Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 19 tests.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#2 (Mar 27, 2023 6:28:39 PM)

  1. Move plugins to correct tree — tommythelen / githubweb
  2. Follow the BagIt spec w.r.t the name of the manifest filenaming conventions — tommythelen / githubweb
  3. Bump version — tommythelen / githubweb
  4. Add unit testst to make sure that the file naming of the checksum files is correct — tommythelen / githubweb
  5. Fix missing import — tommythelen / githubweb
  6. Bump version — tommythelen / githubweb
  7. Check for name collisions between files as they're added to the bag — tommythelen / githubweb
  8. Use HashMap for tracking SpeedFile objects and paths — tommythelen / githubweb
  9. Bump a patch version — tommythelen / githubweb
  10. Add GitHub Action to build and test with maven. — gitcode / githubweb
  11. Fix pom file deficiencies to fix warnings. — gitcode / githubweb
  12. 1. Change the url value from ${project.url} to {url} on the both deploy-file and distributionManagement sections. — tao / githubweb