

A title for this dataset. Include the topic, geographic location, dates, and if applicable, the scale of the data. Write out all abbreviations.


Provide a brief overview that summarizes the specific contents and purpose of this dataset.


Add keywords that accurately categorize these data. Add one keyword per line.

Keyword suggestions for the Earth Sciences can be found on the NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), particularly under Earth Science > Biosphere.

Keyword Thesaurus

To link this dataset to your research project, identify the appropriate funding identification. To search for an NSF award, start typing and choose your award from the search result list.

Publication Date

Set a citation date for this data set. This can be a year (YYYY) or an exact date (YYYY-MM-DD).

Usage Rights

Choose how you wish your data to be shared and reused.

Alternate Identifiers

If this dataset is archived in another location, such as a different data management system, list any additional identifiers that can be used to locate or label the dataset here.