/* global define */ define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'models/DataONEObject', 'models/metadata/eml211/EML211', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLOtherEntity', 'text!templates/dataItem.html'], function(_, $, Backbone, DataONEObject, EML, EMLOtherEntity, DataItemTemplate){ /* A DataItemView represents a single data item in a data package as a single row of a nested table. An item may represent a metadata object (as a folder), or a data object described by the metadata (as a file). Every metadata DataItemView has a resource map associated with it that describes the relationships between the aggregated metadata and data objects. */ var DataItemView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: "tr", className: "data-package-item", id: null, /* The HTML template for a data item */ template: _.template(DataItemTemplate), /* Events this view listens to */ events: { "focusout .name" : "updateName", "click .name" : "emptyName", "click .duplicate" : "duplicate", // Edit dropdown, duplicate scimeta/rdf "click .addFolder" : "handleAddFolder", // Edit dropdown, add nested scimeta/rdf "click .addFiles" : "handleAddFiles", // Edit dropdown, open file picker dialog "change .file-upload" : "addFiles", // Adds the files into the collection "dragover" : "showDropzone", // Drag & drop, show the dropzone for this row "dragend" : "hideDropzone", // Drag & drop, hide the dropzone for this row "dragleave" : "hideDropzone", // Drag & drop, hide the dropzone for this row "drop" : "addFiles", // Drag & drop, adds the files into the collection "click .removeFiles" : "handleRemove", // Edit dropdown, remove sci{data,meta} from collection "click .cancel" : "handleCancel", // Cancel a file load "change: percentLoaded": "updateLoadProgress", // Update the file read progress bar "mouseover .remove" : "previewRemove", "mouseout .remove" : "previewRemove", "change .private" : "changeAccessPolicy" }, /* Initialize the object - post constructor */ initialize: function(options) { if(typeof options == "undefined") var options = {}; this.model = options.model || new DataONEObject(); this.id = this.model.get("id"); }, /* Render the template into the DOM */ render: function(model) { //Prevent duplicate listeners this.stopListening(); // Set the data-id for identifying events to model ids this.$el.attr("data-id", this.model.get("id")); this.$el.attr("data-category", "entities-" + this.model.get("id")); //Destroy the old tooltip this.$(".status .icon, .status .progress").tooltip("hide").tooltip("destroy"); var attributes = this.model.toJSON(); //Format the title if(Array.isArray(attributes.title)) attributes.title = attributes.title[0]; //Set some defaults attributes.numAttributes = 0; attributes.entityIsValid = true; attributes.hasInvalidAttribute = false; //Get the number of attributes for this item if(this.model.type != "EML"){ //Get the parent EML model if( this.parentEML ){ var parentEML = this.parentEML; } else{ var parentEML = MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.where({ id: Array.isArray(this.model.get("isDocumentedBy")) ? this.model.get("isDocumentedBy")[0] : null }); } if( Array.isArray(parentEML) ) parentEML = parentEML[0]; //If we found a parent EML model if(parentEML && parentEML.type == "EML"){ this.parentEML = parentEML; //Find the EMLEntity model for this data item var entity = this.model.get("metadataEntity") || parentEML.getEntity(this.model); //If we found an EMLEntity model if(entity){ this.entity = entity; //Get the file name from the metadata if it is not in the model if( !this.model.get("fileName") ){ var fileName = ""; if( entity.get("physicalObjectName") ) fileName = entity.get("physicalObjectName"); else if( entity.get("entityName") ) fileName = entity.get("entityName"); if( fileName ) attributes.fileName = fileName; this.model.set("fileName", fileName); } //Get the number of attributes for this entity attributes.numAttributes = entity.get("attributeList").length; //Determine if the entity model is valid attributes.entityIsValid = entity.isValid(); //Listen to changes to certain attributes of this EMLEntity model // to re-render this view this.stopListening(entity); this.listenTo(entity, "change:entityType, change:entityName", this.render); //Check if there are any invalid attribute models //Also listen to each attribute model _.each( entity.get("attributeList"), function(attr){ var isValid = attr.isValid(); //Mark that this entity has at least one invalid attribute if( !attributes.hasInvalidAttribute && !isValid ) attributes.hasInvalidAttribute = true; this.stopListening(attr); //Listen to when the validation status changes and rerender if(isValid) this.listenTo( attr, "invalid", this.render); else this.listenTo( attr, "valid", this.render); }, this); //If there are no attributes now, rerender when one is added this.listenTo(entity, "change:attributeList", this.render); } else{ //Rerender when an entity is added this.listenTo(this.model, "change:entities", this.render); } } else{ //When the package is complete, rerender this.listenTo(MetacatUI.rootDataPackage, "add:EML", this.render); } } this.$el.html( this.template(attributes) ); //Initialize dropdowns this.$el.find(".dropdown-toggle").dropdown(); if(this.model.get("type") == "Metadata"){ //Add the title data-attribute attribute to the name cell this.$el.find(".name").attr("data-attribute", "title"); this.$el.addClass("folder"); } else{ this.$el.addClass("data"); //Get the AccessPolicy for this object var accessPolicy = this.model.get("accessPolicy"), checkbox = this.$(".sharing input"); //Check the public/private toggle if this object is private if( accessPolicy && !accessPolicy.isPublic() ){ checkbox.prop("checked", true); } //If the user is not authorized to change the permissions of // this object, then disable the checkbox if( !accessPolicy.isAuthorized("changePermission") ){ checkbox.prop("disabled", "disabled") .addClass("disabled"); this.$(".sharing").tooltip({ title: "You are not authorized to edit the privacy of this data file", placement: "top", container: this.el, trigger: "hover", delay: { show: 800 } }); } else{ checkbox.tooltip({ title: "Check to make this data file private", placement: "top", trigger: "hover", delay: { show: 800 } }); } } //Check if the data package is in progress of being uploaded this.toggleSaving(); //Create tooltips based on the upload status if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "e" && this.model.get("errorMessage")){ var errorMsg = this.model.get("errorMessage"); this.$(".status .icon").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: "
Error saving:
" + errorMsg + "
", container: "body" }); this.$el.removeClass("loading"); } else if (( !this.model.get("uploadStatus") || this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "c" || this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "q") && attributes.numAttributes == 0){ this.$(".status .icon").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: "
This file needs to be described - Click 'Describe'
", container: "body" }); this.$el.removeClass("loading"); } else if( attributes.hasInvalidAttribute || !attributes.entityIsValid ){ this.$(".status .icon").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: "
There is missing information about this file. Click 'Describe'
", container: "body" }); this.$el.removeClass("loading"); } else if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "c"){ this.$(".status .icon").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: "
", container: "body" }); this.$el.removeClass("loading"); } else if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "l"){ this.$(".status .icon").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: "
Reading file...
", container: "body" }); this.$el.addClass("loading"); } else if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "p"){ var model = this.model; this.$(".status .progress").tooltip({ placement: "top", trigger: "hover", html: true, title: function(){ if(model.get("numSaveAttempts") > 0){ return "
Something went wrong during upload.
Trying again... (attempt " + (model.get("numSaveAttempts") + 1) + " of 3)
"; } else if(model.get("uploadProgress")){ var percentDone = model.get("uploadProgress").toString(); if(percentDone.indexOf(".") > -1) percentDone = percentDone.substring(0, percentDone.indexOf(".")); } else var percentDone = "0"; return "
Uploading: " + percentDone + "%
"; }, container: "body" }); this.$el.addClass("loading"); } else{ this.$el.removeClass("loading"); } //Listen to changes to the upload progress of this object this.listenTo(this.model, "change:uploadProgress", this.showUploadProgress); //Listen to changes to the upload status of the entire package this.listenTo(MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel, "change:uploadStatus", this.toggleSaving); //listen for changes to rerender the view this.listenTo(this.model, "change:fileName change:title change:id change:formatType " + "change:formatId change:type change:resourceMap change:documents change:isDocumentedBy " + "change:size change:nodeLevel change:uploadStatus", this.render); // render changes to the item var view = this; this.listenTo(this.model, "replace", function(newModel){ view.model = newModel; view.render(); }); this.$el.data({ view: this, model: this.model }); return this; }, /* Close the view and remove it from the DOM */ onClose: function(){ this.remove(); // remove for the DOM, stop listening this.off(); // remove callbacks, prevent zombies }, /* Generate a unique id for each data item in the table TODO: This could be replaced with the DataONE identifier */ generateId: function() { var idStr = ''; // the id to return var length = 30; // the length of the generated string var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { idStr += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; } return idStr; }, /** * Update the folder name based on the scimeta title * * @function updateName * @param e The event triggering this method */ updateName: function(e) { var enteredText = this.cleanInput($(e.target).text().trim()); // Set the title if this item is metadata or set the file name // if its not if(this.model.get("type") == "Metadata") { var title = this.model.get("title"); // Get the current title which is either an array of titles // or a single string. When it's an array of strings, we // use the first as the canonical title var currentTitle = Array.isArray(title) ? title[0] : title; // Don't set the title if it hasn't changed or is empty if (enteredText !== "" && currentTitle !== enteredText && enteredText !== "Untitled dataset") { // Set the new title, upgrading any title attributes // that aren't Arrays into Arrays if ((Array.isArray(title) && title.length < 2) || typeof title == "string") { this.model.set("title", [ enteredText ]); } else { title[0] = enteredText; } } } else { this.model.set("fileName", enteredText); this.model.set("hasContentChanges"); } }, /* Duplicate a file or folder */ duplicate: function(event) { }, /* Add a sub folder */ addFolder: function(event) { }, /* Handle the add file event, showing the file picker dialog Multiple files are allowed using the shift and or option/alt key */ handleAddFiles: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); var fileUploadElement = this.$(".file-upload"); fileUploadElement.val(""); if ( fileUploadElement ) { fileUploadElement.click(); } event.preventDefault(); }, /* With a file list from the file picker or drag and drop, add the files to the collection */ addFiles: function(event) { var fileList, // The list of chosen files parentDataPackage, // The id of the first resource of this row's scimeta self = this; // A reference to this view event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); // handle drag and drop files if ( typeof event.originalEvent.dataTransfer !== "undefined" ) { fileList = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; // handle file picker files } else { if ( event.target ) { fileList = event.target.files; } } this.$el.removeClass("droppable"); // Find the correct collection to add to. Use JQuery's delegateTarget // attribute corresponding to the element where the event handler was attached if ( typeof event.delegateTarget.dataset.id !== "undefined" ) { this.parentSciMeta = this.getParentScienceMetadata(event); this.collection = this.getParentDataPackage(event); // Read each file, and make a DataONEObject _.each(fileList, function(file) { var uploadStatus = "l", errorMessage = ""; if( file.size == 0 ){ uploadStatus = "e"; errorMessage = "This is an empty file. It won't be included in the dataset."; } var dataONEObject = new DataONEObject({ synced: true, type: "Data", fileName: file.name, size: file.size, mediaType: file.type, uploadFile: file, uploadStatus: uploadStatus, errorMessage: errorMessage, isDocumentedBy: [this.parentSciMeta.id], resourceMap: [this.collection.packageModel.id] }); // Add it to the parent collection this.collection.add(dataONEObject); // Asychronously calculate the checksum if ( dataONEObject.get("uploadFile") && ! dataONEObject.get("checksum") ) { dataONEObject.stopListening(dataONEObject, "checksumCalculated"); dataONEObject.listenToOnce(dataONEObject, "checksumCalculated", dataONEObject.save); try { dataONEObject.calculateChecksum(); } catch (exception) { // TODO: Fail gracefully here for the user } } }, this); } }, /* During file reading, update the progress bar */ updateLoadProgress: function(event) { // TODO: Update the progress bar }, /* Show the drop zone for this row in the table */ showDropzone: function() { if ( this.model.get("type") !== "Metadata" ) return; this.$el.addClass("droppable"); }, /* Hide the drop zone for this row in the table */ hideDropzone: function(event) { if ( this.model.get("type") !== "Metadata" ) return; this.$el.removeClass("droppable"); }, /* Handle remove events for this row in the data package table */ handleRemove: function(event) { var eventId, // The id of the row of this event removalIds = [], // The list of target ids to remove dataONEObject, // The model represented by this row documents; // The list of ids documented by this row (if meta) event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); // Get the row id, add it to the remove list if ( typeof event.delegateTarget.dataset.id !== "undefined" ) { eventId = event.delegateTarget.dataset.id; removalIds.push(eventId); } this.parentSciMeta = this.getParentScienceMetadata(event); if(!this.parentSciMeta){ this.$(".status .icon, .status .progress").tooltip("hide").tooltip("destroy"); // Remove the row this.remove(); return; } this.collection = this.getParentDataPackage(event); // Get the corresponding model if ( typeof eventId !== "undefined" ) { dataONEObject = this.collection.get(eventId); } // Is it nested science metadata? if ( dataONEObject && dataONEObject.get("type") == "Metadata" ) { // We also remove the data documented by these metadata documents = dataONEObject.get("documents"); if ( documents.length > 0 ) { _.each(documents, removalIds.push()); } } //Data objects may need to be removed from the EML model entities list else if(dataONEObject && this.parentSciMeta.type == "EML"){ var matchingEntity = this.parentSciMeta.getEntity(dataONEObject); if(matchingEntity) this.parentSciMeta.removeEntity(matchingEntity); } // Remove the id from the documents array in the science metadata _.each(removalIds, function(id) { var documents = this.parentSciMeta.get("documents"); var index = documents.indexOf(id); if ( index > -1 ) { this.parentSciMeta.get("documents").splice(index, 1); } }, this); // Remove each object from the collection this.collection.remove(removalIds); this.$(".status .icon, .status .progress").tooltip("hide").tooltip("destroy"); // Remove the row this.remove(); MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true); }, /* * Return the parent science metadata model associated with the * data or metadata row of the UI event */ getParentScienceMetadata: function(event) { var parentMetadata, // The parent metadata array in the collection eventModels, // The models associated with the event's table row eventModel, // The model associated with the event's table row parentSciMeta; // The parent science metadata for the event model if ( typeof event.delegateTarget.dataset.id !== "undefined" ) { eventModels = MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.where({ id: event.delegateTarget.dataset.id }); if ( eventModels.length > 0 ) { eventModel = eventModels[0]; } else { return; } // Is this a Data or Metadata model? if ( eventModel.get && eventModel.get("type") === "Metadata" ) { return eventModel; } else { // It's data, get the parent scimeta parentMetadata = MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.where({ id: Array.isArray(eventModel.get("isDocumentedBy"))? eventModel.get("isDocumentedBy")[0] : null }); if ( parentMetadata.length > 0 ) { parentSciMeta = parentMetadata[0]; return parentSciMeta; } else { //If there is only one metadata model in the root data package, then use that metadata model var metadataModels = MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.where({ type: "Metadata" }); if(metadataModels.length == 1) return metadataModels[0]; } } } }, /* * Return the parent data package collection associated with the * data or metadata row of the UI event */ getParentDataPackage: function(event) { var parentSciMeta, parenResourceMaps, parentResourceMapId; if ( typeof event.delegateTarget.dataset.id !== "undefined" ) { parentSciMeta = this.getParentScienceMetadata(event); if ( parentSciMeta.get && parentSciMeta.get("resourceMap").length > 0 ) { parentResourceMaps = parentSciMeta.get("resourceMap"); if ( ! MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.get("latestVersion") ) { // Decide how to handle this by calling model.findLatestVersion() // and listen for the result, setting getParentDataPackage() as the callback? } else { parentResourceMapId = MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.get("latestVersion"); } } else { console.log("There is no resource map associated with the science metadata."); } // Is this the root package or a nested package? if ( MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.id === parentResourceMapId ) { return MetacatUI.rootDataPackage; // A nested package } else { return MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.where({id: parentResourceMapId})[0]; } } }, cleanInput: function(input){ // 1. remove line breaks / Mso classes var stringStripper = /(\n|\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g; var output = input.replace(stringStripper, ' '); // 2. strip Word generated HTML comments var commentSripper = new RegExp('','g'); output = output.replace(commentSripper, ''); var tagStripper = new RegExp('<(/)*(meta|link|span|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|font)(.*?)>','gi'); // 3. remove tags leave content if any output = output.replace(tagStripper, ''); // 4. Remove everything in between and including tags '' var badTags = ['style', 'script','applet','embed','noframes','noscript']; for (var i=0; i< badTags.length; i++) { tagStripper = new RegExp('<'+badTags[i]+'.*?'+badTags[i]+'(.*?)>', 'gi'); output = output.replace(tagStripper, ''); } // 5. remove attributes ' style="..."' var badAttributes = ['style', 'start']; for (var i=0; i< badAttributes.length; i++) { var attributeStripper = new RegExp(' ' + badAttributes[i] + '="(.*?)"','gi'); output = output.replace(attributeStripper, ''); } output = EML.prototype.cleanXMLText(output); return output; }, /* * Style this table row to indicate it will be removed */ previewRemove: function(){ this.$el.toggleClass("remove-preview"); }, /** * Clears the text in the cell if the text was the default. We add * an 'empty' class, and remove it when the user focuses back out. * * @function emptyName */ emptyName: function(e){ var editableCell = this.$(".name [contenteditable]"); if(editableCell.text().indexOf("Untitled") > -1){ editableCell.attr("data-original-text", editableCell.text().trim()) .text("") .addClass("empty") .on("focusout", function(){ if(!editableCell.text()) editableCell.text(editableCell.attr("data-original-text")).removeClass("empty"); }); } }, /* * Changes the access policy of a data object based on user input. * * @param {HTML DOM Event} e - The event that triggered this function as a callback */ changeAccessPolicy: function(e){ if( typeof e === "undefined" || !e ) return; var dataModel = this.model, makePrivate = $(e.target).prop("checked"); //If the user has chosen to make this object private if(makePrivate){ //Get the existing access policy var accessPolicy = this.model.get("accessPolicy"); if( accessPolicy ){ //Make the access policy private accessPolicy.makePrivate(); } else{ //Create an access policy from the default settings this.model.createAccessPolicy(); //Make the access policy private this.model.get("accessPolicy").makePrivate(); } } else{ //Get the existing access policy var accessPolicy = this.model.get("accessPolicy"); if( accessPolicy ){ //Make the access policy public accessPolicy.makePublic(); } else{ //Create an access policy from the default settings this.model.createAccessPolicy(); //Make the access policy public this.model.get("accessPolicy").makePublic(); } } //Close the tooltips this.$(".sharing").tooltip("hide"); }, showValidation: function(attr, errorMsg){ //Find the element that is required var requiredEl = this.$("[data-category='" + attr + "']").addClass("error"); //When it is updated, remove the error styling this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:" + attr, this.hideRequired); }, hideRequired: function(){ //Remove the error styling this.$("[contenteditable].error").removeClass("error"); }, /* * Show the data item as saving */ showSaving: function(){ this.$("button").prop("disabled", true); if(this.model.get("type") != "Metadata") this.$(".controls").prepend($(document.createElement("div")).addClass("disable-layer")); this.$(".name > div").prop("contenteditable", false); }, hideSaving: function(){ this.$("button").prop("disabled", false); this.$(".disable-layer").remove(); //Make the name cell editable again this.$(".name > div").prop("contenteditable", true); this.$el.removeClass("error-saving"); }, toggleSaving: function(){ if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "p" || this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "l" || ( this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "e" && this.model.get("type") != "Metadata") || MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.get("uploadStatus") == "p") this.showSaving(); else this.hideSaving(); if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "e") this.$el.addClass("error-saving"); }, showUploadProgress: function(){ if(this.model.get("numSaveAttempts") > 0){ this.$(".progress .bar").css("width", "100%"); } else{ this.$(".progress .bar").css("width", this.model.get("uploadProgress") + "%"); } } }); return DataItemView; });