This file was generated from ISO TC/211 UML class diagrams == 03-09-2009 14:09:36 ======
Value for an enumerated feature attribute domain, including its codes and interpretation.
Relationship that links instances of this feature type with instances of the same or of a different feature type. - The memberOf-linkBetween association in the General Feature Model is not directly implemented here since it can be easily derived from combining the Role and MemberOf associations.
A feature catalogue contains the definition of some number feature types with other information necessary for their definitions.
Characteristic of a feature type.
A role of the association FC_AssociationRole::relation. - [ocl] - roleName = FC_Member::memberName; - FC_PropertyType::cardinality realizes GF_AssociationRole::cardinality - [/ocl]
Class of real world phenomena with common properties - - [ocl] - typeName realizes GF_FeatureType::typeName; - isAbstract realizes GF_FeatureType::isAbstract; - constrainedBy realizes GF_FeatureType::constrainedBy - [/ocl]
FC_InheritanceRelation realizes GF_InheritanceRelation. - [ocl] - FC_InheritanceRelation always assumes that its GF_InheritanceRelation::uniqueInstance is TRUE. - [/ocl]
Operation that every instance of an associated feature type must implement. - [ocl] - triggeredByValuesOf realizes GF_Operation::triggeredByValuesOf; - observesValuesOf realizes GF_Operation::observesValuesOf; - affectsValuesOf realizes GF_Operation::affectsValuesOf - [/ocl]
Abstract class for local and global feature properties.
A class for defining constraints for types.
Class that is used to describe the specifics of how a property type is bound to a particular feature type. Used as an association class for the association MemberOf between feature type and property type.
Class that specifies the source of a definition.
Class that links a data instance to the source of its definition.
Class that is used to describe the specifics of how a global feature attribute is bound to a particular feature type.
Abstract class for local feature properties and bound global properties of a feature type
Class that is used to describe the specifics of how a global association role is bound to a particular feature type.