCatalogView")){ require(["views/search/CatalogSearchView"], function(CatalogSearchView){ MetacatUI.appView.catalogSearchView = new CatalogSearchView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.catalogSearchView); }); return; } //Check for a query URL parameter if((typeof query !== "undefined") && query){ MetacatUI.appSearchModel.set('additionalCriteria', [query]); } require(['views/DataCatalogView'], function(DataCatalogView){ if(!MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView) MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView = new DataCatalogView(); //Check for a search mode URL parameter if((typeof mode !== "undefined") && mode) MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView.mode = mode; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.dataCatalogView); }); }, /** * Renders the Portals Search view. */ renderPortalsSearch: function() { require(['views/portals/PortalsSearchView'], function(PortalsSearchView){ MetacatUI.appView.showView(new PortalsSearchView({ el: "#Content" })); }); }, /** * renderPortal - Render the portal view based on the given name or id, as * well as optional section * * @param {string} label The portal ID or name * @param {string} portalSection A specific section within the portal */ renderPortal: function(label, portalSection) { //If no portal was specified, go to the portal search view if( !label ){ this.renderPortalsSearch(); return; } // Add the overall class immediately so the navbar is styled correctly right away $("body").addClass("PortalView"); // Look up the portal document seriesId by its registered name if given if ( portalSection ) { this.routeHistory.push( MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") + "/" + label + "/" + portalSection); } else{ this.routeHistory.push( MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural")+ "/" + label); } require(['views/portals/PortalView'], function(PortalView){ MetacatUI.appView.portalView = new PortalView({ label: label, activeSectionLabel: portalSection }); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.portalView); }); }, /** * Renders the PortalEditorView * @param {string} [portalTermPlural] - This should match the `portalTermPlural` configured in the AppModel. * @param {string} [portalIdentifier] - The id or labebl of the portal * @param {string} [portalSection] - The name of the section within the portal to navigate to (e.g. "data") */ renderPortalEditor: function(portalTermPlural, portalIdentifier, portalSection){ //If the user navigated to a route with a portal term other than the one supported, then this is not a portal editor route. if( portalTermPlural != MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") ){ this.navigateToDefault(); return; } // Add the overall class immediately so the navbar is styled correctly right away $("body").addClass("Editor") .addClass("Portal"); // Look up the portal document seriesId by its registered name if given if ( portalSection ) { this.routeHistory.push("edit/"+ MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + portalIdentifier + "/" + portalSection); } else{ if( !portalIdentifier ){ this.routeHistory.push("edit/" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural")); } else{ this.routeHistory.push("edit/" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") +"/" + portalIdentifier); } } require(['views/portals/editor/PortalEditorView'], function(PortalEditorView){ MetacatUI.appView.portalEditorView = new PortalEditorView({ activeSectionLabel: portalSection, portalIdentifier: portalIdentifier }); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.portalEditorView); }); }, renderMetadata: function (pid) { pid = decodeURIComponent(pid); this.routeHistory.push("metadata"); MetacatUI.appModel.set('lastPid', MetacatUI.appModel.get("pid")); var seriesId; //Check for a seriesId if( pid.indexOf("version:") > -1 ){ seriesId = pid.substr(0, pid.indexOf(", version:")); pid = pid.substr(pid.indexOf(", version: ") + ", version: ".length); } //Save the id in the app model MetacatUI.appModel.set('pid', pid); if(!MetacatUI.appView.metadataView){ require(['views/MetadataView'], function(MetadataView){ MetacatUI.appView.metadataView = new MetadataView(); //Send the id(s) to the view MetacatUI.appView.metadataView.seriesId = seriesId; MetacatUI.appView.metadataView.pid = pid; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.metadataView); }); } else{ //Send the id(s) to the view MetacatUI.appView.metadataView.seriesId = seriesId; MetacatUI.appView.metadataView.pid = pid; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.metadataView); } }, renderProfile: function(username, section, subsection){ this.closeLastView(); var viewChoice; //If there is a username specified and user profiles are disabled, // forward to the entire repo profile view. if( username && !MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableUserProfiles") ){ this.navigate("profile", { trigger: true, replace: true }); return; } if(!username){ this.routeHistory.push("summary"); // flag indicating /profile view var viewOptions = { nodeSummaryView: true }; if(!MetacatUI.appView.statsView){ require(['views/StatsView'], function(StatsView){ MetacatUI.appView.statsView = new StatsView({ userType: "repository" }); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.statsView, viewOptions); }); } else MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.statsView, viewOptions); } else{ this.routeHistory.push("profile"); MetacatUI.appModel.set("profileUsername", username); if(section || subsection){ var viewOptions = { section: section, subsection: subsection } } if(!MetacatUI.appView.userView){ require(['views/UserView'], function(UserView){ MetacatUI.appView.userView = new UserView(); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.userView, viewOptions); }); } else MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.userView, viewOptions); } }, renderMyProfile: function(section, subsection){ if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) this.renderSignIn(); else if(!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")){ this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:checked", function(){ if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")) this.renderProfile(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username"), section, subsection); else this.renderSignIn(); }); } else if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")){ this.renderProfile(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username"), section, subsection); } }, logout: function (param) { //Clear our browsing history when we log out this.routeHistory.length = 0; if(((typeof MetacatUI.appModel.get("tokenUrl") == "undefined") || !MetacatUI.appModel.get("tokenUrl")) && !MetacatUI.appView.registryView){ require(['views/RegistryView'], function(RegistryView){ MetacatUI.appView.registryView = new RegistryView(); if(MetacatUI.appView.currentView.onClose) MetacatUI.appView.currentView.onClose(); MetacatUI.appUserModel.logout(); }); } else{ if(MetacatUI.appView.currentView && MetacatUI.appView.currentView.onClose) MetacatUI.appView.currentView.onClose(); MetacatUI.appUserModel.logout(); } }, renderSignIn: function(){ var router = this; //If there is no SignInView yet, create one if(!MetacatUI.appView.signInView){ require(['views/SignInView'], function(SignInView){ MetacatUI.appView.signInView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content", fullPage: true }); router.renderSignIn(); }); return; } //If the user status has been checked and they are already logged in, we will forward them to their profile if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){ this.navigate("my-profile", { trigger: true }); return; } //If the user status has been checked and they are NOT logged in, show the SignInView else if( MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") && !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") ){ this.routeHistory.push("signin"); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.signInView); } //If the user status has not been checked yet, wait for it else if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked") ){ this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:checked", this.renderSignIn); MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.signInView); } }, renderSignInSuccess: function(){ $("body").html("Sign-in successful."); setTimeout(window.close, 1000); }, renderLdapSignInSuccess: function(){ //If there is an LDAP sign in error message if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("error=Unable%20to%20authenticate%20LDAP%20user") > -1){ this.renderLdapOnlySignInError(); } else{ this.renderSignInSuccess(); } }, renderLdapSignInError: function(){ this.routeHistory.push("signinldaperror"); if(!MetacatUI.appView.signInView){ require(['views/SignInView'], function(SignInView){ MetacatUI.appView.signInView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content"}); MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapError = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapOnly = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.signInView); }); } else{ MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapError = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapOnly = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.signInView); } }, renderLdapOnlySignInError: function(){ this.routeHistory.push("signinldaponlyerror"); if(!MetacatUI.appView.signInView){ require(['views/SignInView'], function(SignInView){ var signInView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content"}); signInView.ldapError = true; signInView.ldapOnly = true; signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(signInView); }); } else{ var signInView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content"}); signInView.ldapError = true; signInView.ldapOnly = true; signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(signInView); } }, renderLdapSignIn: function(){ this.routeHistory.push("signinLdap"); if(!MetacatUI.appView.signInView){ require(['views/SignInView'], function(SignInView){ MetacatUI.appView.signInView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content"}); MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapOnly = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(MetacatUI.appView.signInView); }); } else{ var signInLdapView = new SignInView({ el: "#Content"}); MetacatUI.appView.signInView.ldapOnly = true; MetacatUI.appView.signInView.fullPage = true; MetacatUI.appView.showView(signInLdapView); } }, navigateToDefault: function(){ //Navigate to the default view this.navigate(MetacatUI.appModel.defaultView, {trigger: true}); }, /* * Gets an array of route names that are set on this router. * @return {Array} - An array of route names, not including any special characters */ getRouteNames: function(){ var router = this; var routeNames = _.map(Object.keys(this.routes), function(routeName){ return router.getRouteName(routeName); }); //The "view" and portals routes are not included in the route hash (they are set up during initialize), // so we have to manually add it here. routeNames.push("view"); if( !routeNames.includes(MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural")) ){ routeNames.push(MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural")); } return routeNames; }, /* * Gets the route name based on the route pattern given * @param {string} routePattern - A string that represents the route pattern e.g. "view(/pid)" * @return {string} - The name of the route without any pattern special characters e.g. "view" */ getRouteName: function(routePattern){ var specialChars = ["/", "(", "*", ":"]; _.each(specialChars, function(specialChar){ var substring = routePattern.substring(0, routePattern.indexOf(specialChar)); if( substring && substring.length < routePattern.length ){ routePattern = substring; } }); return routePattern; }, closeLastView: function(){ //Get the last route and close the view var lastRoute = _.last(this.routeHistory); if(lastRoute == "summary") MetacatUI.appView.statsView.onClose(); else if(lastRoute == "profile") MetacatUI.appView.userView.onClose(); }, clearJSONLD: function() { $("#jsonld").remove(); }, clearHighwirePressMetaTags: function() { $("head > meta[name='citation_title']").remove() $("head > meta[name='citation_authors']").remove() $("head > meta[name='citation_publisher']").remove() $("head > meta[name='citation_date']").remove() } }); return UIRouter; });