[% IF form != 're_entry' %]

Upload your data

Use this form to submit a new data package to the repository.

[% ELSE %]

Edit your data

Use this form to edit a data package submitted earlier.

[%IF docid !='' && cfg != 'metacatui' %]

The ID of this data set is: [% docid %]

[%END%] [% END %]

Show Help Guide

[%IF cfg != 'metacatui' %]

If you have any questions, comments or problems regarding this form, please contact the repository administrator at [% email.recipient %]

[% END %]

* Denotes a required field.

[% IF show.siteList == 'true' %]
[% END %] [% IF show.wgList == 'true' %]
[% END %] [% IF show.organization == 'true' %]
[% END %] [% IF show.funding == 'true' %]
[% END %]
[% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < partyCount %] [% SET partyId = "partyId${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFirstName = "partyFirstName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyLastName = "partyLastName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyRole = "partyRole${cnt}" %] [% SET partyOrgName = "partyOrgName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPositionName = "partyPositionName${cnt}" %] [% SET partyEmail = "partyEmail${cnt}" %] [% SET partyURL = "partyURL${cnt}" %] [% SET partyPhone = "partyPhone${cnt}" %] [% SET partyFAX = "partyFAX${cnt}" %] [% SET partyDelivery = "partyDelivery${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCity = "partyCity${cnt}" %] [% SET partyState = "partyState${cnt}" %] [% SET partyStateOther = "partyStateOther${cnt}" %] [% SET partyZIP = "partyZIP${cnt}" %] [% SET partyCountry = "partyCountry${cnt}" %] [% SET roles = { principalInvestigator = 'Principal Investigator', coPrincipalInvestigator = 'Co-Principal Investigator', collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator = 'Collaborating-Principal Investigator', collaborator = 'Collaborator', creator = 'Creator (Author/Owner/Originator)', contact = 'Contact', metadataProvider = 'Metadata Provider', custodianSteward = 'Custodian/Steward', publisher = 'Publisher', user = 'User'} %] [% IF $partyFirstName != '' && $partyLastName != '' %] [%- pRole = $partyRole -%] [% ELSE %] [% IF $partyOrgName != '' %] [%- pRole = $partyRole -%] [% ELSE %] [%- pRole = $partyRole -%] [% END %] [% END %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]
[% $partyFirstName %] [% $partyLastName %][% roles.$pRole %][% $partyOrgName %][% roles.$pRole %][% $partyPositionName %][% roles.$pRole %]
(~350 words)
[% IF modules.keyword == 'true' %]
[% numKey = 0 %] [% IF keyCount %] [% numKey = keyCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt < numKey %] [% SET keyword = "keyword${cnt}" %] [% SET keywordType = "kwType${cnt}" %] [% SET keywordTh = "kwTh${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]

[%$keyword%] (Type: [%$keywordType%], Thesaurus: [%$keywordTh%])
[% END %] [% IF modules.temporal == 'true' %]

Start Date

[% IF required.temporal == 'true' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]

End Date (leave blank if your data set is open-ended)

[% END %] [% IF modules.spatial == 'true' %]
[% IF required.spatial == 'true' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
General description of the geographic area in which the data were collected. It can be a simple place name (e.g., Santa Barbara) or a fuller description.


[% IF show.siteList == 'true' %]
Use [% config.site %] coordinates. (This indicates that the data were collected at the [% config.site %]. If you check this box, you don't need to fill in the lat./long. fields below).
[% END %]
Degrees Minutes Seconds
[% IF required.spatial == 'true' %] *Latitude [% ELSE %] Latitude [% END %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLat1 == "N"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLat1 == "S"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%]
[% IF required.spatial == 'true' %] *Longitude [% ELSE %] Longitude [% END %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLong1 == "W"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLong1 == "E"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%]
If only this first lat/long pair is entered, this indicates a point location. If both lat/long pairs are entered, then this first pair represents the northwest corner of a bounding box.
Latitude [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLat2 == "N"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLat2 == "S"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%]
Longitude [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLong2 == "W"%] West [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && hemisphLong2 == "E"%] [%ELSE%] [%END%]
If entered, this lat/long pair represents the southeast corner of a bounding box.
[% END %] [% IF modules.taxonomic == 'true' %]
(e.g., Species)
(e.g., Ursus arctos)
[% numTaxa = 0 %] [% IF taxaCount %] [% numTaxa = taxaCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numTaxa%] [% SET rank = "taxonRankName${cnt}" %] [% SET name = "taxonRankValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]

Rank: [%$rank%], Name: [%$name%]
List the source(s) used for identifying and naming taxa (e.g., name of a field guide, key, or nomenclature revision).
[% END %] [% IF modules.method == 'true' %]
[% IF !methodPara %] [% END %] [% FOREACH para = methodPara %] [% END %]
Describe the temporal, spatial and taxonomic extent of the study, supplementing the information on coverage provided above. For example, if the temporal coverage of the data is 1990-2000, you might provide details about any years that were missed or the months in which sampling occurred.
Describe the sampling design of the study. For example, you might describe the way in which treatments were assigned to sampling units.
[% END %]
If available, please enter a name or number that uniquely identifies and describes concisely the data set. Alternatively, provide other pertinent information that can identify and locate the data set within your site's data management system.
[% numIdentifier = 0 %] [% IF identifierCount %] [% numIdentifier = identifierCount %] [% END %] [% cnt = 1 %] [% WHILE cnt <= numIdentifier%] [% SET id = "identifierValue${cnt}" %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %]

Identifier: [%$id%]
[% IF form == 're_entry' && (dataMedium == "digital " || dataMedium == "digital") %] [%ELSE%] [% END %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && (dataMedium == "hardcopy " || dataMedium == "hardcopy") %] [%ELSE%] [% END %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && dataMedium == "other" %] [%ELSE%] [% END %]
[% IF show.cclicenses == 'true' %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && useConstraints == 'Public Domain (CC-0)' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && useConstraints == 'Attribution (CC-BY)' %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF form == 're_entry' && useConstraints == "no restrictions" %] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && useConstraints == "Obtain permission from data set owner(s)" %] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% IF form == 're_entry' && useConstraints == "other" %] [%ELSE%] [%END%] [% END %]
[% IF modules.upload == 'true' %]
[% IF form == 're_entry' && upCount %] [% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < upCount %] [% SET fileSum = "upload_${cnt}" %] [% SET fileName = "uploadname_${cnt}" %] [% SET fileType = "uploadtype_${cnt}" %] [% SET filePerm = "uploadperm_${cnt}" %] [% IF fileSum %] [% END %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% IF form == 're_entry' && upCount %] [% cnt = 0 %] [% WHILE cnt < upCount %] [% SET fileName = "uploadname_${cnt}" %] [% SET filePerm = "uploadperm_${cnt}" %] [% IF $filePerm == 'public' %] [% SET perm_a = "checked" %] [% SET perm_b = "" %] [% ELSE %] [% SET perm_a = "" %] [% SET perm_b = "checked" %] [% END %] [% IF fileName %] [% END %] [% cnt = cnt + 1 %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% $fileName %]  Public  Private
[% END %]