y docutils.nodesdocument)}( rawsource children](h raw)}(h\newpageh]h Text\newpage}(hhparenthuba
attributes}(ids]classes]names]dupnames]backrefs]formatlatex xml:spacepreserveutagnameh sourcee/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/metacat_beta/workspace/metacat/docs/user/metacat/source/ore-model-expansion.rstlineKhhhhubh section)}(hhh](h title)}(h#ORE Model for Derived Data Packagesh]h#ORE Model for Derived Data Packages}(hh3hh1hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hh,hhh'h(h)Kubsphinx.addnodesindex)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]entries](singleDerived Resourcesindex-0hNtainlineuh&h@h'h(h)K hh,hhubh target)}(hhh]h}(h]hOah]h]h]h ]uh&hRhh,hhh'h(h)K ubhA)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]hK](hMPROVindex-1hNtahQuh&h@h'h(h)K
hh,hhubhS)}(hhh]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]refidhhuh&hRhh,hhh'h(h)Kubh definition_list)}(hhh](h definition_list_item)}(hAuthor
Lauren Walker
h](h term)}(hAuthorh]hAuthor}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K
definition)}(hhh]h paragraph)}(h
Lauren Walkerh]h
Lauren Walker}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K
hhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhh{ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K
- 20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages
h](h)}(hDateh]hDate}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubh)}(hhh]h bullet_list)}(hhh]h list_item)}(hH20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages
h]h)}(hG20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packagesh]hG20140513 Initial draft of ORE model expansion for derived data packages}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]bullet-uh&hh'h(h)Khhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubhz)}(h_Goal
Accurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources.
h](h)}(hGoalh]hGoal}(hhhhubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khhubh)}(hhh]h)}(hYAccurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources.h]hYAccurately describe the relationships of resources that are derived from other resources.}(hj hj
ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj
ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhhubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubhz)}(hSummary
This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the `PROV ontology `_ to describe
the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.
h](h)}(hSummaryh]hSummary}(hj- hj+ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj' ubh)}(hhh]h)}(hThis proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the `PROV ontology `_ to describe
the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.h](h:This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the }(h:This proposed expansion of the Metacat ORE model uses the hj< ubh reference)}(h6`PROV ontology `_h]h
PROV ontology}(hhhjG ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name
PROV ontologyrefuri#http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-overview/uh&jE hj< ubhS)}(h& h]h}(h]
prov ontologyah]h ]refurijX uh&hR
referencedKhj< ubhn to describe
the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.}(hn to describe
the relationships between generated or derived resources and the resources used to generate them.hj< ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj9 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj' ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)Khhvhhubeh}(h]hhah]h]h]h ]uh&hthh,hhh'h(h)Nexpect_referenced_by_name}expect_referenced_by_id}hhhjsubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hOverviewh]hOverview}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hj hhh'h(h)Kubh)}(h~There are two main concepts that are being introduced to Metacat - derived data resources and the activities that create them.h]h~There are two main concepts that are being introduced to Metacat - derived data resources and the activities that create them.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj hhubh)}(hX A derived resource is defined as a entity, usually a data file, that is produced by transforming one entity into another or is the production of an activity that generates a new entity from an existing one.
In Metacat, derived data could be a data table that was composed from analyzing one or more existing data tables.
It could also be a visualization of another resource, such as a graph, chart, or map.h]hX A derived resource is defined as a entity, usually a data file, that is produced by transforming one entity into another or is the production of an activity that generates a new entity from an existing one.
In Metacat, derived data could be a data table that was composed from analyzing one or more existing data tables.
It could also be a visualization of another resource, such as a graph, chart, or map.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)Khj hhubh)}(hXU Because derived data is the product of a transformation activity, Metacat's ORE model will need to have the capability to store information on these activities.
These activities could be a script (e.g. an R script) that is used to create a visualization from a data table or to compose a new data table from one or more existing data tables.h]hXW Because derived data is the product of a transformation activity, Metacat’s ORE model will need to have the capability to store information on these activities.
These activities could be a script (e.g. an R script) that is used to create a visualization from a data table or to compose a new data table from one or more existing data tables.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K!hj hhubh)}(hDThese new resources will be documented by metadata, most likely EML.h]hDThese new resources will be documented by metadata, most likely EML.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K$hj hhubeh}(h]overviewah]h]overviewah]h ]uh&h*hh,hhh'h(h)Kubh+)}(hhh](h0)}(hOntology and Modelh]hOntology and Model}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&h/hj hhh'h(h)K(ubhu)}(hhh]hz)}(hThe `PROV ontology `_ will be used to describe the following relationships:
* Derived resources and the original resources used to create them
* Derived resources and the activities used to create them
h](h)}(hpThe `PROV ontology `_ will be used to describe the following relationships:h](hThe }(hThe hj ubjF )}(h6`PROV ontology `_h]h
PROV ontology}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name
PROV ontologyjW #http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-overview/uh&jE hj ubhS)}(h& h]h}(h]id1ah]h]h]
prov ontologyah ]refurij
uh&hRjf Khj ubh6 will be used to describe the following relationships:}(h6 will be used to describe the following relationships:hj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K+hj ubh)}(hhh]h)}(hhh](h)}(h@Derived resources and the original resources used to create themh]h)}(hj+ h]h@Derived resources and the original resources used to create them}(hj+ hj- ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K*hj) ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj& ubh)}(h9Derived resources and the activities used to create them
h]h)}(h8Derived resources and the activities used to create themh]h8Derived resources and the activities used to create them}(hjF hjD ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K+hj@ ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj& ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]h*uh&hh'h(h)K*hj# ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K+hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hthj hhh'Nh)Nubh figure)}(hhh](h image)}(hz.. figure:: images/PROV-simple-diagram.png
Figure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will use
h]h}(h]h]h]h]h ]uriimages/PROV-simple-diagram.png
candidates}j^ j suh&jv hjs h'h(h)K/ubh caption)}(hJFigure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will useh]hJFigure 1. A simple diagram illustrating the PROV ontology Metacat will use}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&j h'h(h)K/hjs ubeh}(h]id2ah]h]h]h ]uh&jq h)K/hj hhh'h(ubh)}(hThis model will allow the original data file to remain unchanged as all assertions made about the derived data can be
described in the derived data RDF.h]hThis model will allow the original data file to remain unchanged as all assertions made about the derived data can be
described in the derived data RDF.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K1hj hhubhu)}(hhh]hz)}(hX The terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships:
* `wasGeneratedBy `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.
* `generated `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.
* `wasDerivedFrom `_ : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.
* `used `_ : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.
* `wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.
h](h)}(hdThe terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships:h]hdThe terms from the PROV ontology that will be introduced to Metacat to describe these relationships:}(hj hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K:hj ubh)}(hhh]h)}(hhh](h)}(h`wasGeneratedBy `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.h]h)}(hj h](jF )}(h<`wasGeneratedBy `_h]hwasGeneratedBy}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]namewasGeneratedByjW (http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasGeneratedByuh&jE hj ubhS)}(h+ h]h}(h]wasgeneratedbyah]h]wasgeneratedbyah]h ]refurij uh&hRjf Khj ubh : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.}(h : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.hj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K6hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubh)}(h`generated `_ : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.h]h)}(hj h](jF )}(h2`generated `_h]h generated}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name generatedjW #http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generateduh&jE hj ubhS)}(h& h]h}(h] generatedah]h] generatedah]h ]refurij uh&hRjf Khj ubh : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.}(h : Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.hj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K7hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubh)}(h`wasDerivedFrom `_ : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.h]h)}(hj4 h](jF )}(h<`wasDerivedFrom `_h]hwasDerivedFrom}(hhhj9 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]namewasDerivedFromjW (http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasDerivedFromuh&jE hj6 ubhS)}(h+ h]h}(h]wasderivedfromah]h]wasderivedfromah]h ]refurijI uh&hRjf Khj6 ubh : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.}(h : A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.hj6 ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K8hj2 ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubh)}(h`used `_ : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.h]h)}(hjj h](jF )}(h(`used `_h]hused}(hhhjo ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]nameusedjW http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#useduh&jE hjl ubhS)}(h! h]h}(h]usedah]h]usedah]h ]refurij uh&hRjf Khjl ubh : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.}(h : Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.hjl ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K9hjh ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubh)}(h`wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.
h]h)}(h`wasInformedBy `_ : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.h](jF )}(h:`wasInformedBy `_h]h
wasInformedBy}(hhhj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]name
wasInformedByjW 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasInformedByuh&jE hj ubhS)}(h* h]h}(h]
wasinformedbyah]h ]refurij uh&hRjf Khj ubhv : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.}(hv : Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.hj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K:hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]hj^ uh&hh'h(h)K6hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hhj ubeh}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hyh'h(h)K:hj ubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hthj hhh'Nh)Nubh)}(h~The following diagram fully represents the new model for derived resources. New terms and resources are highlighted in purple.h]h~The following diagram fully represents the new model for derived resources. New terms and resources are highlighted in purple.}(hj hj hhh'Nh)Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h ]uh&hh'h(h)K