Started by upstream project "Build_Dev_Level_5" build number 22
originally caused by:
Started by user administrator
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace
Cleaning local Directory d1_solr_extensions
Checking out at revision '2019-11-12T05:03:59.426 +0000'
A src
A src/main
A src/main/java
A src/main/java/org
A src/main/java/org/dataone
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/response
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/response/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/response/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/response/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/component
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/
A src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/
A src/main/resources
A src/main/resources/org
A src/main/resources/org/dataone
A src/main/resources/org/dataone/configuration
A src/main/resources/org/dataone/configuration/config.xml
A src/main/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/main/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/main/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/main/resources/
A src/main/resources/buildInfo
A src/main/resources/buildInfo/
A src/main/resources/
A src/test
A src/test/java
A src/test/java/org
A src/test/java/org/dataone
A src/test/java/org/dataone/solr
A src/test/java/org/dataone/solr/extensions
A src/test/java/org/dataone/solr/extensions/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/solr/extensions/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/ldap
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/ldap/v1
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/ldap/v1/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/ldap/v1/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/ldap/v1/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/auth
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/auth/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/web
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/web/mock
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/web/mock/
A src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/web/mock/
A src/test/resources
A src/test/resources/org
A src/test/resources/org/dataone
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/config.xml
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/test/resources/org/dataone/configuration/
A src/test/resources/
A src/test/resources/
A src/test/resources/webapp
A src/test/resources/webapp/mockController-dispatcher.xml
A src/test/resources/webapp/mockController-beans.xml
A src/test/resources/webapp/
A src/test/resources/webapp/
A pom.xml
U .
At revision 19979
No changes for since the previous build
Parsing POMs
Established TCP socket on 42343
[d1_solr_extensions] $ java -cp /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-agent-1.13.jar:/usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar:/usr/share/maven/conf/logging jenkins.maven3.agent.Maven35Main /usr/share/maven /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/lib/remoting-3.33.jar /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-interceptor-1.13.jar /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven3-interceptor-commons-1.13.jar 42343
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started
Executing Maven: -B -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/pom.xml clean install javadoc:javadoc
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.dataone:d1_solr_extensions:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for com.mycila.maven-license-plugin:maven-license-plugin is missing. @ line 166, column 21
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin is missing. @ line 74, column 21
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin is missing. @ line 152, column 21
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin is missing. @ line 99, column 21
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin is missing. @ line 83, column 21
[WARNING] The expression ${artifactId} is deprecated. Please use ${project.artifactId} instead.
[WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build.
[WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects.
[INFO] -------------------< org.dataone:d1_solr_extensions >-------------------
[INFO] Building DataONE_Solr_Extensions 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloading from Jibx Maven Repository:
[INFO] Downloading from Jibx Maven Repository:
[INFO] Downloading from Jibx Maven Repository:
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (773 B at 52 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from Jibx Maven Repository:
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (778 B at 156 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (567 kB at 15 MB/s)
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.4:create (default) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions' && 'svn' '--non-interactive' 'info'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: null at timestamp: 1573535050748
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions' && 'svn' '--non-interactive' 'info'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN_BRANCH
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (default-resources) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[debug] execute contextualize
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 13 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/classes
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:testResources (default-testResources) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[debug] execute contextualize
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 12 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 8 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/test-classes
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/auth/ /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/auth/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/test/java/org/dataone/cn/auth/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/surefire-reports
Running org.dataone.solr.extensions.SolrExtentionsLDAPSuiteTest
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,383 (TestContextManager:retrieveTestExecutionListeners:185) @TestExecutionListeners is not present for class [class org.dataone.solr.extensions.LogServiceSessionAuthorizationFilterTestUnit]: using defaults.
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,421 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:109) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,422 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:113) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,423 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:117) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,424 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:121) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,425 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:125) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,426 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:129) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,427 (DefaultLdapCodecService:loadStockControls:133) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,428 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:98) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,428 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:102) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,428 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:106) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,428 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:110) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,429 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:114) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,429 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:118) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,429 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:122) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,430 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:126) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,432 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:131) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,433 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:136) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,433 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:140) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,434 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:144) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,435 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:148) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,436 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:152) Registered pre-bundled control factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,436 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:156) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,437 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:160) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,438 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:164) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.841
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,439 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockControls:168) Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,441 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:177) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,443 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:181) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,444 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:185) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,446 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:189) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,447 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:193) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,449 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:197) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,451 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:201) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,452 (CodecFactoryUtil:loadStockExtendedOperations:205) Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,552 (CacheService:initialize:131) no custom cache configuration was set, loading the default cache configuration
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:15,944 (DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor:<init>:108) Schema directory '/tmp/server-work-org/partitions/schema' does NOT exist: extracted state set to false.
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,513 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,536 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading system enabled schema:
Schema Name: system
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: []
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,669 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading core enabled schema:
Schema Name: core
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,679 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,679 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,679 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,679 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading apache enabled schema:
Schema Name: apache
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,693 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,694 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading apachemeta enabled schema:
Schema Name: apachemeta
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,703 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading other enabled schema:
Schema Name: other
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system, apache, apachemeta]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,703 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,703 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,703 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,703 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,704 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading cosine enabled schema:
Schema Name: cosine
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,708 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading inetorgperson enabled schema:
Schema Name: inetorgperson
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system, cosine]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,709 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) apachemeta schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,709 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,709 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,710 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading krb5kdc enabled schema:
Schema Name: krb5kdc
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,711 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,711 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,712 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) apache schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,712 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,712 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,712 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading java enabled schema:
Schema Name: java
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,713 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,713 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading pwdpolicy enabled schema:
Schema Name: pwdpolicy
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,716 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) cosine schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,716 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,717 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,717 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading collective enabled schema:
Schema Name: collective
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,718 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) core schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,718 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) apache schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,718 (DefaultSchemaManager:loadDepsFirst:1153) system schema has already been loaded
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,718 (DefaultSchemaManager:load:696) Loading adsconfig enabled schema:
Schema Name: adsconfig
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, apache, system]
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,721 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,721 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,724 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,725 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,726 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,727 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,728 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,728 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,729 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,731 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,733 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ WARN] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,769 (DefaultDirectoryService:startup:1246) ApacheDS shutdown hook has NOT been registered with the runtime. This default setting for standalone operation has been overriden.
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,770 (CacheService:getCache:203) fetching the cache named dnCache
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,781 (CacheService:getCache:203) fetching the cache named alias
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,781 (CacheService:getCache:209) No cache with name alias exists, creating one
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,790 (CacheService:getCache:203) fetching the cache named piar
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,790 (CacheService:getCache:209) No cache with name piar exists, creating one
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,794 (CacheService:getCache:203) fetching the cache named entryDn
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,794 (CacheService:getCache:209) No cache with name entryDn exists, creating one
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,833 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,856 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,861 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,893 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,897 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,914 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,918 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,923 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,926 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,935 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,941 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,952 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,987 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSecondaryDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,987 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSharedNetworkDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,988 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubnetDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,991 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpGroupDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,991 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,991 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,991 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,992 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,992 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPrimaryDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,993 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,994 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,995 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,996 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOption
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,997 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpVersion
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,997 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpImplementation
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,997 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHashBucketAssignment
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,998 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDelayedServiceParameter
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,998 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpMaxClientLeadTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,998 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpFailOverEndpointState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,999 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,999 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpServiceDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:16,999 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassData
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,000 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,000 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,001 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,001 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPermitList
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,001 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeasesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,002 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,002 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,002 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,003 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAddressState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,003 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpExpirationTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,004 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStartTimeOfState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,004 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLastTransactionTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,004 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpBootpFlag
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,004 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,005 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDnsStatus
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,005 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRequestedHostName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,005 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedHostName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,005 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpReservedForClient
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,006 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedToClient
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,006 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRelayAgentInfo
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,006 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,006 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpErrorLog
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,007 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubnetDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,007 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPoolDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,007 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,008 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,008 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeaseDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,009 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,009 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,009 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,009 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,010 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPoolDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,010 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpGroupDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,010 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,011 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,011 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeasesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,011 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,011 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,012 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpNetMask
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,012 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubclassesDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,013 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,013 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,014 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpExpirationTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,015 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStartTimeOfState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,016 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLastTransactionTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,016 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpBootpFlag
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,016 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,017 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDnsStatus
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,017 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRequestedHostName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,017 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedHostName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,017 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpReservedForClient
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,018 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedToClient
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,018 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRelayAgentInfo
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,018 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,018 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAddressState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,167 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: automountInformation
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,170 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,170 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,171 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,171 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,172 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,172 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,173 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,173 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,173 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,174 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisPublicKey
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,174 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisSecretKey
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,174 (LdifReader:parseVersion:1606) No version information : assuming version: 1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,174 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisDomain
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,201 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaAcctFlags
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,201 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBadPasswordCount
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,201 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBadPasswordTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,201 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaHomeDrive
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaHomePath
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaKickoffTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLMPassword
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogoffTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,202 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonHours
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,203 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonScript
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,203 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonTime
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,203 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaMungedDial
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,203 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNTPassword
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,203 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPasswordHistory
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPrimaryGroupSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaProfilePath
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdCanChange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdLastSet
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdMustChange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,204 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaUserWorkstations
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,205 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,205 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdLastSet
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,205 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,206 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,206 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNTPassword
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,206 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaTrustFlags
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,206 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,207 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,207 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaShareName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,208 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaAlgorithmicRidBase
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,208 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaForceLogoff
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,208 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLockoutDuration
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLockoutObservationWindow
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLockoutThreshold
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonToChgPwd
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaMaxPwdAge
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaMinPwdAge
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,209 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaMinPwdLength
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,210 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextGroupRid
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,210 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextRid
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,210 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextUserRid
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,210 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdHistoryLength
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,210 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaRefuseMachinePwdChange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,211 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,211 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,211 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPrivilegeList
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,211 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,212 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,212 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,213 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,213 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,213 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSIDList
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,213 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,214 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaGroupType
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,214 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,214 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBoolOption
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,214 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaIntegerOption
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,215 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaStringListOption
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,215 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaStringOption
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,215 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaOptionName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,220 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,221 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,222 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,229 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,230 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: bootFile
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,230 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: bootParameter
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,230 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowLastChange
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowMin
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowMax
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowWarning
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowInactive
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowExpire
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,231 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowFlag
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,232 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: oncRpcNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,232 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: loginShell
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,232 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gecos
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,233 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,233 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,233 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: homeDirectory
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,233 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipProtocolNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,234 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisNetgroupTriple
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,234 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: memberNisNetgroup
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,235 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: macAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,235 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: memberUid
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,235 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,236 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipHostNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,236 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapEntry
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,237 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,237 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipServicePort
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,237 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipServiceProtocol
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,238 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipNetmaskNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,238 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipNetworkNumber
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,241 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaRepositoryId
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,242 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaIor
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,242 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaObject
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,255 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,256 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,257 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServicePriority
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,257 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServiceWeight
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,257 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServicePort
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,257 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,257 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,258 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsClass
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,258 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaSerial
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,258 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRefresh
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,258 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRetry
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,259 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaExpire
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,259 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaMName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,259 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,259 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaMinimum
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,259 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,260 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,260 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,260 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsTtl
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,261 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,261 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,294 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,294 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsIpAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,294 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,294 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsCharacterString
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,295 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,295 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,295 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,295 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsIpAddress
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,296 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,296 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsMxPreference
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,296 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,297 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,297 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,297 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,357 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: xmozillanickname
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: xmozillausehtmlmail
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaSecondEmail
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaPostalAddress2
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomePostalAddress2
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeLocalityName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeState
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomePostalCode
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,358 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeCountryName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeFriendlyCountryName
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: homeurl
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: workurl
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom1
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom2
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom3
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom4
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,359 (AbstractValue:apply:191) ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nsAIMid
[ INFO] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,425 (JdbmIndex:init:172) Setting CacheRecondManager's cache size to 100
[ERROR] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,555 (ApacheDSSuiteRunner:run:230) ERR_181 Failed to run the class org.dataone.solr.extensions.SolrExtentionsLDAPSuiteTest
[ERROR] 2019-11-12 05:04:17,556 (ApacheDSSuiteRunner:run:231) /tmp/server-work-org/partitions/system/ (No such file or directory)
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.369 sec <<< FAILURE!
org.dataone.solr.extensions.SolrExtentionsLDAPSuiteTest Time elapsed: 2.365 sec <<< ERROR! /tmp/server-work-org/partitions/system/ (No such file or directory)
at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(
Caused by: /tmp/server-work-org/partitions/system/ (No such file or directory)
... 19 more
Caused by: /tmp/server-work-org/partitions/system/ (No such file or directory)
at Method)
... 22 more
Results :
Tests in error:
org.dataone.solr.extensions.SolrExtentionsLDAPSuiteTest: /tmp/server-work-org/partitions/system/ (No such file or directory)
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0
[ERROR] There are test failures.
Please refer to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:copy-resources (copy-resources) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[debug] execute contextualize
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 7 resources
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:3.0.0:shade (default) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Including aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:3.1.4.RELEASE in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.springframework:spring-tx:jar:3.0.5.RELEASE in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:jar:1.52 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:jar:1.52 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:jar:1.52 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Excluding commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.10 from the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Excluding commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:jar:1.2.1 from the shaded jar.
[INFO] Excluding commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.4 from the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including joda-time:joda-time:jar:2.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.17 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:jar:4.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javax.mail:mail:jar:1.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javax.activation:activation:jar:1.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.2.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:2.0.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:maven-plugin:2.3.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.0.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.13 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:maven-plugin:2.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:jar:4.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_libclient_java:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.jibx:jibx-run:jar: in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including xpp3:xpp3:jar: in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_common_java:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-cache:jar:4.3.6 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.googlecode.foresite-toolkit:foresite:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:jena:jar:2.5.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:arq:jar:2.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:arq-extra:jar:2.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:jenatest:jar:2.5.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:iri:jar:0.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including antlr:antlr:jar:2.7.5 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:concurrent-jena:jar:1.3.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hp.hpl.jena:json-jena:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including stax:stax-api:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:jar:3.0.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including xerces:xmlParserAPIs:jar:2.0.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including rome:rome:jar:0.9 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including jdom:jdom:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_cn_common:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hazelcast:hazelcast:jar:2.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.hazelcast:hazelcast-client:jar:2.4.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.aspectj:aspectjrt:jar:1.7.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:jar:3.6.10.Final in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.6.10.Final in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.hibernate:hibernate-commons-annotations:jar:3.2.0.Final in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javassist:javassist:jar:3.12.0.GA in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.0-api:jar:1.0.1.Final in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including cglib:cglib:jar:3.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:jar:1.2.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-pool:commons-pool:jar:1.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including postgresql:postgresql:jar:8.4-702.jdbc4 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.springframework:spring-jdbc:jar:3.1.4.RELEASE in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.springframework:spring-orm:jar:3.1.4.RELEASE in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:jar:2.4.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_identity_manager:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_cn_noderegistry:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.dataone:d1_portal:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt:jar:3.1.2 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.jcip:jcip-annotations:jar:1.0 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.minidev:json-smart:jar:1.1.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy:oa4mp-client-api:jar:3.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy:oa4mp-client-oauth1:war:3.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy:oa4mp-client-loader-oauth1:jar:3.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy:myproxy-logon:jar:3.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.oauth.core:oauth-httpclient4:jar:20090617 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.oauth.core:oauth:jar:20100527 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.oauth.core:oauth-consumer:jar:20100527 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including net.oauth.core:oauth-provider:jar:20100527 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.9.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Excluding xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.04 from the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.8.3 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-configuration:commons-configuration:jar:1.7 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.8.1 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.7 in the shaded jar.
[INFO] Including org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.7.7 in the shaded jar.
[WARNING] stax-api-1.0-2.jar, stax-api-1.0.jar define 37 overlapping classes:
[WARNING] -$ClassLoaderFinderConcrete
[WARNING] - 27 more...
[WARNING] commons-logging-1.1.1.jar, jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.1.jar define 6 overlapping classes:
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog$1
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.Log
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
[WARNING] xpp3-, stax-api-1.0.jar define 1 overlapping classes:
[WARNING] - javax.xml.namespace.QName
[WARNING] xmlParserAPIs-2.0.2.jar, xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar define 1 overlapping classes:
[WARNING] - org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDOMImplementation
[WARNING] commons-collections-3.2.1.jar, commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar define 10 overlapping classes:
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$EntrySet
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$KeySet
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$CollectionView$CollectionViewIterator
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$Values
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$CollectionView
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$1
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.Buffer
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap
[WARNING] - org.apache.commons.collections.BufferUnderflowException
[WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some class files are
[WARNING] present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only one
[WARNING] single version of the class is copied to the uber jar.
[WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these warnings,
[WARNING] otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts based on
[WARNING] mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above output.
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/dataone/d1_solr_extensions/2.4.0-SNAPSHOT/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/dataone/d1_solr_extensions/2.4.0-SNAPSHOT/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] >>> maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:javadoc (default-cli) > generate-sources @ d1_solr_extensions >>>
[INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.4:create (default) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions' && 'svn' '--non-interactive' 'info'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: null at timestamp: 1573535065405
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions' && 'svn' '--non-interactive' 'info'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN_BRANCH
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc.JavadocReport
[INFO] <<< maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:javadoc (default-cli) < generate-sources @ d1_solr_extensions <<<
[INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:javadoc (default-cli) @ d1_solr_extensions ---
Loading source files for package org.dataone.solr.response...
Loading source files for package org.dataone.solr.servlet...
Loading source files for package org.dataone.solr.handler...
Loading source files for package org.dataone.solr.handler.component...
Constructing Javadoc information...
Standard Doclet version 1.8.0_222
Building tree for all the packages and classes...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/LogSolrQueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/QueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/SolrQueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/LogServiceSessionAuthorizationFilter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/SearchServiceSessionAuthorizationFilter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/SessionAuthorizationFilterStrategy.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/SessionAuthorizationUtil.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/LogSolrQueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/QueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/SolrQueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/SolrLoggingHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/SolrSearchHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/SolrSearchHandlerUtil.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/overview-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/package-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/package-summary.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/package-tree.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/package-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/package-summary.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/package-tree.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/package-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/package-summary.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/package-tree.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/package-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/package-summary.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/package-tree.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/constant-values.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/class-use/QueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/class-use/LogSolrQueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/class-use/SolrQueryEngineDescriptionResponseWriter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/class-use/LogServiceSessionAuthorizationFilter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/class-use/SearchServiceSessionAuthorizationFilter.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/class-use/SessionAuthorizationUtil.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/class-use/SessionAuthorizationFilterStrategy.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/class-use/SolrQueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/class-use/QueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/class-use/LogSolrQueryEngineDescriptionHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/class-use/SolrSearchHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/class-use/SolrLoggingHandler.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/class-use/SolrSearchHandlerUtil.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/package-use.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/package-use.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/response/package-use.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/org/dataone/solr/servlet/package-use.html...
Building index for all the packages and classes...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/overview-tree.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/index-all.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/deprecated-list.html...
Building index for all classes...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/allclasses-frame.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/allclasses-noframe.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/index.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/overview-summary.html...
Generating /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/site/apidocs/help-doc.html...
4 warnings
[WARNING] Javadoc Warnings
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/servlet/ warning - @returns is an unknown tag.
[WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/src/main/java/org/dataone/solr/handler/component/ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface.
[JENKINS] Archiving javadoc
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Join notifier requires a CauseAction
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 22.335 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-12T05:04:28Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
[JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/pom.xml to org.dataone/d1_solr_extensions/2.4.0-SNAPSHOT/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d1_solr_extensions/workspace/d1_solr_extensions/target/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to org.dataone/d1_solr_extensions/2.4.0-SNAPSHOT/d1_solr_extensions-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
channel stopped
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Notifying upstream of completion: Build_Dev_Level_5 #22
Project Build_Dev_Level_5 still waiting for [d1_cn_service, d1_synchronization] builds to complete
Notifying upstream build Build_Dev_Level_5 #22 of job completion
Finished: UNSTABLE