Element Definitions:
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The root element of this module. This is used for
testing or if you want to instantiate a stand-alone project
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
A descriptive title for the research
Species diversity in Tennessee riparian
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
Derived from: rp:ResponsibleParty (by xs:extension)
Elements: | Use: | How many: |
A sequence of ( |
role | required | |
) |
The Personnel field extends ResponsibleParty
with role information and is used to document people involved in
a research project by providing contact information and their
role in the project. A project must have at least one
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The role field contains information
about role a person plays in a research project. There
are a number of suggested roles, however, it is
possible to add a role if the suggested roles are not
author contentProvider custodianSteward distributor editor metadataProvider originator owner pointOfContact principalInvestigator processor publisher user fieldStationManager informationManager
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
Descriptive abstract that summarizes information
about the research project.
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The funding field is used to provide information
about funding sources for the project such as: grant and contract
numbers; names and addresses of funding sources. Other
funding-related information may also be
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The studyAreaDescription field documents the
physical area associated with the research project. It can
include descriptions of the geographic, temporal, and taxonomic
coverage of the research location and descriptions of domains
(themes) of interest such as climate, geology, soils or
disturbances or reference to citable biological or geophysical
classification systems such as the Bailey Ecoregions or the
Holdridge Life Zones.
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The descriptor field is used to document
domains (themes) of interest such as climate, geology,
soils or disturbances or references to citable biological
or geophysical classification systems such as the Bailey
Ecoregions or the Holdridge Life Zones.
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
Attributes: | Use: | Default Value: |
name_or_id | optional |
The descriptorValue field contains
the value of a descriptor, describing some aspect of
the study area. This may either be a general
description in textual form or the value part of a
"name/value" pair where the name is entered in the
attribute "name_or_id". For example, if the value of
the "name" attribute" of the element "descriptor" is
"climate", and the value of the attribute
"name_or_id" of the element "descriptorValue" is
"Annual Precipitation" then the value of this element
could be "12.5 inches".
12.5 inches tundra-forest
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
A citation for this
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The citation for this
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The coverage of this
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The field designDescription contains general
textual descriptions of research design. It can include detailed
accounts of goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy,
statistical design, and actual work. Literature citations may
also be used to describe the research design.
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The field designDescription contains
general textual descriptions of research design. It can
include detailed accounts of goals, motivations, theory,
hypotheses, strategy, statistical design, and actual
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The citation field is a citation to
literature that describes elements of the research design,
such as goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy,
statistical design, and actual work.
| This element has no default value. |
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
This field is a recursive link to another
project. This allows projects to be nested under one another for
the case where one project spawns another.
Attribute Definitions:
Type: xs:string
Use: optional
The name_or_id field is the
name part of a name/value pair of a
descriptor; or ID portion of a
classification, if applicable. The values of
biogeophysical classification systems, e.g.
Bailey-Ecoregions, often take the form of an
ID or Code along with a text representation.
For example, the ID/Code M131 refers to the
phrase "Open Woodland -Tundra". M131 is an
unambiguous reference to a more detailed
description. If one is using a published
classification system then there should be a
corresponding citation to the source, e.g.,
Bailey,R.G., 1996 "Ecosystem
M131 Average Annual
Type: DescriptorType
Use: required
The name of the descriptor system. The
name can be either a theme such as climate or
hydrology, or the name of a citable classification
Type: xs:boolean
Use: required
This boolean attribute defines whether
this descriptor comes from a citable classification
system or not.
Type: res:IDType
Use: optional
Type: res:SystemType
Use: optional
Type: res:ScopeType
Use: optional
Default value: document
Complex Type Definitions:
Content of this field: | Description of this field: |
The researchProject complex type describes the
structure for documenting the research context of a dataset or another
project. It can include research goals, motivations, theory,
hypotheses, etc., as well as a description of research efforts that
form the basis for other work. (To document methods specific to a
dataset use eml-methods.) This field can be associated with a dataset
using the project field of eml-dataset, and can be associated with
another project using the relatedProject field of eml-project (this
Simple Type Definitions:
The DescriptorType is used to represent either the
name of a citable classification system/controlled vocabulary such as
the Bailey classification of ecoregions or a domain of physical
descriptors such as climate or disturbances.
climate soils hydrology "bailey" biome disturbance geology
Group Definitions: