ydocutils.nodesdocument)}( rawsourcechildren](hraw)}(h\newpageh]hText\newpage}(hhparenth uba attributes}(ids]classes]names]dupnames]backrefs]formatlatex xml:spacepreserveutagnameh sourcee/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/metacat_beta/workspace/metacat/docs/user/metacat/source/ore-model-expansion.rstlineKhhhhubhsection)}(hhh](htitle)}(h#ORE Model for Derived Data Packagesh]h#ORE Model for Derived Data Packages}(hh3hh1hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hh,hhh'h(h)Kubsphinx.addnodesindex)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]entries](singleDerived Resourcesindex-0hNtainlineuh&h@h'h(h)K hh,hhubhtarget)}(hhh]h}(h]hOah]h]h]h ]uh&hRhh,hhh'h(h)K ubhA)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]hK](hMPROVindex-1hNtahQuh&h@h'h(h)K hh,hhubhS)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]refidhhuh&hRhh,hhh'h(h)K ubhdefinition_list)}(hhh](hdefinition_list_item)}(hAuthor Lauren Walker h](hterm)}(hAuthorh]hAuthor}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K hh{ubh definition)}(hhh]h paragraph)}(h Lauren Walkerh]h Lauren Walker}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K hhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhh{ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K hhvubhz)}(hODate - 20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages h](h)}(hDateh]hDate}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubh)}(hhh]h bullet_list)}(hhh]h list_item)}(hH20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages h]h)}(hG20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packagesh]hG20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]bullet-uh&hh'h(h)Khhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubhz)}(h_Goal Accurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources. h](h)}(hGoalh]hGoal}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubh)}(hhh]h)}(hYAccurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources.h]hYAccurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources.}(hjhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubhz)}(hSummary This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the `PROV ontology `_ to describe the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them. h](h)}(hSummaryh]hSummary}(hj-hj+ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj'ubh)}(hhh]h)}(hThis proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the `PROV ontology `_ to describe the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.h](h:This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the }(h:This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the hj<ubh reference)}(h6`PROV ontology `_h]h PROV ontology}(hhhjGubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name PROV ontologyrefuri#http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-overview/uh&jEhj<ubhS)}(h& h]h}(h] prov-ontologyah]h] prov ontologyah]h ]refurijXuh&hR referencedKhj<ubhn to describe the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.}(hn to describe the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.hj<ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj9ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj'ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubeh}(h]hhah]h]h]h ]uh&hthh,hhh'h(h)Nexpect_referenced_by_name}expect_referenced_by_id}hhhjsubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hOverviewh]hOverview}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hjhhh'h(h)Kubh)}(h~There are two main concepts that are being introduced to Metacat - derived data resources and the activities that create them.h]h~There are two main concepts that are being introduced to Metacat - derived data resources and the activities that create them.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubh)}(hXA derived resource is defined as a entity, usually a data file, that is produced by transforming one entity into another or is the production of an activity that generates a new entity from an existing one. In Metacat, derived data could be a data table that was composed from analyzing one or more existing data tables. It could also be a visualization of another resource, such as a graph, chart, or map.h]hXA derived resource is defined as a entity, usually a data file, that is produced by transforming one entity into another or is the production of an activity that generates a new entity from an existing one. In Metacat, derived data could be a data table that was composed from analyzing one or more existing data tables. It could also be a visualization of another resource, such as a graph, chart, or map.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubh)}(hXUBecause derived data is the product of a transformation activity, Metacat's ORE model will need to have the capability to store information on these activities. These activities could be a script (e.g. an R script) that is used to create a visualization from a data table or to compose a new data table from one or more existing data tables.h]hXWBecause derived data is the product of a transformation activity, Metacat’s ORE model will need to have the capability to store information on these activities. These activities could be a script (e.g. an R script) that is used to create a visualization from a data table or to compose a new data table from one or more existing data tables.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K!hjhhubh)}(hDThese new resources will be documented by metadata, most likely EML.h]hDThese new resources will be documented by metadata, most likely EML.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K$hjhhubeh}(h]overviewah]h]overviewah]h ]uh&h*hh,hhh'h(h)Kubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hOntology and Modelh]hOntology and Model}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hjhhh'h(h)K(ubhu)}(hhh]hz)}(hThe `PROV ontology `_ will be used to describe the following relationships: * Derived resources and the original resources used to create them * Derived resources and the activities used to create them h](h)}(hpThe `PROV ontology `_ will be used to describe the following relationships:h](hThe }(hThe hjubjF)}(h6`PROV ontology `_h]h PROV ontology}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name PROV ontologyjW#http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-overview/uh&jEhjubhS)}(h& h]h}(h]id1ah]h]h] prov ontologyah ]refurij uh&hRjfKhjubh6 will be used to describe the following relationships:}(h6 will be used to describe the following relationships:hjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K+hjubh)}(hhh]h)}(hhh](h)}(h@Derived resources and the original resources used to create themh]h)}(hj+h]h@Derived resources and the original resources used to create them}(hj+hj-ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K*hj)ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj&ubh)}(h9Derived resources and the activities used to create them h]h)}(h8Derived resources and the activities used to create themh]h8Derived resources and the activities used to create them}(hjFhjDubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K+hj@ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj&ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]h*uh&hh'h(h)K*hj#ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K+hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hthjhhh'Nh)Nubhfigure)}(hhh](himage)}(hz.. figure:: images/PROV-simple-diagram.png Figure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will use h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uriimages/PROV-simple-diagram.png candidates}j^jsuh&jvhjsh'h(h)K/ubhcaption)}(hJFigure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will useh]hJFigure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will use}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jh'h(h)K/hjsubeh}(h]id2ah]h]h]h ]uh&jqh)K/hjhhh'h(ubh)}(hThis model will allow the original data file to remain unchanged as all assertions made about the derived data can be described in the derived data RDF.h]hThis model will allow the original data file to remain unchanged as all assertions made about the derived data can be described in the derived data RDF.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K1hjhhubhu)}(hhh]hz)}(hXThe terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships: * `wasGeneratedBy `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. * `generated `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. * `wasDerivedFrom `_ : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity. * `used `_ : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity. * `wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other. h](h)}(hdThe terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships:h]hdThe terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships:}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K:hjubh)}(hhh]h)}(hhh](h)}(h`wasGeneratedBy `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.h]h)}(hjh](jF)}(h<`wasGeneratedBy `_h]hwasGeneratedBy}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]namewasGeneratedByjW(http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasGeneratedByuh&jEhjubhS)}(h+ h]h}(h]wasgeneratedbyah]h]wasgeneratedbyah]h ]refurijuh&hRjfKhjubh : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.}(h : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.hjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K6hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h`generated `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.h]h)}(hjh](jF)}(h2`generated `_h]h generated}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name generatedjW#http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generateduh&jEhjubhS)}(h& h]h}(h] generatedah]h] generatedah]h ]refurijuh&hRjfKhjubh : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.}(h : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.hjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K7hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h`wasDerivedFrom `_ : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.h]h)}(hj4h](jF)}(h<`wasDerivedFrom `_h]hwasDerivedFrom}(hhhj9ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]namewasDerivedFromjW(http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasDerivedFromuh&jEhj6ubhS)}(h+ h]h}(h]wasderivedfromah]h]wasderivedfromah]h ]refurijIuh&hRjfKhj6ubh : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.}(h : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.hj6ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K8hj2ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h`used `_ : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.h]h)}(hjjh](jF)}(h(`used `_h]hused}(hhhjoubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]nameusedjWhttp://www.w3.org/ns/prov#useduh&jEhjlubhS)}(h! h]h}(h]usedah]h]usedah]h ]refurijuh&hRjfKhjlubh : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.}(h : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.hjlubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K9hjhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h`wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other. h]h)}(h`wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.h](jF)}(h:`wasInformedBy `_h]h wasInformedBy}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name wasInformedByjW'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasInformedByuh&jEhjubhS)}(h* h]h}(h] wasinformedbyah]h] wasinformedbyah]h ]refurijuh&hRjfKhjubhv : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.}(hv : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.hjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K:hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]hj^uh&hh'h(h)K6hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K:hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hthjhhh'Nh)Nubh)}(h~The following diagram fully represents the new model for derived resources. New terms and resources are highlighted in purple.h]h~The following diagram fully represents the new model for derived resources. New terms and resources are highlighted in purple.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj<hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hj9hhh'h(h)KFubh)}(hJohn Smith is a scientist who has uploaded two data tables and an EML file to a Metacat repository. His package of data is represented below.h]hJohn Smith is a scientist who has uploaded two data tables and an EML file to a Metacat repository. His package of data is represented below.}(hjLhjJhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KGhj9hhubjr)}(hhh](jw)}(h.. figure:: images/derived-data-smith-package.png Figure 3. Smith's original data package using the ORE model Metacat has now h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uri%images/derived-data-smith-package.pngj}j^jfsuh&jvhjXh'h(h)KKubj)}(hKFigure 3. Smith's original data package using the ORE model Metacat has nowh]hMFigure 3. Smith’s original data package using the ORE model Metacat has now}(hjjhjhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jh'h(h)KKhjXubeh}(h]id4ah]h]h]h ]uh&jqh)KKhj9hhh'h(ubh)}(hXJessica Couture is an analyst who wants to create a graph of John's Smith data. She creates an R script that grabs the data files smith_data.1.1 and smith_data.2.1, performs some sort of analysis on them and transforms them into a single data file, couture_data.1.1. She then creates another R script to visualize this composed data into a chart. She describes her process and the data in an EML file and uploads all five files to Metacat. Below is the model that describes Couture's new data package:h]hXJessica Couture is an analyst who wants to create a graph of John’s Smith data. She creates an R script that grabs the data files smith_data.1.1 and smith_data.2.1, performs some sort of analysis on them and transforms them into a single data file, couture_data.1.1. She then creates another R script to visualize this composed data into a chart. She describes her process and the data in an EML file and uploads all five files to Metacat. Below is the model that describes Couture’s new data package:}(hjhj}hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KMhj9hhubjr)}(hhh](jw)}(h.. figure:: images/Derived-data-example.png Figure 4. Couture's derived data package with the existing Metacat ORE notation in blue and the new PROV notation in purple. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uriimages/Derived-data-example.pngj}j^jsuh&jvhjh'h(h)KSubj)}(h|Figure 4. Couture's derived data package with the existing Metacat ORE notation in blue and the new PROV notation in purple.h]h~Figure 4. Couture’s derived data package with the existing Metacat ORE notation in blue and the new PROV notation in purple.}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jh'h(h)KShjubeh}(h]id5ah]h]h]h ]uh&jqh)KShj9hhh'h(ubeh}(h]derived-data-using-scriptsah]h]derived data using scriptsah]h ]uh&h*hj(hhh'h(h)KFubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hDerived data without scriptsh]hDerived data without scripts}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hjhhh'h(h)KVubh)}(hXBNot all derived data will be produced from a script that can be stored in Metacat. An analyst may create a composed data table through a more manual process, such as transforming values in a spreadsheet program like MS Excel. Or a scientist may create a simple graph of their data with MS Excel or an online graphing tool.h]hXBNot all derived data will be produced from a script that can be stored in Metacat. An analyst may create a composed data table through a more manual process, such as transforming values in a spreadsheet program like MS Excel. Or a scientist may create a simple graph of their data with MS Excel or an online graphing tool.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KWhjhhubh)}(hXLet's say John Smith decides to create a time series chart using the data from one of his data files, smith_data.1.1. He adds this image file to the original data package and edits the metadata to explain his process and the chart. His data package will essentially be using the PROV model without the activity concept. Smith has the option of creating a new data package with the image and an EML file so that his metadata ID does not have to change.h]hXLet’s say John Smith decides to create a time series chart using the data from one of his data files, smith_data.1.1. He adds this image file to the original data package and edits the metadata to explain his process and the chart. His data package will essentially be using the PROV model without the activity concept. Smith has the option of creating a new data package with the image and an EML file so that his metadata ID does not have to change.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K[hjhhubjr)}(hhh](jw)}(hm.. figure:: images/PROV-simple-diagram-without-activity.png Figure 4. The PROV model without an activity h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uri/images/PROV-simple-diagram-without-activity.pngj}j^jsuh&jvhjh'h(h)Kaubj)}(h,Figure 4. The PROV model without an activityh]h,Figure 4. The PROV model without an activity}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jh'h(h)Kahjubeh}(h]id6ah]h]h]h ]uh&jqh)Kahjhhh'h(ubjr)}(hhh](jw)}(h.. figure:: images/derived-data-smith-package-with-img.png Figure 5. Smith's new data package with a data visualization. Note that the resource map and metadata have new revisions. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uri.images/derived-data-smith-package-with-img.pngj}j^jsuh&jvhj h'h(h)Keubj)}(hyFigure 5. Smith's new data package with a data visualization. Note that the resource map and metadata have new revisions.h]h{Figure 5. Smith’s new data package with a data visualization. Note that the resource map and metadata have new revisions.}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jh'h(h)Kehj ubeh}(h]id7ah]h]h]h ]uh&jqh)Kehjhhh'h(ubeh}(h]derived-data-without-scriptsah]h]derived data without scriptsah]h ]uh&h*hj(hhh'h(h)KVubeh}(h]examplesah]h]examplesah]h ]uh&h*hh,hhh'h(h)KDubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(h Sample RDFh]h Sample RDF}(hjDhjBhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hj?hhh'h(h)Khubh)}(hX A sample RDF notation for our above Couture and Smith example (Figure 4) can be :download:`downloaded <_static/resourceMap_couture.1.1.rdf>` or viewed below. Note that the primary data resource will need to be described in the RDFs for its derivations so that an RDF for a derived dataset will have all the information it needs to relate the primary resource to the derived resource. This way, a SparQL query can be run within a derived dataset RDF to make the assertion that derived_metadata wasDerivedFrom primary_metadata.h](hPA sample RDF notation for our above Couture and Smith example (Figure 4) can be }(hPA sample RDF notation for our above Couture and Smith example (Figure 4) can be hjPhhh'Nh)Nubh?download_reference)}(h<:download:`downloaded <_static/resourceMap_couture.1.1.rdf>`h]hliteral)}(hj]h]h downloaded}(hhhjaubah}(h]h](xrefdownloadeh]h]h ]uh&j_hj[ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]reftypejl refdomainh refexplicit reftarget#_static/resourceMap_couture.1.1.rdfrefdocore-model-expansionrefwarnfilenameresourceMap_couture.1.1.rdfuh&jYh'h(h)KihjPubhX or viewed below. Note that the primary data resource will need to be described in the RDFs for its derivations so that an RDF for a derived dataset will have all the information it needs to relate the primary resource to the derived resource. This way, a SparQL query can be run within a derived dataset RDF to make the assertion that derived_metadata wasDerivedFrom primary_metadata.}(hX or viewed below. Note that the primary data resource will need to be described in the RDFs for its derivations so that an RDF for a derived dataset will have all the information it needs to relate the primary resource to the derived resource. This way, a SparQL query can be run within a derived dataset RDF to make the assertion that derived_metadata wasDerivedFrom primary_metadata.hjPhhh'Nh)Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Kihj?hhubh literal_block)}(hXz https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_data.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_smith .1.1#aggregation smith_data.1.1 DataONE Aggregation Java libclient 2013-09-03T09:54:06.392-07:00 resourceMap_couture.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_metadata.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_img.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_script.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_composeScript.1.1 h]hXz https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_data.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_smith .1.1#aggregation smith_data.1.1 DataONE Aggregation Java libclient 2013-09-03T09:54:06.392-07:00 resourceMap_couture.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_metadata.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_img.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_script.1.1 https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/resolve/resourceMap_couture.1.1#aggregation couture_composeScript.1.1 }(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]h$h%uh&jh)Kohj?hhh'h(ubeh}(h] sample-rdfah]h] sample rdfah]h ]uh&h*hh,hhh'h(h)Khubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hIndexingh]hIndexing}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hjhhh'h(h)Kubh)}(hTThe Metacat Index will index some of these relationships mainly to inform MetacatUI.h]hTThe Metacat Index will index some of these relationships mainly to inform MetacatUI.}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubhu)}(hhh]hz)}(h~New Index Fields * ``wasGeneratedBy`` * ``generated`` * ``used`` * ``wasDerivedFrom`` * ``wasInformedBy`` * ``hadDerivation`` h](h)}(hNew Index Fieldsh]hNew Index Fields}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubh)}(hhh]h)}(hhh](h)}(h``wasGeneratedBy``h]h)}(hjh]j`)}(hjh]hwasGeneratedBy}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h ``generated``h]h)}(hjh]j`)}(hjh]h generated}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h``used``h]h)}(hjh]j`)}(hjh]hused}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hj!ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h``wasDerivedFrom``h]h)}(hj?h]j`)}(hj?h]hwasDerivedFrom}(hhhjDubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjAubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj=ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h``wasInformedBy``h]h)}(hj_h]j`)}(hj_h]h wasInformedBy}(hhhjdubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjaubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj]ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubh)}(h``hadDerivation`` h]h)}(h``hadDerivation``h]j`)}(hjh]h hadDerivation}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj}ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]hj^uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hthjhhh'Nh)Nubh)}(hXAll of these fields are taken directly from the PROV ontology, except for ``hadDerivation``. Because MetacatUI navigation is metadata-centric (i.e. metadata are retrieved and listed as search results and details on datasets are viewed via the metadata view [/#view]), it is helpful to use SparQL to infer relationships between metadata so that it isn't necessary to send multiple queries to the index to retrieve information about derived datasets.h](hJAll of these fields are taken directly from the PROV ontology, except for }(hJAll of these fields are taken directly from the PROV ontology, except for hjhhh'Nh)Nubj`)}(h``hadDerivation``h]h hadDerivation}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjubhXg. Because MetacatUI navigation is metadata-centric (i.e. metadata are retrieved and listed as search results and details on datasets are viewed via the metadata view [/#view]), it is helpful to use SparQL to infer relationships between metadata so that it isn’t necessary to send multiple queries to the index to retrieve information about derived datasets.}(hXe. Because MetacatUI navigation is metadata-centric (i.e. metadata are retrieved and listed as search results and details on datasets are viewed via the metadata view [/#view]), it is helpful to use SparQL to infer relationships between metadata so that it isn't necessary to send multiple queries to the index to retrieve information about derived datasets.hjhhh'Nh)Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubh)}(hX(SparQL will infer that the derived metadata wasDerivedFrom the primary source metadata and the Metacat index will index both this relationship and it's inverse, hadDerivation, for easier querying. The SparQL query used to determine the derived metadata for a primary metadata would look like:h]hX*SparQL will infer that the derived metadata wasDerivedFrom the primary source metadata and the Metacat index will index both this relationship and it’s inverse, hadDerivation, for easier querying. The SparQL query used to determine the derived metadata for a primary metadata would look like:}(hjhjhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubj)}(hXSELECT ?primary_metadata_pid ?derived_metadata_pid WHERE { ?primary_data ore:isDocumentedBy ?primary_metadata . ?primary_metadata dcterms:identifier ?primary_metadata_pid . ?derived_data prov:wasDerivedFrom ?primary_data . ?derived_data ore:isDocumentedBy ?derived_metadata . ?derived_metadata dcterms:identifier ?derived_metadata_pid . }h]hXSELECT ?primary_metadata_pid ?derived_metadata_pid WHERE { ?primary_data ore:isDocumentedBy ?primary_metadata . ?primary_metadata dcterms:identifier ?primary_metadata_pid . ?derived_data prov:wasDerivedFrom ?primary_data . ?derived_data ore:isDocumentedBy ?derived_metadata . ?derived_metadata dcterms:identifier ?derived_metadata_pid . }}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]h$h%uh&jh)Khjhhh'h(ubh)}(hMore information about inverses in PROV-O and in particular, ``hadDerivation``, see `section B of the PROV documentation `_.h](h=More information about inverses in PROV-O and in particular, }(h=More information about inverses in PROV-O and in particular, hjhhh'Nh)Nubj`)}(h``hadDerivation``h]h hadDerivation}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hjubh, see }(h, see hjhhh'Nh)NubjF)}(hS`section B of the PROV documentation `_h]h#section B of the PROV documentation}(hhhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name#section B of the PROV documentationjW*http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/#inverse-namesuh&jEhjubhS)}(h- h]h}(h]#section-b-of-the-prov-documentationah]h]#section b of the prov documentationah]h ]refurij uh&hRjfKhjubh.}(h.hjhhh'Nh)Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjhhubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hExampleh]hExample}(hj>hj<hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hj9hhh'h(h)Kubh)}(hUsing the above Couture and Smith example (Figure 4), the following fields and values from the PROV relationships would be indexed.h]hUsing the above Couture and Smith example (Figure 4), the following fields and values from the PROV relationships would be indexed.}(hjLhjJhhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj9hhubhtable)}(hhh]htgroup)}(hhh](hcolspec)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]colwidthKuh&jbhj_ubjc)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]colwidthKuh&jbhj_ubjc)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]colwidthKuh&jbhj_ubjc)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]colwidthK uh&jbhj_ubhthead)}(hhh]hrow)}(hhh](hentry)}(hhh]h)}(hObjecth]hObject}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(h Field Nameh]h Field Name}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(h Field Typeh]h Field Type}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hValueh]hValue}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj_ubhtbody)}(hhh](j)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_metadata.1.1h]hcouture_metadata.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hwasDerivedFromh]hwasDerivedFrom}(hj$hj"ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj;hj9ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj6ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hsmith_metadata.1.1h]hsmith_metadata.1.1}(hjRhjPubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KhjMubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hsmith_metadata.1.1h]hsmith_metadata.1.1}(hjrhjpubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjmubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjjubj)}(hhh]h)}(h hadDerivationh]h hadDerivation}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_metadata.1.1h]hcouture_metadata.1.1}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_img.1.1h]hcouture_img.1.1}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hwasGeneratedbyh]hwasGeneratedby}(hjhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_script.1.1h]hcouture_script.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_img.1.1h]hcouture_img.1.1}(hj< hj: ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj7 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj4 ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hwasDerivedFromh]hwasDerivedFrom}(hjS hjQ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KhjN ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj4 ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hjj hjh ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khje ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj4 ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_data.1.1h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj| ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj4 ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_script.1.1h]hcouture_script.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(husedh]hused}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_data.1.1h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_script.1.1h]hcouture_script.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(h wasInformedByh]h wasInformedBy}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj4 hj2 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj/ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_composeScript.1.1h]hcouture_composeScript.1.1}(hjK hjI ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)KhjF ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_script.1.1h]hcouture_script.1.1}(hjk hji ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khjf ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjc ubj)}(hhh]h)}(h generatedh]h generated}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj} ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjc ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjc ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_img.1.1h]hcouture_img.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjc ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_data.1.1h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hwasGeneratedByh]hwasGeneratedBy}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_composeScript.1.1h]hcouture_composeScript.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_data.1.1h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hj5 hj3 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj0 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj- ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hwasDerivedFromh]hwasDerivedFrom}(hjL hjJ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)MhjG ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj- ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hjc hja ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj^ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj- ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hsmith_data.1.1, smith_data.2.1h]hsmith_data.1.1, smith_data.2.1}(hjz hjx ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhju ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj- ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_composeScript.1.1h]hcouture_composeScript.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(husedh]hused}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hsmith_data.1.1, smith_data.2.1h]hsmith_data.1.1, smith_data.2.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubj)}(hhh](j)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_composeScript.1.1h]hcouture_composeScript.1.1}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(h generatedh]h generated}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hstring, multivaluedh]hstring, multivalued}(hj- hj+ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj( ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubj)}(hhh]h)}(hcouture_data.1.1h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hjD hjB ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj? ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhjubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jhj_ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]colsKuh&j]hjZubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&jXhj9hhh'h(h)Nubeh}(h]exampleah]h]exampleah]h ]uh&h*hjhhh'h(h)Kubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hQueriesh]hQueries}(hj| hjz hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hjw hhh'h(h)M ubh)}(hXThese indexed fields will be used primarily by MetacatUI to determine relationships between resources. An example use case is the MetacatUI metadata view (/#view/{pid}). When a user navigates to the metadata view for a primary resource, such as smith_metadata.1.1 from the above example, MetacatUI can send a query to the index to look for derived resources that the user might be interested in. Some pseduocode to describe this logic:h]hXThese indexed fields will be used primarily by MetacatUI to determine relationships between resources. An example use case is the MetacatUI metadata view (/#view/{pid}). When a user navigates to the metadata view for a primary resource, such as smith_metadata.1.1 from the above example, MetacatUI can send a query to the index to look for derived resources that the user might be interested in. Some pseduocode to describe this logic:}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)M hjw hhubj)}(hif(this_metadata.hadDerivation){ hadDerivation = this_metadata.hadDerivation; sendQuery("q=isDocumentedBy:" + hadDerivation + "+-obsoletedBy:*&fl=id"); }h]hif(this_metadata.hadDerivation){ hadDerivation = this_metadata.hadDerivation; sendQuery("q=isDocumentedBy:" + hadDerivation + "+-obsoletedBy:*&fl=id"); }}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]h$h%uh&jh)Mhjw hhh'h(ubh)}(hThis query would retrieve the IDs of objects which are documented by metadata that is derived from the metadata currently being viewed. In the above Amith and Couture example (Figure 4), the following IDs would be returned from this query:h]hThis query would retrieve the IDs of objects which are documented by metadata that is derived from the metadata currently being viewed. In the above Amith and Couture example (Figure 4), the following IDs would be returned from this query:}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhjw hhubh)}(hhh](h)}(h``couture_composeScript.1.1``h]h)}(hj h]j`)}(hj h]hcouture_composeScript.1.1}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj hhh'h(h)Nubh)}(h``couture_script.1.1``h]h)}(hj h]j`)}(hj h]hcouture_script.1.1}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj hhh'h(h)Nubh)}(h``couture_data.1.1``h]h)}(hj h]j`)}(hj h]hcouture_data.1.1}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj hhh'h(h)Nubh)}(h``couture_img.1.1`` h]h)}(h``couture_img.1.1``h]j`)}(hj h]hcouture_img.1.1}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j_hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Mhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj hhh'h(h)Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]hj^uh&hh'h(h)Mhjw hhubeh}(h]queriesah]h]queriesah]h ]uh&h*hjhhh'h(h)M ubeh}(h]indexingah]h]indexingah]h ]uh&h*hh,hhh'h(h)Kubeh}(h]#ore-model-for-derived-data-packagesah]h]#ore model for derived data packagesah]h ]uh&h*hhhhh'h(h)Kubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]sourceh(uh&hcurrent_sourceN current_lineNsettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}(h/N generatorN datestampN source_linkN source_urlN toc_backlinksjfootnote_backlinksK sectnum_xformKstrip_commentsNstrip_elements_with_classesN strip_classesN report_levelK halt_levelKexit_status_levelKdebugNwarning_streamN tracebackinput_encoding utf-8-siginput_encoding_error_handlerstrictoutput_encodingutf-8output_encoding_error_handlerjv error_encodingUTF-8error_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplace language_codeenrecord_dependenciesNconfigN id_prefixhauto_id_prefixid dump_settingsNdump_internalsNdump_transformsNdump_pseudo_xmlNexpose_internalsNstrict_visitorN_disable_configN_sourceh( _destinationN _config_files]pep_referencesN pep_base_url https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep_file_url_templatepep-%04drfc_referencesN rfc_base_urlhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/ tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spacefile_insertion_enabled raw_enabledKsyntax_highlightlong smart_quotessmartquotes_localesNcharacter_level_inline_markupdoctitle_xform docinfo_xformKsectsubtitle_xformembed_stylesheetcloak_email_addressesenvNgettext_compactubreporterNindirect_targets]substitution_defs}substitution_names}refnames}refids}hh]hjasnameids}(jQ jN jbj_jjj%j"jjjjjSjPjjjjj<j9jjj4j1jjjI jF j*j'jt jq jA j> u nametypes}(jQ NjbjNj%NjjjSjjj<NjNj4NjNjI Nj*jt NjA Nuh}(jN h,hOhThhhvj_jYjjj"jjj jjjjjPjJjjjjj9j(jj9j1jjj?jF jj'j!jq j9j> jw jjsjjjxjXjjjjj*j u footnote_refs} citation_refs} autofootnotes]autofootnote_refs]symbol_footnotes]symbol_footnote_refs] footnotes] citations]autofootnote_startKsymbol_footnote_startKid_startKparse_messages](hsystem_message)}(hhh]h)}(h0Duplicate explicit target name: "prov ontology".h]h4Duplicate explicit target name: “prov ontology”.}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]jalevelKtypeINFOsourceh(lineKuh&j hjhhh'h(h)K,ubj )}(hhh]h)}(h#Literal block expected; none found.h]h#Literal block expected; none found.}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]levelKtypeWARNINGlineKȌsourceh(uh&j hj?hhh'h(h)Kubj )}(hhh]h)}(h#Literal block expected; none found.h]h#Literal block expected; none found.}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhjubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]levelKtypejlineKsourceh(uh&j hjhhh'h(h)Kubetransform_messages](j )}(hhh]h)}(hhh]h-Hyperlink target "index-0" is not referenced.}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj%ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]levelKtypej sourceh(lineK uh&j ubj )}(hhh]h)}(hhh]h-Hyperlink target "index-1" is not referenced.}(hhhjBubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj?ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]levelKtypej sourceh(lineK uh&j ube transformerN decorationNhhub.