Pick the category that best describes the level of sensitivity or restriction of the data.
None of the data includes sensitive or protected information.
Proceed with uploading data.
Sensitive data has been de-identified, anonymized, aggregated, or summarized to remove sensitivities and enable safe data distribution. Examples include ensuring that human subjects data, protected species data, archaeological site locations and personally identifiable information have been properly anonymized, aggregated and summarized.
Proceed with uploading data, but ensure that only data that are safe for public distribution are uploaded. Address questions about anonymization, aggregatation, de-identification, and data embargoes with the data curation support team before uploading data.
The data contains human subjects data or other sensitive data. Release of the data could cause harm or violate statutes, and must remain confidential following restrictions from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or similar body.
Do NOT upload sensitive data. You should still enter a metadata description of your dataset that omits all sensitive information to inform the community of the dataset's existence. Contact the data curation support team about possible alternative approaches to safely preserve sensitive or protected data.