/*global define */
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'd3'], 				
	function($, _, Backbone, d3) {
	'use strict';
	// Build the main header view of the application
	var DonutChartView = Backbone.View.extend({

		initialize: function (options) {
			if(!d3){ console.log('SVG is not supported'); return null; }
			/*  -- Options for creating donut charts --
			 *  id of the SVG element to be created
		 	 *  data: array of formatID names followed by their count, identical to Solr facet format. e.g. ["text/CSV", 10, "text", 20]
			 * total: total count for this donut chart (used to calculate percentages)
			 * titleText (optional): A string to insert in the center of the donut 
			 * titleCount (optional): A number to insert in the center of the donut
			 * height: height of SVG element
			 * width: width of SVG element
			 * svgClass: class to give the parent svg element
			 * countClass: class to give the count label element
			 * formatLabel: a custom function to perform on each arc text label.
			//Give all the specified options to this view
			this.id 		= options.id 		 || "chart";
			this.titleText  = options.titleText  || "";
			this.titleCount = options.titleCount || 0;
			this.height 	= options.height	 || 300;
			this.width		= options.width		 || 500;
			this.svgClass	= options.svgClass	 || "";
			this.countClass = options.countClass || "";
			this.total		= options.total		 || 0;
			this.formatLabel=options.formatLabel || function(d){ return d }
			this.data	    = this.formatDonutData(options.data, options.total) || [{label: "", count: 0, perc: 0}];
			this.keepOrder	= options.keepOrder || false;
			this.drawLabels = (this.data)
		// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9651167/svg-not-rendering-properly-as-a-backbone-view
		// Give our el a svg namespace because Backbone gives a different one automatically
		nameSpace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
		  _ensureElement: function() {
		     if (!this.el) {
		        var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes'));
		        if (this.id) attrs.id = _.result(this, 'id');
		        if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className');
		        var $el = $(window.document.createElementNS(_.result(this, 'nameSpace'), _.result(this, 'tagName'))).attr(attrs);
		        this.setElement($el, false);
		     } else {
		        this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false);
		tagName: "svg",
		render: function () {	
			if(!d3){ console.log('SVG is not supported'); return null; }
			var viewRef = this;				
	         * ========================================================================
	         * Gather and create preliminary data for our donut chart
	         * ========================================================================
			//Set up the attributes for our donut chart
	        var w = this.width,
	            h = this.height,
	            lastX = 0,
	            lastY = 0,
	            lastWidth = 0,
	            r = Math.min(w, h) / 4,
	            labelr = r*1.3, // radius for label anchor
	            donut = d3.layout.pie(),
	            arc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(r * .80).outerRadius(r);
	        //Select the SVG element and connect our data to it
	        var vis = d3.select(this.el)
	        			.attr("class", "donut " + this.svgClass)
	         * ========================================================================
	         * Draw the arcs
	         * ========================================================================
	        // sort or not
	        var theData = donut.value(
    				function(d) {
    					return d.perc 
	        if (this.keepOrder) {
	        	theData = donut.value(
        				function(d) {
        					return d.perc 
	        //Set up a group for each arc we will create
	        var arcs = 
	            .data(theData) //connect data to this group 
	            .attr("class", "donut-arc-group")
					"translate(" + w/2 + ", " + h/2 + ")"); //center in the SVG element

	        //Append an arc to each group
	        	.attr("class", "donut-arc")
	            .attr("d", arc);
	         * ========================================================================
	         * Add labels next to each arc
	         * ========================================================================
	        //If there was no data given and this is a blank chart, then do not draw any labels
	        var drawLabels = true;	       
	        if((this.data.length == 1) && !this.data[0].label) drawLabels = false;
		        //Append a group to each arc group to contain the labels
		        var labelGroups = arcs.append("svg:g")
	        						  .attr("class", "donut-labels");
		        //Keep track of how many labels we rotate
		        var rotatedLabels = [],
		        	rotatedCounts = [],
		        	rotateWidth = .5; //The max arc width/length to attach straight labels to. Anything under this gets rotated.
		        // Append a text label to each arc
	        				.attr("transform", function(d, i) { //Calculate the label position based on arc centroid
				                var c = arc.centroid(d),
				                    x = c[0],
				                    y = c[1],
				                    h = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y), // pythagorean theorem for hypotenuse
				                    width = d.endAngle - d.startAngle;
				                    this.transformX = (x/h * labelr);
				                    this.transformY = (y/h * labelr);
				                    var transform = "translate(" + (this.transformX+5) + "," + this.transformY +  ")";
				                //Rotate the labels if the arc width is below a certain threshold
				                if(width < rotateWidth){
				                	transform = "translate(" + this.transformX +  ',' + (this.transformY + 10 + (rotatedLabels.length*5)) +  ") rotate(30)";
				                return transform; 
				        	.attr("class", "donut-arc-label")
				            .attr("text-anchor", function(d) {
				                // are we past the center?
				                return (d.endAngle + d.startAngle)/2 > Math.PI ?
				                    "end" : "start";
				            .text(function(d, i) { 
				            	return d.data.label;
	        	// Append a count label next to each arc
		        var countLabels = labelGroups.append("svg:text");
		        countLabels.attr("class", "donut-arc-count")
		            .attr("text-anchor", function(d) {
		                // are we past the center?
		                return (d.endAngle + d.startAngle)/2 > Math.PI ?
		                    "end" : "start";
		            .text(function(d, i) { 	         
		            	return MetacatUI.appView.commaSeparateNumber(d.data.count); 
		           .attr("transform", function(d, i) { //Calculate the label position based on arc centroid
		                var c = arc.centroid(d),
		                    x = c[0],
		                    y = c[1],
		                    h = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y), // pythagorean theorem for hypotenuse
		                    width = d.endAngle - d.startAngle;
		                    this.transformX = (x/h * labelr);
		                    this.transformY = (y/h * labelr); 
		                    var transform = "translate(" + (this.transformX + 5) +  ',' + (this.transformY + 20) +  ")"; 
		                // Again, if the arc is below a certain width, we will rotate it. Just move down and to the left a bit to align it with its corresponding label 
		                if(width < rotateWidth){
		                	transform = "translate(" + (this.transformX-10) +  ',' + (this.transformY+20+(rotatedCounts.length*5)) +  ") rotate(30)";
		                	//Give it a rotated class for special styling
			                var classes = d3.select(this).attr("class");	                
			                d3.select(this).attr("class", classes + " rotated");
		                return transform; 
		        //If there is only one rotated label in the whole donut chart, we can safely assume this doesn't need to be rotated. So "un-rotate" it
	        	if(rotatedLabels.length == 1) d3.select(rotatedLabels[0]).attr("transform", "translate(" + (rotatedLabels[0].transformX + 5) + "," +  (rotatedLabels[0].transformY-5) + ")");
	        	if(rotatedCounts.length == 1){
	        		d3.select(rotatedCounts[0]).attr("transform", "translate(" + rotatedCounts[0].transformX + "," + (rotatedCounts[0].transformY + 15) + ")");
	        		var classes = d3.select(rotatedCounts[0]).attr("class");	                
	                d3.select(rotatedCounts[0]).attr("class", classes.replace("rotated", ""));
	         * ========================================================================
	         * Add the title to the center of the donut chart
	         * ========================================================================
        	//Check if a title was sent in the first place
	        if((this.titleText || (this.titleText !== undefined)) && (this.titleCount || (this.titleCount !== undefined))){
		        //Add the data count in text inside the circle
	        	var textData = [];
	        	// If we were given a count to display,
	        	if(this.titleCount || (this.titleCount !== undefined)){
									"cx" : w/2,  //Start at the center
									"cy" : h/2, //Start at the center
									"text" : MetacatUI.appView.commaSeparateNumber(this.titleCount),
									"className" : "donut-title-count " + this.countClass
	        	//If we were given a text title to display,
	        	if(this.titleText || (this.titleText !== undefined)){
									"cx" : w/2,  //Start at the center
									"cy" : h/2, //Start at the center
									"text" : this.titleText,
									"className" : "donut-title-text"
	        	// Draw the count in the SVG element
				var count = vis.append("svg:g")
				// Give the count title some attributes for styling and identification
				var attributes = count
							.text(function(d){ return d.text; })
							.attr("id", function(d){ return d.id; })
							.attr("class", function(d){ return d.className; })
							.attr("x", function(d, i){ return d.cx  }) 
							.attr("y", function(d, i){ 
											//Center vertically based on the height
											if(i > 0){
												return d.cy + 12;
												return d.cy - 12;
							.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
							.attr(function(d){  return "transform", "translate(" + d.cx + "," + d.cy + ")" });
	         * ========================================================================
	         * Add event listeners to the arcs 
	         * ========================================================================
	        // We will need to add event listeners here instead of using the Backbone event handler because we
	        // are dynamically creating our SVG element
	        // jQuery class selectors don't work on SVG elements so we are going to do this in a round-about way
	        var arcs = this.$el.find('[class=donut-arc]');
				 var arc = e.target;
				//Toggle the inactive/active class for all arcs in this chart
				 $(arc).parents("svg").each(function(i, svg){
					//Select all elements with donut-arc class attribute
					$(svg).find("[class~=donut-arc]").each(function(i, otherArc){
						//Get the current classes
						var classes = $(otherArc).attr("class");
						if(otherArc == arc){
							 // add the active class				 
							 $(arc).attr("class", classes + " active");
							// add the 'inactive' class
							$(otherArc).attr("class", classes + " inactive");
				 var arc = e.target;
				//Toggle the inactive/active class for all arcs in this chart
				 $(arc).parents("svg").each(function(i, svg){
					//Select all elements with donut-arc class attribute
					$(svg).find("[class~=donut-arc]").each(function(i, otherArc){
						//Get the current classes
						var classes = $(otherArc).attr("class");
						//remove either "active" or "inactive" class names
						classes = classes.replace("inactive", "")
										 .replace("active", "");
						$(otherArc).attr("class", classes);
			return this;
		//** This function will loop through the raw facet counts response array from Solr and returns
		//   a new array of objects that are in the format needed to draw a donut chart
		// Format of data output:
		//		  label: formatID from array given	perc: percentage of total	count: count from array given
		//		[{label: "Format ID", perc: .50, count: 20}]
		// param counts: array of formatID names followed by their count, identical to Solr facet format. e.g. ["text/CSV", 10, "text", 20]
		formatDonutData: function(counts){
			if(!counts || counts===undefined) return false;
			//Check if the data is preformatted
			if((typeof counts[0] == "object") && (typeof counts[0].label != "undefined") && (typeof counts[0].count != "undefined")){
				//If there are no percentages in the formatted data, find the total and set the percentage of each arc
				if(typeof counts[0].perc == "undefined"){
					var countNums = _.pluck(counts, "count");
					var sum = 0;
					 _.each(counts, function(c){
					    sum += c.count;
					_.each(counts, function(thisCount){
						thisCount.perc = thisCount.count/sum;
				return counts;
			//Check if the data is preformatted
			if((typeof counts[0] == "object") && (typeof counts[0].label != "undefined") && (typeof counts[0].count != "undefined")){
					//If there are no percentages in the formatted data, find the total and set the percentage of each arc
					if(typeof counts[0].perc == "undefined"){
						var countNums = _.pluck(counts, "count");
						var sum = 0;
			             _.each(counts, function(c){
			        	    sum += c.count;
						_.each(counts, function(thisCount){
							thisCount.perc = thisCount.count/sum;
					return counts;
			//Check if the data is preformatted
			if((typeof counts[0] == "object") && (typeof counts[0].label != "undefined") && (typeof counts[0].count != "undefined")){
					//If there are no percentages in the formatted data, find the total and set the percentage of each arc
					if(typeof counts[0].perc == "undefined"){
						var countNums = _.pluck(counts, "count");
						var sum = 0;
			             _.each(counts, function(c){
			        	    sum += c.count;
						_.each(counts, function(thisCount){
							thisCount.perc = thisCount.count/sum;
					return counts;
			var newArray = [];
			var otherPercent = 0;
			var otherCount = 0;
			for(var i=1; i<=counts.length; i+=2){
				if(counts[i]/this.total < .02){
					otherPercent += counts[i]/this.total;
					otherCount   += counts[i];
					var name = this.formatLabel(counts[i-1]);

					if((this.total == 0) && (counts[i] == 0)){
						var perc = 1;
						var perc = counts[i]/this.total;
					newArray.push({label: name, perc: perc, count:counts[i]});
			if(otherCount > 0){
				newArray.push({label: "Other", perc: otherPercent, count: otherCount});
			return newArray.sort(function(obj1, obj2){
				return obj1.count - obj2.count;
			//return newArray;
	return DonutChartView;		