/*global define */
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'views/MetricModalView'],
function($, _, Backbone, MetricModalView) {
'use strict';
var MetricView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
// id: 'metrics-button',
className: 'btn metrics',
metricName: null,
model: null,
metricButtonTemplate: _.template( " " +
" <%=metricName%> " +
" " +
" "),
events: {
"click" : "showMetricModal",
initialize: function(options){
if((typeof options == "undefined")){
var options = {};
this.metricName = options.metricName;
this.model = options.model;
render: function () {
// Generating the Button view for the given metric
if (this.metricName == 'Citations') {
this.$el.html(this.metricButtonTemplate({metricValue:'', metricIcon:'icon-quote-right', metricName:this.metricName}));
} else if (this.metricName == 'Downloads') {
this.$el.html(this.metricButtonTemplate({metricValue:'', metricIcon:'icon-cloud-download', metricName:this.metricName}));
} else if (this.metricName == 'Views') {
this.$el.html(this.metricButtonTemplate({metricValue:'', metricIcon:'icon-eye-open', metricName:this.metricName}));
} else {
// Adding tool-tip for the buttons
// TODO: Change to 'Show metricName', once you've the modals working.
if (MetacatUI.appModel.get("displayDatasetMetricsTooltip")) {
.attr("data-placement", "top")
.attr("data-trigger", "hover")
.attr("data-delay", "700")
.attr("data-container", "body");
if (this.metricName == 'Citations') {
this.$el.attr("data-title", "For all the versions of this dataset, the number of times that all or part of this dataset was cited.");
} else if (this.metricName == 'Downloads') {
this.$el.attr("data-title", "For all the versions of this dataset, the number of times that all or part of this dataset was downloaded.");
} else if (this.metricName == 'Views') {
this.$el.attr("data-title", "For all the versions of this dataset, the number of times that all or part of this dataset was viewed.");
} else {
this.$el.attr("data-title", "");
// waiting for the fetch() call to succeed.
this.listenTo(this.model, "sync", this.renderResults);
// in case when there is an error for the fetch call.
this.listenTo(this.model, "error", this.renderError);
return this;
// Handling the Click function
// Displaying the metric modal on Click
showMetricModal: function(e) {
if (MetacatUI.appModel.get("displayMetricModals")) {
var modalView = new MetricModalView({metricName: this.metricName, metricsModel: this.model});
renderResults: function() {
var metric = this.metricName
var results = this.model.get(metric.toLowerCase());
// Check if the metric object exists in results obtained from the service
// If it does, get its total value else set the total count to 0
if (typeof results !== 'undefined') {
var total = 0
if (results.length > 0) {
if(metric == 'Citations') {
total = results.reduce(function(acc, val) { return acc + val; });
this.model.set('totalCitations', total);
if(metric == 'Views') {
total = results.reduce(function(acc, val) { return acc + val; });
this.model.set('totalViews', total);
if(metric == 'Downloads') {
total = results.reduce(function(acc, val) { return acc + val; });
this.model.set('totalDownloads', total);
} else {
if(metric == 'Citations') {
total = 0;
this.model.set('totalCitations', total);
if(metric == 'Views') {
total = 0;
this.model.set('totalViews', total);
if(metric == 'Downloads') {
total = 0;
this.model.set('totalDownloads', total);
// Replacing the metric total count with the spinning icon.
this.$('.metric-value').text(MetacatUI.appView.numberAbbreviator(total, 1));
renderError: function() {
// Replacing the spinning icon with a question-mark
// when the metrics are not loaded
var iconEl = this.$('.metric-value').find('.metric-icon');
iconEl.addClass("icon-exclamation-sign more-info");
// Setting the error tool-tip
this.$el.attr("data-title", "The number of " + this.metricName + " could not be retreived at this time.");
return MetricView;