define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'models/DataONEObject', 'models/metadata/ScienceMetadata', 'models/metadata/eml211/EML211', 'views/metadata/EML211View', 'text!templates/metadata.html'], function(_, $, Backbone, DataONEObject, ScienceMetadata, EML, EMLView, Template){ var DatasetView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: '#Content', /* Templates */ template: _.template(Template), events: { }, id: null, seriesId: null, /* A list of the subviews */ subviews: [], initialize: function(options) { if((options === undefined) || (!options)) var options = {}; = || || MetacatUI.appModel.get("pid") || null; if(typeof options.el !== "undefined") this.setElement(options.el); return this; }, /* Render the view */ render: function() { this.$el.append(this.template()); MetacatUI.appModel.set('headerType', 'default'); //Get the model and when it's found, render it this.on("modelFound", this.renderMetadata); this.getModel(); return this; }, //Retrieves info on and creates a model for this metadata getModel: function(){ //The Model and ID if(! return false; var model = new DataONEObject({id:}); var viewRef = this; //Get information about this object this.listenToOnce(model, "sync", function(model){ //Is this an EML 2.1.1 doc? if(model.get("formatid") == "eml://"){ var metadataModel = new EML(model.toJSON()); //Save the model in the view and trigger the event viewRef.model = metadataModel; viewRef.trigger("modelFound"); } else if(model.get("formatType") == "DATA"){ //Get the metadata doc that documents this data object if(model.get("isDocumentedBy")){ //Just default to the first one for now var isDocBy = model.get("isDocumentedBy"); if(Array.isArray(isDocBy)) isDocBy = isDocBy[0]; viewRef.getModel(isDocBy); } //If there is no metadata doc, then just use the data model else{ //Save the model in the view and trigger the event viewRef.model = model; viewRef.trigger("modelFound"); } } else if(model.get("formatType") == "RESOURCE"){ //TODO: Create a data package collection and add this resource map to it, then call a function to find the metadata } }); model._fetch(); return model; }, //Render the metadata display using the attributes of the model //TODO: Render the metadata renderMetadata: function(){ this.$el.html("metadata goes here"); }, // This function is called when there is no metadata document in this dataset. Only system metadata will be displayed. //TODO: Fill in from old MetadataView noMetadata: function(){ }, /* Close the view and its sub views */ close: function() { this.remove(); // remove for the DOM, stop listening; // remove callbacks, prevent zombies this.model = null; = null; this.seriesId = null; // Close each subview _.each(this.subviews, function(i, subview) { subview.close(); }); this.subviews = []; window.onbeforeunload = null; } }); return DatasetView; });