package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone; /** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A Class for upgrading the database to version 1.5 * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Peter Slaughter * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dataone.client.v2.CNode; import org.dataone.client.v2.itk.D1Client; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidRequest; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidToken; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotAuthorized; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotFound; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotImplemented; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.ServiceFailure; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.VersionMismatch; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessRule; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeReference; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectFormatIdentifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectInfo; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Permission; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Session; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Subject; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.AccessionNumberException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.IdentifierManager; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.McdbDocNotFoundException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.accesscontrol.AccessControlException; import; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.shared.ServiceException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.GeneralPropertyException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.PropertyNotFoundException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.SortedProperties; public class SyncAccessPolicy { private static Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(SyncAccessPolicy.class); /** * Synchronize access policy (from system metadata) of d1 member node with * the corresponding controlling node. * * @param objList * list of d1 objects to be synced * @return syncedIds a list of pids that were synced with the CN * @throws ServiceFailure * @throws InvalidToken * @throws NotAuthorized * @throws NotFound * @throws NotImplemented * @throws McdbDocNotFoundException * @throws InvalidRequest * @throws VersionMismatch * @throws SQLException * @throws AccessionNumberException * @throws NumberFormatException */ private List sync(ObjectList objList) throws ServiceFailure, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented, McdbDocNotFoundException, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch, NumberFormatException, AccessionNumberException, SQLException, Exception { AccessPolicy cnAccessPolicy = null; AccessPolicy mnAccessPolicy = null; Identifier pid = new Identifier(); ObjectInfo objInfo = null; Session session = null; List syncedIds = new ArrayList(); SystemMetadata cnSysMeta = null; SystemMetadata mnSysMeta = null; CNode cn = null; try { cn = D1Client.getCN(); logMetacat.debug("Will sync access policies to CN id: " + cn.getNodeId() + " with info: " + cn.toString()); } catch (ServiceFailure sf) { logMetacat .error("Unable to get Coordinating node name for this MN"); throw new AccessControlException( "Unable to get Coordinating node name for this MN"); } for (int i = objList.getStart(); i < objList.getCount(); i++) { objInfo = objList.getObjectInfo(i); pid = objInfo.getIdentifier(); logMetacat.debug("Getting SM for pid: " + pid.getValue() + " i: " + i); try { // Get sm, access policy for requested localId mnSysMeta = IdentifierManager.getInstance().getSystemMetadata( pid.getValue()); } catch (McdbDocNotFoundException e) { logMetacat.error("Error syncing access policy of pid: " + pid.getValue() + " pid not found: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error syncing access policy of pid: " + pid.getValue() + ". Message: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } logMetacat .debug("Getting access policy for pid: " + pid.getValue()); mnAccessPolicy = mnSysMeta.getAccessPolicy(); // Get sm, access policy for requested pid from the CN try { cnSysMeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error getting system metadata for pid: " + pid.getValue() + " from cn: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } logMetacat.debug("Getting access policy from CN for pid: " + pid.getValue()); cnAccessPolicy = cnSysMeta.getAccessPolicy(); logMetacat.debug("Diffing access policies (MN,CN) for pid: " + pid.getValue()); // Compare access policies of MN and CN, and update if different. if (!isEqual(mnAccessPolicy, cnAccessPolicy)) { try { BigInteger serialVersion = cnSysMeta.getSerialVersion(); logMetacat .debug("Requesting CN to set access policy for pid: " + pid.getValue() + ", serial version: " + serialVersion.toString()); cn.setAccessPolicy(session, pid, mnAccessPolicy, serialVersion.longValue()); logMetacat.debug("Successfully set access policy for pid: " + pid.getValue()); // Add this pid to the list of pids that were successfully // synced syncedIds.add(pid); } catch (NotAuthorized na) { logMetacat .error("Error syncing CN with access policy of pid: " + pid.getValue() + " user not authorized: " + na.getMessage()); // throw na; continue; } catch (ServiceFailure sf) { logMetacat .error("Error syncing CN with access policy of pid: " + pid.getValue() + " Service failure: " + "'" + sf.getDescription() + "'"); sf.printStackTrace(); logMetacat.debug("Cause: " + "'" + sf.getCause() + "'"); // throw sf; continue; } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat .error("Error syncing CN with access policy of pid: " + pid.getValue() + e.getMessage()); // throw e; continue; } } else { logMetacat.warn("Skipping pid: " + pid.getValue()); } logMetacat.debug("Done checking access policy for pid: " + pid.getValue()); } return syncedIds; } /** * Convenience function that accepts a list of guids to sync * * @param guidsToSync * list of guids to have access policy synced for * @return syncedPids - list of pids that were actually synced with the CN * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws ServiceFailure * @throws InvalidToken * @throws NotAuthorized * @throws NotFound * @throws NotImplemented * @throws McdbDocNotFoundException * @throws InvalidRequest * @throws VersionMismatch * @throws AccessionNumberException * @throws SQLException */ public List sync(List guidsToSync) throws NumberFormatException, ServiceFailure, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented, McdbDocNotFoundException, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch, AccessionNumberException, SQLException, Exception { List syncedPids = null; ObjectList objList = new ObjectList(); SystemMetadata sm = new SystemMetadata(); int start = 0; int count = 0; // guidsToSync.size(); objList.setStart(start); // Convert the guids to d1 objects, as this is what // IdentifierManager.getInstance().querySystemMetadata returns in // syncAll, and // what sync(ObjectList...) expects for (String guid : guidsToSync) { try { sm = IdentifierManager.getInstance().getSystemMetadata(guid); count++; } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error syncing access policy of pid: " + guid + ". Message: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } ObjectInfo oi = new ObjectInfo(); Identifier id = new Identifier(); id.setValue(guid); oi.setIdentifier(id); oi.setDateSysMetadataModified(sm.getDateSysMetadataModified()); oi.setChecksum(sm.getChecksum()); oi.setFormatId(sm.getFormatId()); oi.setSize(sm.getSize()); objList.addObjectInfo(oi); } int total = count; objList.setCount(count); objList.setTotal(total); syncedPids = sync(objList); return syncedPids; } /** * For all guids for which current MN is authoritative, check that access * policy is synced with CN. * * @return void */ public void syncAll() throws ServiceFailure, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented, McdbDocNotFoundException, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch, NumberFormatException, AccessionNumberException, SQLException, PropertyNotFoundException, ServiceException, Exception { SyncTask st = new SyncTask(); // Create a single thread to run the sync of all guids in ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); logMetacat.debug("syncAll starting thread"); executor.execute(st); // Only one task will run on this thread executor.shutdown(); // return syncedIds; } /** * Perform syncAll in a single thread. * * @return void */ private class SyncTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // For the following query parameters - null indicates that the // query // will not be // constrained by the parameter. Date startTime = null; Date endTime = null; ObjectFormatIdentifier objectFormatId = null; //Boolean replicaStatus = false; // return only pids for which this mn NodeReference thisMN = new NodeReference(); try { String currentNodeId = PropertyService.getInstance().getProperty("dataone.nodeId"); // return only pids for which this mn thisMN.setValue(currentNodeId); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error(" - can't get the node id of this member node from the metacat property file since :"+e.getMessage()); return; } // is ObjectList objsToSync = null; Integer count = 0; Integer start = 0; Integer total = 0; List tmpIds = null; // If even one sync error encounted, don't set property that will disable // "syncAll" button in admin/replication web page. boolean syncError = false; List syncedIds = new ArrayList(); try { count = Integer.valueOf(PropertyService .getProperty("database.webResultsetSize")); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { logMetacat .error("Error in propery file for format of database.webResultsetSize, will use 1000"); e1.printStackTrace(); count = 1000; } catch (PropertyNotFoundException e1) { logMetacat .error("Error reading propery file for database.webResultsetSize, will use 1000"); e1.printStackTrace(); count = 1000; } // Get the total count of guids before we start syncing Identifier id = null; boolean isSid = false; try { objsToSync = IdentifierManager.getInstance() .querySystemMetadata(startTime, endTime, objectFormatId, thisMN, start, count, id, isSid); logMetacat.debug("syncTask total # of guids: " + objsToSync.getTotal() + ", count for this page: " + objsToSync.getCount()); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error syncing ids"); } total = objsToSync.getTotal(); // The first loop might have fewer results than the requested count // value from the properties file, // so in this case use count returned from IdentiferManger for the // loop count/increment (loop will only execute once). if (objsToSync.getCount() < count) count = objsToSync.getCount(); for (int i = 0; (i + count - 1) < total; i += count) { try { logMetacat.debug("syncTask # requested: " + count + ", start: " + start + ", total: " + total + ", count: " + objsToSync.getCount()); tmpIds = sync(objsToSync); syncedIds.addAll(tmpIds); // Set start for the next db retrieval, loop interation start += objsToSync.getCount(); if (start >= total) break; objsToSync = IdentifierManager .getInstance() .querySystemMetadata(startTime, endTime, objectFormatId, thisMN, start, count, id, isSid); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error syncing ids"); syncError = true; break; } } logMetacat .debug("syncTask thread completed. Number of guids synced: " + syncedIds.size()); if (!syncError) { try { PropertyService.setProperty( "dataone.syncaccesspolicies.synced", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } catch (GeneralPropertyException e) { logMetacat .error("Unable to update property dataone.syncaccesspolicies.synced=true"); } } } } /** * Compare two d1 system metadata access policies for equivalence. * * @param ap1 * - first access policy in the comparison * @param ap2 * - second access policy in the comparison * @return boolean - true if access policies are equivalent */ public boolean isEqual(AccessPolicy ap1, AccessPolicy ap2) { // can't check when either is null if (ap1 == null || ap2 == null) { return false; } // Access Policy -> Access Rule -> (Subject, Permission) // i.e. Subject="slaughter", Permission="read,write,changePermission" // Get the list of access rules for each access policy List allowList1 = ap1 .getAllowList(); List allowList2 = ap2 .getAllowList(); HashMap> userPerms1 = new HashMap>(); HashMap> userPerms2 = new HashMap>(); // Load the permissions from the access rules into a hash of sets, i.e., // so that we end up with this: // hash key: set of permissions, i.e. // ---------------------------- // user1: read, write // user2: read // user3: read, write, change permissions // With the permissions in this structure, they can be easily compared Set perms = null; // Process first access policy // Loop through access rules of this allowList for (AccessRule accessRule : allowList1) { for (Subject s : accessRule.getSubjectList()) { if (userPerms1.containsKey(s)) { perms = userPerms1.get(s); } else { perms = new HashSet(); } for (Permission p : accessRule.getPermissionList()) { perms.add(p); } userPerms1.put(s, perms); } } // Process second access policy for (AccessRule accessRule : allowList2) { for (Subject s : accessRule.getSubjectList()) { if (userPerms2.containsKey(s)) { perms = userPerms2.get(s); } else { perms = new HashSet(); } for (Permission p : accessRule.getPermissionList()) { perms.add(p); } userPerms2.put(s, perms); } } // Check if the number of access rules is the same for mn and cn. If not // then consider them not equal, without performing diff of each access // rule. if (userPerms1.entrySet().size() != userPerms2.entrySet().size()) return false; // Now perform the comparison of each access rule of access policy 1 to // ap 2. // This test assumes that the mn perms are more complete than the cn // perms. logMetacat.debug("Performing comparison of access policies"); for (Map.Entry> entry : userPerms1.entrySet()) { // User name Subject s1 = entry.getKey(); // Perms that the user holds Set p1 = entry.getValue(); logMetacat .debug("Checking access policy of user: " + s1.getValue()); // Does this user exist in both access policies? if (userPerms2.containsKey(s1)) { if (!p1.equals(userPerms2.get(s1))) { logMetacat.debug("User access policies not equal"); return false; } } else { logMetacat.debug("User access policy not found on CN"); return false; } } // All comparisons have been passed, so the two access policies are // equivalent logMetacat.debug("Access policies are the same"); return true; } /** * Run pid synch script on the given pids Each argument is an individual pid * because pids cannot contain whitespace. * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // set up the properties based on the test/deployed configuration of the // workspace SortedProperties testProperties = new SortedProperties( "test/"); testProperties.load(); String metacatContextDir = testProperties .getProperty("metacat.contextDir"); PropertyService.getInstance(metacatContextDir + "/WEB-INF"); ArrayList guids = null; SyncAccessPolicy syncAP = new SyncAccessPolicy(); if (args.length > 0) { try { guids = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args)); logMetacat.warn("Trying to syncing access policy for " + args.length + " pids"); List synchedPids = syncAP.sync(guids); logMetacat.warn("Sunk access policies for " + synchedPids.size() + " pids"); } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.error( "Error syncing pids, message: " + e.getMessage(), e); System.exit(1); } } } }