Started 8 yr 1 mo ago
Took 1.9 sec

Success Build #23 (Feb 16, 2017 8:21:08 PM)

Revision: 18627
  1. editted README.txt (detail)
    by rnahf
  2. Change the tags for the 2.3.1 release. (detail)
    by tao
  3. un-commenting the DATAONE-SOLR and DATAONE-ZOOKEEPER properties in the release control files, so they can be built by jenkins. (detail)
    by rnahf
  4. First draft of the 2.3.1 release:
    Change cci version to 2.3.1
    change d1_portal_servlet to 2.3.1
    change dataone-cn-portal to 2.3.1
    We will continue to modify the file for the 2.3.1 release. (detail)
    by tao
  5. Added some cross reference and formatting; Added option to retrieve from URL (detail)
    by vieglais
  6. Added comment to script. (detail)
    by vieglais
  7. Added bash script to generate table of component versions for redmine wiki. (detail)
    by vieglais

Started by user administrator

Downstream Builds