
Over the years, many tools have been developed to facilitate effective data management, archiving content, and retrieving data for synthetic analysis projects.


Data management for earth, environmental and ecological scientists.

Morpho image

Morpho allows researchers to create metadata, (i.e. describe their data in a standardized format), and create a catalog of data & metadata upon which to query, edit and view data collections. In addition, it also provides the means to access network servers - like the KNB - in order to query, view and retrieve all relevant, public ecological data!

  • Create and Edit EML metadata
  • Search for existing data packages
  • View and download data packages
  • Verify and Edit your data
  • Specify Access Control rules for your data
  • Share and publish your data via the KNB


A flexible metadata database.

Metacat image

As a repository for data and metadata (documentation about data) it helps scientists find, understand and effectively use data sets they manage or that have been created by others. Thousands of data sets are currently documented in a standardized way and stored in Metacat systems around the world, providing the scientific community with a broad range of science data that - because the data are well and consistently described - can be easily searched, compared, merged, or used in other ways.

More about Metacat

EML - Ecological Metadata Language

A metadata standard developed for the earth, environmental and ecological sciences.

It is based on prior work done by the Ecological Society of America and associated efforts. EML is implemented as a series of XML document types that can by used in a modular and extensible manner to document scientific research data.