define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', "models/DataONEObject", 'collections/ObjectFormats', "Dropzone", "text!templates/imageUploader.html", "corejs"], function(_, $, Backbone, DataONEObject, ObjectFormats, Dropzone, Template, corejs){ /** * @class ImageUploaderView * @classdesc A view that allows a person to upload an image to the repository * @classcategory Views */ var ImageUploaderView = Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends ImageUploaderView.prototype */{ /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} */ type: "ImageUploader", /** * The HTML tag name to use for this view's element * @type {string} */ tagName: "div", /** * The HTML classes to use for this view's element * @type {string} */ className: "image-uploader", /** * The DataONEObject or PortalImage that is being edited * @type {DataONEObject|PortalImage} */ model: undefined, /** * The URL for the image. If a DataONEObject model is provided to the view * instead, the url is automatically set to the output of DataONEObject.url() * @type {string} */ url: undefined, /** * Text to instruct the user how to upload an image * @type {string[]} */ uploadInstructions: ["Drag & drop an image or click here to upload"], /** * The maximum display height of the image preview. This is only used for the * css height propery, and doesn't influence the size of the saved image. If * set to false, no css height property is set. * @type {number} */ height: false, /** * The display width of the image preview. This is only used for the * css width propery, and doesn't influence the size of the saved image. If * set to false, no css width property is set. * @type {number} */ width: false, /** * The minimum required height of the image file. If set, the uploader will * reject images that are shorter than this. If null, any image height is * accepted. * @type {number} */ minHeight: null, /** * The minimum required height of the image file. If set, the uploader will * reject images that are shorter than this. If null, any image height is * accepted. * @type {number} */ minWidth: null, /** * The maximum height for uploaded files. If a file is taller than this, it * will be resized without warning before being uploaded. If set to null, * the image won't be resized based on height (but might be depending on * maxWidth). * @type {number} */ maxHeight: null, /** * The maximum width for uploaded files. If a file is wider than this, it * will be resized without warning before being uploaded. If set to null, * the image won't be resized based on width (but might be depending on * maxHeight). * @type {number} */ maxWidth: null, /** * The HTML tag name to insert the uploaded image into. Options are "img", * in which case the image is inserted as an HTML , or "div", in which * case the image is inserted as the background of a div. * @type {string} */ imageTagName: "div", /** * References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates */ template: _.template(Template), /** * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call. * @type {Object} */ events: { "mouseover .icon-remove.remove" : "previewImageRemove", "mouseout .icon-remove.remove" : "previewImageRemove" }, /** * Creates a new ImageUploaderView * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view * @property {DataONEObject} options.model - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.model * @property {string[]} options.uploadInstructions - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.uploadInstructions * @property {string} options.url - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.url * @property {string} options.imageTagName - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.imageTagName * @property {number} options.height - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.height * @property {number} options.width - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.width * @property {number} options.minWidth - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.minWidth * @property {number} options.minHeight - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.minHeight * @property {number} options.maxWidth - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.maxWidth * @property {number} options.maxHeight - Gets set as ImageUploaderView.maxHeight */ initialize: function(options){ try { if( typeof options == "object" ){ this.model = options.model; this.uploadInstructions = options.uploadInstructions; this.url = options.url; this.imageTagName = options.imageTagName; this.height = options.height; this.width = options.width; this.minHeight = options.minHeight; this.minWidth = options.minWidth; this.maxHeight = options.maxHeight; this.maxWidth = options.maxWidth; if( !this.model ){ this.model = new DataONEObject({ synced: true }); } if (!this.url && this.model) { this.url = this.model.url(); } } // Ensure the object formats are cached for uploader's use if ( typeof MetacatUI.objectFormats === "undefined" ) { MetacatUI.objectFormats = new ObjectFormats(); MetacatUI.objectFormats.fetch(); } // Bug fix: Overwrite a dropzone function that causes a bug in Edge 16 & // 17 browser. If we update our dropzone with a fallback, this function // should return the fallback element. Dropzone.prototype.getExistingFallback = function(){ return false }; // Identify which zones should be drag & drop manually Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; } catch (e) { console.log("ImageUploaderView failed to initialize. Error message: " + e); } }, /** * Renders this view */ render: function(){ try{ // Reference to the view var view = this, // The overall template which holds two sub-templates fullTemplate = view.template({ height: this.height, width: this.width, uploadInstructions: this.uploadInstructions, imageTagName: this.imageTagName }), // The outer template dropzoneTemplate = $(fullTemplate).find(".dropzone")[0].outerHTML, // The inner template inserted when an image is added previewTemplate = $(fullTemplate) .find(".dz-preview")[0] .outerHTML; // Insert the main template for this view view.$el.html(dropzoneTemplate); console.log(view.model.get("imageURL"), view.model.url()) // Add upload & drag and drop functionality to the dropzone div. // For config details, see: var $dropZone = view.$(".dropzone").dropzone({ url: view.model.get("imageURL") || view.model.url(), acceptedFiles: "image/*", addRemoveLinks: false, maxFiles: 1, parallelUploads: 1, uploadMultiple: false, resizeHeight: view.maxHeight, resizeWidth: view.maxWidth, thumbnailHeight: view.maxHeight < view.height ? view.maxHeight : null, thumbnailWidth: view.maxWidth < view.width ? view.maxWidth : null, dictInvalidFileType: "This file type is not allowed. Please select an image file", autoProcessQueue: true, previewTemplate: previewTemplate, withCredentials: true, paramName: "object", hiddenInputContainer: this.el, headers: { "Cache-Control": null, "X-Requested-With": null, "Authorization": MetacatUI.appUserModel.createAjaxSettings().headers.Authorization }, // Override dropzone's function for showing images in the upload zone // so that we have the option to display them as a background images. // Check for minimum dimensions at this stage because dropzone has // calculated the file's height here. thumbnail: function(file, dataURL){ try { // Don't bother size check for SVG images since they're vector var dimCheck = file.type === "image/svg+xml" ? true : view.checkMinDimensions(file.width, file.height); if(dimCheck != true){ if(file.rejectDimensions){ // Send reason for rejection rejectDimensions function file.rejectDimensions(dimCheck); } } else { if(file.acceptDimensions){ file.acceptDimensions(); }; view.showImage(file, dataURL); }; } catch (e) { console.error("Error generating thumbnail image, error message: " + e); } }, // Dropzone will check filetype = options.acceptedFiles. Add functions // for when the image is too small. accept: function accept(file, done) { try { file.rejectDimensions = function(message) { done(message) }; file.acceptDimensions = function(){ done() }; } catch (e) { console.error("Error during dropzone's accept function. Error code: " + e); } }, // After the file is accepted (correct filetype and min size requirements), // resize the image if it's too large in height or width, then // provide image data to a dataOne object model and calulate checksum. transformFile: function(file, done){ try { // Only resize images if dimensions are too large. // Once the image is resized (or not), save the data to the model and get a checksum. var resizeWidth = (file.width > this.options.resizeWidth) ? this.options.resizeWidth : null; var resizeHeight = (file.height > this.options.resizeHeight) ? this.options.resizeHeight : null; if (resizeHeight || resizeWidth) { return this.resizeImage(file, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, this.options.resizeMethod, function(blob){ view.prepareD1Model(blob,, file.type, done); }); } else { return view.prepareD1Model(file,, file.type, done); } } catch (e) { console.error("Error during dropzone's transformFile function. Error code: " + e); } }, // Add some required formData right before the image is uploaded sending: function(file, xhr, formData) { try { //Create the system metadata XML & send as blob var sysMetaXML = view.model.serializeSysMeta(); var xmlBlob = new Blob([sysMetaXML], {type : 'application/xml'}); formData.append("sysmeta", xmlBlob, "sysmeta.xml"); formData.append("pid", view.model.get("id")); } catch (e) { console.error("Error during dropzone's sending function. Error code: " + e); } }, // If there are any errors during the entire process... error: function error(file, message, xhr) { try { view.trigger("error"); // Give a readable error if it's a server error if(xhr){ console.error(message); message = "There was an error uploading your file. Please try again later." } // Make sure image isn't showing (src for and style for background images) $(file.previewElement).find(".image-container").attr({ src: "", style: "" }); // Show error using dropzone's default behaviour this.defaultOptions.error(file, message); } catch (e) { console.error("Problem handling error, message: " + e); } }, init: function() { try { this.on("addedfile", function(file){ // Make sure only the most recently added image is shown in the upload zone view.limitFileInput(); // Required for parent views to use listenTo() on dropzone events view.trigger("addedfile"); }); // Hide the remove buttons and text when an image is removed this.on("removedfile", function(file){ view.previewImageRemove(); // Required for parent views to use listenTo() on dropzone events view.trigger("removedfile"); }); this.on("success", function(){ view.trigger("successSaving", view.model); }); } catch (e) { console.error("Issue initializing dropzone, error message: " + e); } } }); // Save the dropzone element for other functions to access later view.imageDropzone = $dropZone[0].dropzone; // Fetch the image if a URL was provided and show thumbnail if(view.url){ view.showSavedImage(); } } catch(error){ console.error("ImageUploaderView could not be rendered, error message: ", error); } }, /** * prepareD1Model - Called once an image file is resized or once it's * determined the the image does not need to be resized. This function adds * data about the image added by the user to a new DataOne model, then * calculates the checksum. When the checksum is finished being calculated, * calls the callback function (i.e. dropzone's done()). * * @param {Blob|File} object Either the Blob or File to be saved to the server * @param {string} filename the name of the file * @param {string} filetype the filetype * @param {function} callback a function to call once the checksum is calculated. */ prepareD1Model: function(object, filename, filetype, callback){ try{ var modelAttributes = { synced: true, type: "image", fileName: filename, mediaType: filetype, size: object.size, uploadFile: object } // Each file upload must be a new DataONE object this.model = new DataONEObject(modelAttributes); this.model.updateID(); this.model.set("obsoletes", null); this.model.get("accessPolicy").makePublic(); // Start checksum, and call the callback function when it's complete this.model.stopListening(this.model, "checksumCalculated"); this.model.listenToOnce(this.model, "checksumCalculated", function(){ callback(object); }); this.model.calculateChecksum(); } catch (exception) { console.log("there was a problem calculating the checksum, exception: " + exception); } }, /** * limitFileInput - Ensures only the most recently added image is shown in * the upload zone, as we limit each zone to 1 image but dropzone is * designed to accept multiple files. Called whenever a file is added to a * dropzone element. */ limitFileInput: function(){ if (this.imageDropzone.files[1]!=null){ this.imageDropzone.removeFile(this.imageDropzone.files[0]); } }, /** * checkMinDimensions - called from dropzone's thumbnail function before the * image is displayed. Checks that the image meets at least the minimum * height and width requirements provided to view.minHeight and * view.minWidth. * * @param {number} width the image's height. * @param {number} height the image's width. * @return {string|boolean} returns true if the image is at least as wide as and as tall as the given height and width. Otherwise returns an error message to display to the user. */ checkMinDimensions: function(width, height){ try{ if(width < this.minWidth && height < this.minHeight){ return("This image is too small. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minWidth +"px wide and " + this.minHeight + "px tall."); } else if (width < this.minWidth) { return("This image is too narrow. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minWidth +"px wide.") } else if (height < this.minHeight){ return("This image is too short. Please choose an image that's at least " + this.minHeight +"px tall.") } else { // minimum height and width are met. If too large, then image will be resized. return true } } catch(error){ console.log("Error checking the min dimensions of added file. Error message:" + error); // Better to show an image that's too small in this case. return true } }, /** * showImage - General function for displaying an image file in the upload zone, whether * just added or already uploaded. This is the function that we use to override * dropzone's thumbnail() function. It displays the image as the background of * a div if this view's imageTagName attribute is set to "div", or as an image * element if imageTagName is set to "img". * @param {object} file Information about the image file * @param {string} dataURL A URL for the image to be displayed */ showImage: function(file, dataURL){ try{ // Don't show files that are the wrong size or type if(!this.url && !file.accepted){ return }; var previewEl = $(file.previewElement).find(".image-container")[0]; if(this.imageTagName == "img"){ previewEl.src = dataURL; } else if (this.imageTagName == "div"){ $(previewEl).css("background-image", "url(" + dataURL + ")"); } } catch(error) { console.log(error); this.showError($(file.previewElement)); } }, /** * Display an image in the upload zone that's already saved. This gets called * when an image url is provided to this view. */ showSavedImage: function(){ try{ //If there is no URL or the model hasn't been saved yet, then don't show the image if( !this.url || this.model.isNew() ){ return; } // A mock image file to identify the image provided to this view var imageFile = { url: this.url }; // Add it to filelist so excess images can be removed if needed this.imageDropzone.files[0] = imageFile; // Call the default addedfile event handler this.imageDropzone.emit("addedfile", imageFile); // Show the thumbnail of the file this.imageDropzone.emit("thumbnail", imageFile, imageFile.url); // Make sure that there is no progress bar, etc... this.imageDropzone.emit("complete", imageFile); } catch(error){ console.log("image could not be displayed, error message: " + error); // When the preview image fails to render, show some explanatory text this.showError($(this.imageDropzone.element)); } }, /** * showError - Indicates to the user that the image uploader may not work * due to browser issues. * @param {jQuery} dropzoneEl - The dropzone element to show the error for. */ showError: function(dropzoneEl){ dropzoneEl.addClass("error"); dropzoneEl.find(".dz-error-message span").text("Error previewing image"); dropzoneEl.tooltip({ placement: "bottom", trigger: "hover", title: "Image previews cannot be shown. Your browser may be out-of-date." }); }, /** * previewImageRemove - When the user hovers over the remove button, * indicates to the user that the button will remove the image by 1) changing * the upload instruction text to a message about removing the image, * and 2) adding a warning class to the message div. */ previewImageRemove: function(e){ try { if(e){ this.$el.toggleClass("remove-preview"); } else { this.$el.removeClass("remove-preview"); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } }); return ImageUploaderView; });