# Default values for idxworker. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. global: solrPort: &global-solr-port 8983 ## @param global.metacatAppContext The application context used by the metacat installation ## metacatAppContext: metacat ## @param global.storageClass default name of the storageClass to use for PVs ## Comment out to use default, if one is set on your cluster ## ## To inspect your cluster to see what storageClass names are supported: ## $ kubectl get storageclass ## (e.g. for Rancher Desktop, use: storageClass: local-path) storageClass: csi-cephfs-sc ## @param global.ephemeralVolumeStorageClass Optional override of global.storageClass. ## Can be used to assign a storageClass that has a 'Delete' Reclaim Policy, thus allowing ## ephemeral volumes to be cleaned up automatically (eg "csi-cephfs-sc-ephemeral") ## Comment out to use default StorageClass, if one is set on your cluster ## ephemeralVolumeStorageClass: csi-cephfs-sc-ephemeral ## @param global.d1ClientCnUrl URL of the CN ## d1ClientCnUrl: "https://cn.dataone.org/cn" ## @section Dataone-Indexer Application-Specific Properties image: repository: ghcr.io/dataoneorg/dataone-index-worker pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. #tag: "" imagePullSecrets: [] ## @param dataone-indexer.nameOverride partial override for resource name ## used by k8s for the pods etc. ## Will maintain the release name, so the resulting resource name for the pods etc. will begin: ## myrelease-nameOverride-... ## nameOverride: d1index fullnameOverride: "" serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" podAnnotations: {} podSecurityContext: fsGroup: 1000 # must match metacat group for shared volume at /var/metacat securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi autoscaling: enabled: true minReplicas: 3 maxReplicas: 100 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 # targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80 ## @param replicaCount Number of desired index worker pods. NOTE ignored if autoscaling.enabled=true #replicaCount: 1 nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} persistence: ## @param persistence.claimName Name of existing PVC to use (typically shared with metacat) ## Set a value for 'claimName' only if you want to re-use a Persistent Volume Claim that has ## already been set up by a k8s admin ahead of time. ## Leaving it blank will cause the value to be autopopulated with: ## claimName: {podname}-metacat-{releaseName}-metacat-0 ## claimName: "" ## @param persistence.mountPath The directory at which to mount the volume, inside this container ## mountPath: /var/metacat ## @param persistence.subPath The subdirectory of the volume (see persistence.volumeName) to mount ## Useful in dev environments and one PV for multiple services ## subPath: "" ## @section IndexWorker properties ## idxworker: debug: "FALSE" ## @param idxworker.metacatK8sFullName ignored if deployed as subchart, else use metacat.fullname ## If deployed as a subchart, metacatK8sFullName will be ignored, and metacat.fullname will be ## retrieved automatically from the top-level metacat chart. If this not a subchart, set ## metacatK8sFullName to reflect the k8s "fullname" of the metacat installation being indexed. ## Note there is some tricky logic involved in deciding what the fullname should be - see ## "idxworker.fullname" in templates/_helpers.tpl, as an example. ## metacatK8sFullName: "" ## @param idxworker.mn_url URL of the metacat instance that depends upon this indexer ## Leave this value unset (mn_url: "") to have it automatically populated ## mn_url: "" ## @param idxworker.solrHostname hostname of the solr service to use ## Leave unset (solrHostname: "") to automatically populate when using solr bitnami subchart ## solrHostname: "" ## @param idxworker.solrVerConflictWaitMs wait time (mS) before indexer grabs a newer version ## of solr doc after a version conflict ## solrVerConflictWaitMs: 1000 ## @param idxworker.solrVerConflictMaxTries Number of tries to get a newer version of solr doc ## after a version conflict ## solrVerConflictMaxTries: 50 ## @param idxworker.resourcemapWaitMs resource map processor wait time (mS) for solr doc readiness ## of its components ## resourcemapWaitMs: 800 ## @param idxworker.resourcemapMaxTries resource map processor number of tries for solr doc ## readiness of its components ## resourcemapMaxTries: 25 ## @param idxworker.rabbitmqHostname hostname of the rabbitmq service to use ## Leave unset (rabbitmqHostname: "") to automatically populate when using rmq bitnami subchart ## rabbitmqHostname: "" ## @param idxworker.rabbitmqHostPort hostport of the rabbitmq service ## Leave unset (rabbitmqHostPort: "") to automatically populate when using rmq bitnami subchart ## rabbitmqHostPort: "" ## @param idxworker.data_directory Location of data within the metacat shared volume ## data_directory: /var/metacat/data ## @param idxworker.document_directory Location of docs within the metacat shared volume ## document_directory: /var/metacat/documents # The size of the thread pool which processes the index tasks pool_size: 5 d1_serviceType_url: https://cn.dataone.org/mnServiceTypes.xml ## @param idxworker.tripleDbDirectory path to indexer cache for triples (usually on a mount) ## tripleDbDirectory: /etc/dataone/tdb-cache ## @section RabbitMQ Bitnami Sub-Chart Configuration ## rabbitmq: enabled: true persistence: size: 10Gi #replicaCount: 3 #If you change the number of the max priority, the existing queue must be deleted, and consumers # must use the same number. #max.priority: 10 auth: ## @param rabbitmq.username the username for rabbitmq access ## username: rmq ## @param rabbitmq.existingPasswordSecret the k8s secret holding the rabbitmq password ## (must be associated with key: 'rabbitmq-password') ## existingPasswordSecret: "" ## @section Solr Bitnami Sub-Chart Configuration ## solr: enabled: true collection: temp_collection ## @param solr.customCollection (required) name of the solr collection to use ## Forms part of the Solr url, as follows: ## ## http://idxworker.solrHostname:global.solrPort/ ## solr/solr.customCollection/admin/file?file=schema.xml ## ## NOTE: if you change this value after having deployed this chart, you will need to delete the ## existing solr PVCs and PVs before re-deploying with the new name. ## customCollection: dataone-index ## @param solr.coreNames Solr core names to be created coreNames: - dataone-core #javaMem: "-Xms512m -Xmx2g" containerSecurityContext: runAsUser: 1000 persistence: size: 10Gi service: ports: ## @param solr.service.ports.http: see global.solrPort (required) ## http: *global-solr-port nodePorts: http: *global-solr-port containerPorts: http: *global-solr-port auth: ## Nov 2023: Agreed with Matt we don't need solr auth for now, since solr isn't exposed ## outside the cluster. Can add later if needed by anyone not using the subchart, and ## instead connecting to a solr instance outside the cluster ## enabled: false extraVolumes: - name: solr-config configMap: name: d1index-indexer-configfiles defaultMode: 0777 extraVolumeMounts: - name: solr-config mountPath: /solrconfig - name: solr-config mountPath: /opt/bitnami/scripts/solr/entrypoint.sh subPath: entrypoint.sh lifecycleHooks: postStart: exec: command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/solrconfig/config-solr.sh"]