/** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A Class that implements a metadata catalog as a java Servlet * Copyright: 2006 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Matt Jones, Dan Higgins, Jivka Bojilova, Chad Berkley, Matthew Perry * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Checksum; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.common.query.EnabledQueryEngines; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnection; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnectionPool; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DatabaseService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.hazelcast.HazelcastService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.plugin.MetacatHandlerPlugin; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.plugin.MetacatHandlerPluginManager; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.SkinPropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.replication.ReplicationService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.service.ServiceService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.service.SessionService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.service.XMLSchemaService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.BaseException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.HandlerException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.MetacatUtilException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.ServiceException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.spatial.SpatialHarvester; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.AuthUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.ConfigurationUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.DocumentUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.ErrorSendingErrorException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.RequestUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.ResponseUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.SessionData; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.SystemUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.workflow.WorkflowSchedulerClient; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.FileUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.UtilException; /** * A metadata catalog server implemented as a Java Servlet * * Valid actions are: * * action=login * username * password * qformat * action=logout * qformat * action=query -- query the values of all elements and attributes and return a result set of nodes * meta_file_id -- * returndoctype -- * filterdoctype -- * returnfield -- * owner -- * site -- * operator -- * casesensitive -- * searchmode -- * anyfield -- * action=spatial_query -- run a spatial query. these queries may include any of the * queries supported by the WFS / WMS standards * xmax -- * ymax -- * xmin -- * ymin -- * skin -- * pagesize -- * pagestart -- * action=squery -- structured query (see pathquery.dtd) * query -- * pagesize -- * pagestart -- * action=export -- export a zip format for data packadge * docid -- * action=read -- read any metadata/data file from Metacat and from Internet * archiveEntryName -- * docid -- * qformat -- * metadatadocid -- * action=readinlinedata -- read inline data only * inlinedataid * action=insert -- insert an XML document into the database store * qformat -- * docid -- * doctext -- * dtdtext -- * action=insertmultipart -- insert an xml document into the database using multipart encoding * qformat -- * docid -- * action=update -- update an XML document that is in the database store * qformat -- * docid -- * doctext -- * dtdtext -- * action=delete -- delete an XML document from the database store * docid -- * action=validate -- validate the xml contained in valtext * valtext -- * docid -- * action=setaccess -- change access permissions for a user on a document. * docid -- * principal -- * permission -- * permType -- * permOrder -- * action=getaccesscontrol -- retrieve acl info for Metacat document * docid -- * action=getprincipals -- retrieve a list of principals in XML * action=getalldocids -- retrieves a list of all docids registered with the system * scope -- * action=getlastdocid -- * scope -- * username -- * action=isregistered -- checks to see if the provided docid is registered * docid -- * action=getrevisionanddoctype -- get a document's revision and doctype from database * docid -- * action=getversion -- * action=getdoctypes -- retrieve all doctypes (publicID) * action=getdtdschema -- retrieve a DTD or Schema file * doctype -- * action=getlog -- get a report of events that have occurred in the system * ipAddress -- filter on one or more IP addresses> * principal -- filter on one or more principals (LDAP DN syntax) * docid -- filter on one or more document identifiers (with revision) * event -- filter on event type (e.g., read, insert, update, delete) * start -- filter out events before the start date-time * end -- filter out events before the end date-time * action=getloggedinuserinfo -- get user info for the currently logged in user * ipAddress -- filter on one or more IP addresses> * principal -- filter on one or more principals (LDAP DN syntax) * docid -- filter on one or more document identifiers (with revision) * event -- filter on event type (e.g., read, insert, update, delete) * start -- filter out events before the start date-time * end -- filter out events before the end date-time * action=shrink -- Shrink the database connection pool size if it has grown and * extra connections are no longer being used. * action=buildindex -- * docid -- * action=refreshServices -- * action=scheduleWorkflow -- Schedule a workflow to be run. Scheduling a workflow * registers it with the scheduling engine and creates a row * in the scheduled_job table. Note that this may be * extracted into a separate servlet. * delay -- The amount of time from now before the workflow should be run. The * delay can be expressed in number of seconds, minutes, hours and days, * for instance 30s, 2h, etc. * starttime -- The time that the workflow should first run. If both are provided * this takes precedence over delay. The time should be expressed as: * MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss with the timezone assumed to be that of the OS. * endtime -- The time when the workflow should end. The time should be expressed as: * MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss with the timezone assumed to be that of the OS. * intervalvalue -- The numeric value of the interval between runs * intervalunit -- The unit of the interval between runs. Can be s, m, h, d for * seconds, minutes, hours and days respectively * workflowid -- The lsid of the workflow that we want to schedule. This workflow * must already exist in the database. * karid -- The karid for the workflow that we want to schedule. * workflowname -- The name of the workflow. * forwardto -- If provided, forward to this page when processing is done. * qformat -- If provided, render results using the stylesheets associated with * this skin. Default is xml. * action=unscheduleWorkflow -- Unschedule a workflow. Unscheduling a workflow * removes it from the scheduling engine and changes the * status in the scheduled_job table to " unscheduled. Note * that this may be extracted into a separate servlet. * workflowjobname -- The job ID for the workflow run that we want to unschedule. This * is held in the database as scheduled_job.name * forwardto -- If provided, forward to this page when processing is done. * qformat -- If provided, render results using the stylesheets associated with * this skin. Default is xml. * action=rescheduleWorkflow -- Unschedule a workflow. Rescheduling a workflow * registers it with the scheduling engine and changes the * status in the scheduled_job table to " scheduled. Note * that this may be extracted into a separate servlet. * workflowjobname -- The job ID for the workflow run that we want to reschedule. This * is held in the database as scheduled_job.name * forwardto -- If provided, forward to this page when processing is done. * qformat -- If provided, render results using the stylesheets associated with * this skin. Default is xml. * action=deleteScheduledWorkflow -- Delete a workflow. Deleting a workflow * removes it from the scheduling engine and changes the * status in the scheduled_job table to " deleted. Note * that this may be extracted into a separate servlet. * workflowjobname -- The job ID for the workflow run that we want to delete. This * is held in the database as scheduled_job.name * forwardto -- If provided, forward to this page when processing is done. * qformat -- If provided, render results using the stylesheets associated with * this skin. Default is xml. * action=reindex -- rebuild the solr index for the specified pids. * pid -- the id of the document which will be rebuilt slor index. * action=reindexall -- rebuild the solr index for all objects in the systemmetadata table. * * Here are some of the common parameters for actions * doctype -- document type list returned by the query (publicID) * qformat=xml -- display resultset from query in XML * qformat=html -- display resultset from query in HTML * qformat=zip -- zip resultset from query * docid=34 -- display the document with the document ID number 34 * doctext -- XML text of the document to load into the database * acltext -- XML access text for a document to load into the database * dtdtext -- XML DTD text for a new DTD to load into Metacat XML Catalog * query -- actual query text (to go with 'action=query' or 'action=squery') * valtext -- XML text to be validated * scope --can limit the query by the scope of the id * docid --the docid to check * datadoc -- data document name (id) */ public class MetaCatServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Timer timer = null; private static boolean _firstHalfInitialized = false; private static boolean _fullyInitialized = false; private MetacatHandler handler = null; // Constants -- these should be final in a servlet public static final String SCHEMALOCATIONKEYWORD = ":schemaLocation"; public static final String NONAMESPACELOCATION = ":noNamespaceSchemaLocation"; public static final String EML2KEYWORD = ":eml"; private static final String FALSE = "false"; private static final String TRUE = "true"; private static String LOG_CONFIG_NAME = null; public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "metacat"; public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * Initialize the servlet by creating appropriate database connections */ public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(MetaCatServlet.class); try { if(_firstHalfInitialized) { return; } super.init(config); ServletContext context = config.getServletContext(); context.setAttribute("APPLICATION_NAME", APPLICATION_NAME); ServiceService serviceService = ServiceService.getInstance(context); logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.init - ServiceService singleton created " + serviceService); // Initialize the properties file String dirPath = ServiceService.getRealConfigDir(); LOG_CONFIG_NAME = dirPath + "/log4j.properties"; PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(LOG_CONFIG_NAME); // Register preliminary services ServiceService.registerService("PropertyService", PropertyService.getInstance(context)); ServiceService.registerService("SkinPropertyService", SkinPropertyService.getInstance()); ServiceService.registerService("SessionService", SessionService.getInstance()); // Check to see if the user has requested to bypass configuration // (dev option) and check see if metacat has been configured. // If both are false then stop the initialization if (!ConfigurationUtil.bypassConfiguration() && !ConfigurationUtil.isMetacatConfigured()) { return; } _firstHalfInitialized = true; initSecondHalf(context); } catch (ServiceException se) { String errorMessage = "Service problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + se.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.init - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } catch (MetacatUtilException mue) { String errorMessage = "Metacat utility problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + mue.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.init - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } } /** * Initialize the remainder of the servlet. This is the part that can only * be initialized after metacat properties have been configured * * @param context * the servlet context of MetaCatServlet */ public void initSecondHalf(ServletContext context) throws ServletException { Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(MetaCatServlet.class); try { ServiceService.registerService("DatabaseService", DatabaseService.getInstance()); // initialize DBConnection pool DBConnectionPool connPool = DBConnectionPool.getInstance(); logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - DBConnection pool initialized: " + connPool.toString()); // register the XML schema service ServiceService.registerService("XMLSchemaService", XMLSchemaService.getInstance()); // check if eml201 document were corrected or not. if not, correct eml201 documents. // Before Metacat 1.8.1, metacat uses tag RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_6 as eml // schema, which accidentily points to wrong version of eml-resource.xsd. String correctedEML201Doc = PropertyService.getProperty("document.eml201DocumentCorrected"); if (correctedEML201Doc != null && correctedEML201Doc.equals(FALSE)) { logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Start to correct eml201 documents"); EML201DocumentCorrector correct = new EML201DocumentCorrector(); boolean success = correct.run(); if (success) { PropertyService.setProperty("document.eml201DocumentCorrected", TRUE); } logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Finish to correct eml201 documents"); } // Index the paths specified in the metacat.properties checkIndexPaths(); // initiate the indexing Queue IndexingQueue.getInstance(); // start the IndexingThread if indexingTimerTaskTime more than 0. // It will index all the documents not yet indexed in the database int indexingTimerTaskTime = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.indexingTimerTaskTime")); int delayTime = Integer.parseInt(PropertyService .getProperty("database.indexingInitialDelay")); if (indexingTimerTaskTime > 0) { timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new IndexingTimerTask(), delayTime, indexingTimerTaskTime); } /* * If spatial option is turned on and set to regenerate the spatial * cache on restart, trigger the harvester regeneratation method */ if (PropertyService.getProperty("spatial.runSpatialOption").equals("true") && PropertyService.getProperty("spatial.regenerateCacheOnRestart").equals("true")) { // Begin timer long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if either the point or polygon shape files do not exist, then regenerate the entire spatial cache // this may be expensive with many documents SpatialHarvester sh = new SpatialHarvester(); sh.regenerate(); sh.destroy(); // After running the first time, we want to to set // regenerateCacheOnRestart to false // so that it does not regenerate the cache every time tomcat is // restarted PropertyService.setProperty("spatial.regenerateCacheOnRestart", "false"); // End timer long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Spatial Harvester Time " + (after - before) + "ms"); } else { logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Spatial cache is not set to regenerate on restart"); } // Set up the replication log file by setting the "replication.logfile.name" // system property and reconfiguring the log4j property configurator. String replicationLogPath = PropertyService.getProperty("replication.logdir") + FileUtil.getFS() + ReplicationService.REPLICATION_LOG_FILE_NAME; if (FileUtil.getFileStatus(replicationLogPath) == FileUtil.DOES_NOT_EXIST) { FileUtil.createFile(replicationLogPath); } if (FileUtil.getFileStatus(replicationLogPath) < FileUtil.EXISTS_READ_WRITABLE) { logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Replication log file: " + replicationLogPath + " does not exist read/writable."); } System.setProperty("replication.logfile.name", replicationLogPath); PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(LOG_CONFIG_NAME); SessionService.getInstance().unRegisterAllSessions(); //Initialize Metacat Handler handler = new MetacatHandler(timer); handler.set_sitemapScheduled(false); // initialize the plugins MetacatHandlerPluginManager.getInstance(); // initialize the HazelcastService ServiceService.registerService("HazelcastService", HazelcastService.getInstance()); _fullyInitialized = true; logMetacat.warn("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - Metacat (" + MetacatVersion.getVersionID() + ") initialized."); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "SQL problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + e.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } catch (IOException ie) { String errorMessage = "IO problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + ie.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } catch (GeneralPropertyException gpe) { String errorMessage = "Could not retrieve property while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + gpe.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } catch (ServiceException se) { String errorMessage = "Service problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + se.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } catch (UtilException ue) { String errorMessage = "Utility problem while intializing MetaCat Servlet: " + ue.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.initSecondHalf - " + errorMessage); throw new ServletException(errorMessage); } } /** * Close all db connections from the pool */ public void destroy() { Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(MetaCatServlet.class); ServiceService.stopAllServices(); // Close all db connection logMetacat.warn("MetaCatServlet.destroy - Destroying MetacatServlet"); timer.cancel(); IndexingQueue.getInstance().setMetacatRunning(false); DBConnectionPool.release(); } /** Handle "GET" method requests from HTTP clients */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Process the data and send back the response handleGetOrPost(request, response); } /** Handle "POST" method requests from HTTP clients */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Process the data and send back the response handleGetOrPost(request, response); } /** * Index the paths specified in the metacat.properties */ private void checkIndexPaths() { Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(MetaCatServlet.class); logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - starting...."); boolean needCheck = false; try { needCheck = Boolean.parseBoolean(PropertyService.getProperty("dbquery.init.check.newpath")); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.warn("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - we can't get the property value of \"dbquery.init.check.newpath\" and the default value \"false\" will be used since " + e.getMessage()); } logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - the final of needCheckInexPath value is " + needCheck); if(!EnabledQueryEngines.getInstance().isEnabled(EnabledQueryEngines.PATHQUERYENGINE) || !needCheck) { logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - the pathquery is disabled or the property \"dbquery.init.check.newpath\" is set false, so it does nothing for checking path_index"); return; } logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - after checking is the pathquery enabled or not..."); Vector pathsForIndexing = null; try { pathsForIndexing = SystemUtil.getPathsForIndexing(); } catch (MetacatUtilException ue) { pathsForIndexing = null; logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - not find index paths. Setting " + "pathsForIndexing to null: " + ue.getMessage()); } if (pathsForIndexing != null && !pathsForIndexing.isEmpty()) { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Indexing paths specified in metacat.properties...."); DBConnection conn = null; int serialNumber = -1; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null; ResultSet rs = null; for (String pathIndex : pathsForIndexing) { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Checking if '" + pathIndex + "' is indexed.... "); try { //check out DBConnection conn = DBConnectionPool. getDBConnection("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths"); serialNumber = conn.getCheckOutSerialNumber(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM xml_path_index " + "WHERE path = ?"); pstmt.setString(1, pathIndex); pstmt.execute(); rs = pstmt.getResultSet(); if (!rs.next()) { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - not indexed yet."); rs.close(); pstmt.close(); conn.increaseUsageCount(1); logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Inserting following path in xml_path_index: " + pathIndex); if(pathIndex.indexOf("@")<0){ pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT n.docid, " + "n.nodedata, n.nodedatanumerical, n.nodedatadate, n.parentnodeid" + " FROM xml_nodes n, xml_index i WHERE" + " i.path = ? and n.parentnodeid=i.nodeid and" + " n.nodetype LIKE 'TEXT' order by n.parentnodeid"); } else { pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT n.docid, " + "n.nodedata, n.nodedatanumerical, n.nodedatadate, n.parentnodeid" + " FROM xml_nodes n, xml_index i WHERE" + " i.path = ? and n.nodeid=i.nodeid and" + " n.nodetype LIKE 'ATTRIBUTE' order by n.parentnodeid"); } pstmt.setString(1, pathIndex); pstmt.execute(); rs = pstmt.getResultSet(); int count = 0; logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Executed the select statement for: " + pathIndex); try { while (rs.next()) { String docid = rs.getString(1); String nodedata = rs.getString(2); float nodedatanumerical = rs.getFloat(3); Timestamp nodedatadate = rs.getTimestamp(4); int parentnodeid = rs.getInt(5); if (!nodedata.trim().equals("")) { pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO xml_path_index" + " (docid, path, nodedata, " + "nodedatanumerical, nodedatadate, parentnodeid)" + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); pstmt1.setString(1, docid); pstmt1.setString(2, pathIndex); pstmt1.setString(3, nodedata); pstmt1.setFloat(4, nodedatanumerical); pstmt1.setTimestamp(5, nodedatadate); pstmt1.setInt(6, parentnodeid); pstmt1.execute(); pstmt1.close(); count++; } } } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Exception:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); conn.increaseUsageCount(1); logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Indexed " + count + " records from xml_nodes for '" + pathIndex + "'"); } else { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - already indexed."); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); conn.increaseUsageCount(1); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Error in MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths: " + e.getMessage()); }finally { //check in DBonnection DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(conn, serialNumber); } } logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.checkIndexPaths - Path Indexing Completed"); } } /** * Control servlet response depending on the action parameter specified */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void handleGetOrPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(MetaCatServlet.class); String requestEncoding = request.getCharacterEncoding(); if (requestEncoding == null) { logMetacat.debug("null requestEncoding, setting to application default: " + DEFAULT_ENCODING); request.setCharacterEncoding(DEFAULT_ENCODING); } logMetacat.debug("requestEncoding: " + requestEncoding); // Update the last update time for this user if they are not new HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false); if (httpSession != null) { SessionService.getInstance().touchSession(httpSession.getId()); } // Each time metacat is called, check to see if metacat has been // configured. If not then forward to the administration servlet if (!ConfigurationUtil.isMetacatConfigured()) { try { RequestUtil.forwardRequest(request, response, "/admin?action=configure", null); return; } catch (MetacatUtilException mue) { logMetacat.error("MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost - utility error when forwarding to " + "configuration screen: " + mue.getMessage()); throw new ServletException("MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost - utility error when forwarding to " + "configuration screen: " + mue.getMessage()); } } // if we get here, metacat is configured. If we have not completed the // second half of the initialization, do so now. This allows us to initially // configure metacat without a restart. logMetacat.info("MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost - the _fullyInitailzied value is "+_fullyInitialized); if (!_fullyInitialized) { initSecondHalf(request.getSession().getServletContext()); } /* * logMetacat.debug("Connection pool size: " * +connPool.getSizeOfDBConnectionPool(),10); logMetacat.debug("Free * DBConnection number: " */ // If all DBConnection in the pool are free and DBConnection pool // size is greater than initial value, shrink the connection pool // size to initial value DBConnectionPool.shrinkDBConnectionPoolSize(); // Debug message to print out the method which have a busy DBConnection try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") DBConnectionPool pool = DBConnectionPool.getInstance(); // pool.printMethodNameHavingBusyDBConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - Error in MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { String ctype = request.getContentType(); if (ctype != null && ctype.startsWith("multipart/form-data")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } handler.handleMultipartForm(request, response); return; } String name = null; String[] value = null; String[] docid = new String[3]; Hashtable params = new Hashtable(); // Check if this is a simple read request that doesn't use the // "action" syntax // These URLs are of the form: // http://localhost:8180/metacat/metacat/docid/skinname // e.g., http://localhost:8180/metacat/metacat/test.1.1/knb String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo(); if (pathInfo != null) { String[] path = pathInfo.split("/"); if (path.length > 1) { String docidToRead = path[1]; String docs[] = new String[1]; docs[0] = docidToRead; logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - READING DOCID FROM PATHINFO: " + docs[0]); params.put("docid", docs); String skin = null; if (path.length > 2) { skin = path[2]; String skins[] = new String[1]; skins[0] = skin; params.put("qformat", skins); } // attempt to redirect to metacatui (#view/{pid}) if not getting the raw XML // see: https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6546 if (!skin.equals("xml")) { String uiContext = PropertyService.getProperty("ui.context"); String docidNoRev = DocumentUtil.getSmartDocId(docidToRead); int rev = DocumentUtil.getRevisionFromAccessionNumber(docidToRead); String pid = null; try { pid = IdentifierManager.getInstance().getGUID(docidNoRev, rev); response.sendRedirect(SystemUtil.getServerURL() + "/" + uiContext + "/#view/" + pid ); return; } catch (McdbDocNotFoundException nfe) { logMetacat.warn("Could not locate PID for docid: " + docidToRead, nfe); } } // otherwise carry on as usual handler.handleReadAction(params, request, response, "public", null, null); return; } } Enumeration paramlist = (Enumeration) request.getParameterNames(); while (paramlist.hasMoreElements()) { name = paramlist.nextElement(); value = request.getParameterValues(name); // Decode the docid and mouse click information // THIS IS OBSOLETE -- I THINK -- REMOVE THIS BLOCK // 4/12/2007d // MBJ if (name.endsWith(".y")) { docid[0] = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2); params.put("docid", docid); name = "ypos"; } if (name.endsWith(".x")) { name = "xpos"; } params.put(name, value); } // handle param is emptpy if (params.isEmpty() || params == null) { return; } // if the user clicked on the input images, decode which image // was clicked then set the action. if (params.get("action") == null) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("Action not specified"); out.println(""); out.close(); return; } String action = (params.get("action"))[0]; logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - Action is: " + action); // This block handles session management for the servlet // by looking up the current session information for all actions // other than "login" and "logout" String userName = null; String password = null; String[] groupNames = null; String sessionId = null; name = null; // handle login action if (action.equals("login")) { //PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); handler.handleLoginAction(out, params, request, response); out.close(); // handle logout action } else if (action.equals("logout")) { Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); handler.handleLogoutAction(out, params, request, response); out.close(); // handle session validate request } else if (action.equals("validatesession")) { String token = request.getHeader("Authorization"); // First check for a valid authentication token if ( token != null && ! token.equals("") ) { Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); SessionData sessionData = RequestUtil.getSessionData(request); response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.write(""); out.write(""); if ( sessionData != null ) { out.write("valid"); } else { out.write("invalid"); } out.write(""); if (sessionData != null) { out.write(""); out.write(""); out.write(sessionData.getUserName()); out.write(""); out.write(""); out.write(sessionData.getName()); out.write(""); String[] groups = sessionData.getGroupNames(); if ( groups != null ) { for(String groupName : groups) { out.write(""); out.write(groupName); out.write(""); } } out.write(""); } out.write("" + sessionId + ""); out.close(); } else { // With no token, validate the sessionid Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); String idToValidate = null; String idsToValidate[] = params.get("sessionid"); if (idsToValidate != null) { idToValidate = idsToValidate[0]; } else { // use the sessionid from the cookie SessionData sessionData = RequestUtil.getSessionData(request); if (sessionData != null) { idToValidate = sessionData.getId(); } } SessionService.getInstance().validateSession(out, response, idToValidate); out.close(); } // aware of session expiration on every request } else { SessionData sessionData = RequestUtil.getSessionData(request); if (sessionData != null) { userName = sessionData.getUserName(); password = sessionData.getPassword(); groupNames = sessionData.getGroupNames(); sessionId = sessionData.getId(); } logMetacat.info("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - The user is : " + userName); } // Now that we know the session is valid, we can delegate the // request to a particular action handler if (action.equals("query")) { Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); handler.handleQuery(out, params, response, userName, groupNames, sessionId); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("squery")) { Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); if (params.containsKey("query")) { handler.handleSQuery(out, params, response, userName, groupNames, sessionId); out.close(); } else { out.write("Illegal action squery without \"query\" parameter"); out.close(); } } else if (action.trim().equals("spatial_query")) { logMetacat .debug("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - ******************* SPATIAL QUERY ********************"); Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); handler.handleSpatialQuery(out, params, response, userName, groupNames, sessionId); out.close(); } else if (action.trim().equals("dataquery")) { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - ******************* DATA QUERY ********************"); handler.handleDataquery(params, response, sessionId); } else if (action.trim().equals("editcart")) { logMetacat.debug("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - ******************* EDIT CART ********************"); handler.handleEditCart(params, response, sessionId); } else if (action.equals("export")) { handler.handleExportAction(params, response, userName, groupNames, password); } else if (action.equals("read")) { if (params.get("archiveEntryName") != null) { ArchiveHandler.getInstance().readArchiveEntry(params, request, response, userName, password, groupNames); } else { handler.handleReadAction(params, request, response, userName, password, groupNames); } } else if (action.equals("readinlinedata")) { handler.handleReadInlineDataAction(params, request, response, userName, password, groupNames); } else if (action.equals("insert") || action.equals("update")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); if ((userName != null) && !userName.equals("public")) { //formatid will be set null here since this is metacat api String formatId = null; Checksum checksum = null;//for Metacat API, we don't calculate the checksum handler.handleInsertOrUpdateAction(request.getRemoteAddr(), request.getHeader("User-Agent"), response, out, params, userName, groupNames, true, true, null, formatId, checksum); } else { response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.println(""); out.println(""); String cleanMessage = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml("Permission denied for user " + userName + " " + action); out.println(cleanMessage); out.println(""); } out.close(); } else if (action.equals("delete")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); if ((userName != null) && !userName.equals("public")) { handler.handleDeleteAction(out, params, request, response, userName, groupNames); } else { response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.println(""); out.println(""); String cleanMessage = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml("Permission denied for " + action); out.println(cleanMessage); out.println(""); } out.close(); } else if (action.equals("validate")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleValidateAction(out, params); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("setaccess")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleSetAccessAction(out, params, userName, request, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getaccesscontrol")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetAccessControlAction(out, params, response, userName, groupNames); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("isauthorized")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); DocumentUtil.isAuthorized(out, params, request, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getprincipals")) { Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); handler.handleGetPrincipalsAction(out, userName, password); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getdoctypes")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetDoctypesAction(out, params, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getdtdschema")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetDTDSchemaAction(out, params, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getdocid")) { handler.handleGetDocid(params, response); } else if (action.equals("getlastdocid")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetMaxDocidAction(out, params, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getalldocids")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetAllDocidsAction(out, params, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("isregistered")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleIdIsRegisteredAction(out, params, response); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getrevisionanddoctype")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); handler.handleGetRevisionAndDocTypeAction(out, params); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getversion")) { response.setContentType("text/xml"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(MetacatVersion.getVersionAsXml()); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("getlog")) { handler.handleGetLogAction(params, request, response, userName, groupNames, sessionId); } else if (action.equals("getloggedinuserinfo")) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.println(""); out.println("\n\n"); out.println("\n\n"); out.println(userName); out.println("\n\n"); if (name != null) { out.println("\n\n"); out.println(name); out.println("\n\n"); } if (AuthUtil.isAdministrator(userName, groupNames)) { out.println("\n"); } if (AuthUtil.isModerator(userName, groupNames)) { out.println("\n"); } out.println("\n\n"); out.close(); } else if (action.equals("buildindex")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } handler.handleBuildIndexAction(params, request, response, userName, groupNames); } else if (action.equals("reindex")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } handler.handleReindexAction(params, request, response, userName, groupNames); } else if (action.equals("reindexall")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } handler.handleReindexAllAction(params, request, response, userName, groupNames); } else if (action.equals("login") || action.equals("logout")) { /* * } else if (action.equals("protocoltest")) { String testURL = * "metacat://dev.nceas.ucsb.edu/NCEAS.897766.9"; try { testURL = * ((String[]) params.get("url"))[0]; } catch (Throwable t) { } * String phandler = System * .getProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs"); * response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = * response.getWriter(); out.println(""); out.println("

Handler property: * " + phandler + "

"); out.println("

Starting * test for:
"); out.println(" " + testURL + "

"); try { * URL u = new URL(testURL); out.println("
				 * out.println("Protocol: " + u.getProtocol()); out.println("
				 * Host: " + u.getHost()); out.println(" Port: " + u.getPort());
				 * out.println(" Path: " + u.getPath()); out.println(" Ref: " +
				 * u.getRef()); String pquery = u.getQuery(); out.println("
				 * Query: " + pquery); out.println(" Params: "); if (pquery !=
				 * null) { Hashtable qparams =
				 * MetacatUtil.parseQuery(u.getQuery()); for (Enumeration en =
				 * qparams.keys(); en .hasMoreElements();) { String pname =
				 * (String) en.nextElement(); String pvalue = (String)
				 * qparams.get(pname); out.println(" " + pname + ": " + pvalue); } }
				 * out.println("
"); out.println(""); * out.close(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { * System.out.println( "bad url from * MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost"); * out.println(mue.getMessage()); mue.printStackTrace(out); * out.close(); } */ } else if (action.equals("refreshServices")) { // TODO MCD this interface is for testing. It should go through // a ServiceService class and only work for an admin user. Move // to the MetacatAdminServlet ServiceService.refreshService("XMLSchemaService"); return; } else if (action.equals("scheduleWorkflow")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } try { WorkflowSchedulerClient.getInstance().scheduleJob(request, response, params, userName, groupNames); return; } catch (BaseException be) { ResponseUtil.sendErrorXML(response, ResponseUtil.SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW_ERROR, be); return; } } else if (action.equals("unscheduleWorkflow")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } try { WorkflowSchedulerClient.getInstance().unScheduleJob(request, response, params, userName, groupNames); return; } catch (BaseException be) { ResponseUtil.sendErrorXML(response, ResponseUtil.UNSCHEDULE_WORKFLOW_ERROR, be); return; } } else if (action.equals("rescheduleWorkflow")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } try { WorkflowSchedulerClient.getInstance().reScheduleJob(request, response, params, userName, groupNames); return; } catch (BaseException be) { ResponseUtil.sendErrorXML(response, ResponseUtil.RESCHEDULE_WORKFLOW_ERROR, be); return; } } else if (action.equals("getScheduledWorkflow")) { try { WorkflowSchedulerClient.getInstance().getJobs(request, response, params, userName, groupNames); return; } catch (BaseException be) { ResponseUtil.sendErrorXML(response, ResponseUtil.GET_SCHEDULED_WORKFLOW_ERROR, be); return; } } else if (action.equals("deleteScheduledWorkflow")) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } try { WorkflowSchedulerClient.getInstance().deleteJob(request, response, params, userName, groupNames); return; } catch (BaseException be) { ResponseUtil.sendErrorXML(response, ResponseUtil.DELETE_SCHEDULED_WORKFLOW_ERROR, be); return; } } else if (action.equals("shrink")) { // handle shrink DBConnection request PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); if(!AuthUtil.isAdministrator(userName, groupNames)){ out.println("The user "+userName+ " is not the administrator of the Metacat and doesn't have the permission to call the method."); out.close(); return; } boolean success = false; // If all DBConnection in the pool are free and DBConnection // pool // size is greater than initial value, shrink the connection // pool // size to initial value success = DBConnectionPool.shrinkConnectionPoolSize(); if (success) { // if successfully shrink the pool size to initial value out.println("DBConnection Pool shrunk successfully."); }// if else { out.println("DBConnection pool did not shrink successfully."); } // close out put out.close(); } else { //try the plugin handler if it has an entry for handling this action MetacatHandlerPlugin handlerPlugin = MetacatHandlerPluginManager.getInstance().getHandler(action); if (handlerPlugin != null) { if(isReadOnly(response)) { return; } handlerPlugin.handleAction(action, params, request, response, userName, groupNames, sessionId); } else { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(""); out.println(""); String cleanMessage = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml("Error: action: " + action + " not registered. Please report this error."); out.println(cleanMessage); out.println(""); out.close(); } } // Schedule the sitemap generator to run periodically handler.scheduleSitemapGeneration(request); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { String errorString = "Critical property not found: " + pnfe.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - " + errorString); throw new ServletException(errorString); } catch (MetacatUtilException ue) { String errorString = "Utility error: " + ue.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - " + errorString); throw new ServletException(errorString); } catch (ServiceException ue) { String errorString = "Service error: " + ue.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - " + errorString); throw new ServletException(errorString); } catch (HandlerException he) { String errorString = "Handler error: " + he.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - " + errorString); throw new ServletException(errorString); } catch (ErrorSendingErrorException esee) { String errorString = "Error sending error message: " + esee.getMessage(); logMetacat.error("MetaCatServlet.handleGetOrPost - " + errorString); throw new ServletException(errorString); } catch (ErrorHandledException ehe) { // Nothing to do here. We assume if we get here, the error has been // written to ouput. Continue on and let it display. } } /** * Reports whether the MetaCatServlet has been fully initialized * * @return true if fully intialized, false otherwise */ public static boolean isFullyInitialized() { return _fullyInitialized; } public static boolean isReadOnly(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { boolean readOnly = false; ReadOnlyChecker checker = new ReadOnlyChecker(); readOnly = checker.isReadOnly(); if(readOnly) { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("The Metacat is on the read-only mode and your request can't be fulfiled. Please try again later."); out.println(""); out.close(); } return readOnly; } }